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The Doge πŸ”—

Spanish "commie utopia": survives by stealing land πŸ”—

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Sounds about right.

A shame what blackberry has done with QNX πŸ”—

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Shut down foundry27, ended hobbyist licenses and most importantly quit caring about being a realtime OS. SHAME

General strike in Brazil πŸ”—

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The Free Shit army gets rowdy.

Trump: prime the pump πŸ”—

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On the germans' gold πŸ”—

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1/5 still held hostage at the NY FED. For very obvious reasons of empire.

Tony Cartalucci gets it πŸ”—

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There already is a free market - and those who currently dominate human civilization used that freedom to accrue for themselves unwarranted power and influence at the cost of the majority.

We must understand that while the "state" is a human construct, it is backed up by very real physical force, economic monopolies, financial domination, and industrial might. The only way to secure our own place within the existing free market, is to diminish these advantages through establishing an incremental balance of power between blocs, states, within states, and eventually between individuals.

Do this by creating alternatives to the current monopolies of money and industry, redistributing the current concentration of power, wealth, and influence through localized entrepreneurship.

The cost in the free market for organized individuals to impose their will upon others is not only minimal, it is profitable. Remove the profit and increase the cost, and this involuntary imposition of will becomes nearly impossible.
Your freedom is directly proportional to your ability to resist the imposition of tyranny, and your lack of need for .gov.

Primitive Technology: Water hammer πŸ”—

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Using fire as a drill now, his technique is improving

McAfee on his new privacy phone πŸ”—

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Will be interesting to see the audits.

Brazil: breaking it's laws to expropriate natives πŸ”—

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This never happens anywhere...

Virtual Assistants getting pretty exciting πŸ”—

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Lots of people are making their jobs easier with VIs.

MOAB: Dud πŸ”—

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Linebacker II couldn't stop the VC, no reason to expect these would stop any other insurgency.

Why engineers pursue side projects πŸ”—

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If you don’t pay them more, then you as the business owner or middle manager have broken the employment contract. (Remember the part about performance and raise and bonus?) Many middle managers and business owners get amnesia when raise and bonus time comes. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

The beauty of daylighting is it goes back to a meritocracy in its purest form. I serve clients, I smash deadlines, and other people, either customers, or other clients, pay me money. There is no office politics. There are no broken employment contracts. For my side business, every hour I side hustle at my day job translates directly into more money. And the amount of money my side hustle gains me is more than any paltry raise or bonus you middle managers will ever produce.

Daylighting is the natural byproduct of middle managers abandoning the meritocracy due to laziness or greed. I bet middle managers are out there right now saying, β€œWhy should I give a programmer a 20% raise? It’s too much money! No matter how much they pump out.” But these same middle managers never do a dollarization measure of what the extra output gains their company.
I've known more than my share of engineers doing this. Set a high bar for yourself, and then things stagnate after two years. You either leave, daylight or check out mentally.

Dan Sanchez on the current situation πŸ”—

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The state has impoverished its subjects through its ruinous burdens and meddling, and it has used democratic demagoguery to shift the blame and pit its victims against each other. It has divided America up into rival ravenous tribes, and the crowds we see facing off in the streets of Berkeley are the vanguards of those hungry hordes.
Divide et empera.

Barrett Brown back behind Bars πŸ”—

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For doing interviews without the BOP's permission. What a transparent abuse of power and violation of 1A.

Iran hysteria: still going strong πŸ”—

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My money's still on a nork invasion, but with all the marines around who can really rule out trying to take Iran down a peg? It could all be more of Trump's art of the deal acting like a loose cannon to secure a better starting negotiating position. Trouble is all his subordinates will likely start something real with all this heated rhetoric flying around.

Trump tax plan: Crush sole proprietors πŸ”—

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Removing the state and local tax exemption would crush most TX small businessmen; having to pay the franchise tax, sales tax, property tax AND federal taxes is a bridge too far. Otherwise it hooks up investors and employees, so I'm sure it's got the votes.

Venezuela busy expanding their Sturmarbeitelung πŸ”—

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TOOT TOOT! Next Stop, Auschwitz!

How not to secure email πŸ”—

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Scam WOW!

Southwest to quit overbooking πŸ”—

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Good reaction to the delta fiasco. Fractional reserves are always and everywhere playing with fire.

Trump wimps out on NAFTA πŸ”—

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As expected. "It needs to be MORE crony!!!"

Trump continues to agitate against Norks πŸ”—

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Going to have a UN hubbub on Friday. The Japs and Souks are sweating bullets and as usual the Russians are counseling restraint; One hopes cooler heads prevail, but I doubt it. The POTUS has all he needs to start it all up without anyone's approval.

Mish on the Markets πŸ”—

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I did not have an initial number at the start of the quarter other than β€œI’ll take the under, way under” in response to initial estimates from GDPNow.

I expect I will be saying the same thing again.

The only things holding up the economy are housing and aircraft orders. I believe the latter has skewed many of the soft data regional Fed reports.

Hard data is starting to look ugly. Autos have rolled over, bank lending has rolled over, retail sales have been weak, and credit card defaults are up sharply.
Which is why they're gonna take us to war.

Trump: Surrenders troop numbers to Mattis πŸ”—

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Now we get a real afghan surge, I suppose.

Japan's Role in the snitch grid πŸ”—

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A sixth eye.

A cure for pain, a cause for the painless πŸ”—

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Remarkable work.

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