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The Doge πŸ”—

Smart Meters: overcharge by up to 6x πŸ”—

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That's the whole point.
The inaccurate readings are attributed to the energy meter’s design, together with the increasing use of modern (often energy-efficient) switching devices. Here, the electricity being consumed no longer has a perfect waveform, instead it acquires an erratic pattern. The designers of modern energy meters have not made sufficient allowance for switching devices of this kind.

When they dismantled the energy meters tested, the researchers found that the ones associated with excessively high readings contained a β€˜Rogowski Coil’ while those associated with excessively low readings contained a β€˜Hall Sensor’. Frank Leferink (Professor of Electromagnetic Compatibility at the UT) points out that β€œThe energy meters we tested meet all the legal requirements and are certified. These requirements, however, have not made sufficient allowance for modern switching devices.”

Border idiots now issuing vocational tests πŸ”—

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And lying about it. When asked β€œβ€˜I’ve got a problem, I’m trying to write a computer program, can you help me?’”, the correct answer is "that'll run you about $5,000, payable up front."

More developments in Donbass πŸ”—

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Let’s sum all this up:

* The Urkonazis completely close down the unofficial border with Novorussia
* Russia recognizes Novorussian documents
* The DNR and LNR nationalize all the Ukrainian industry in the Donbass
* The Ukronazis declare that the line of contact is now to be considered a border
* The Novorussians declare that the Russian Ruble is the only legal currency in Novorussia
* The Novorussians will now export their entire production of coal/anthracite to Russia
* All the factories in Novorussia will no longer pay taxes to Kiev

I don’t know about you – but to me this sure looks like the DNR and LNR are cutting off their last ties to the Ukraine and the the junta in Kiev appears to go along with this plan.

Taleb's Latest πŸ”—

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Greenpeace gets nailed for hyperbole πŸ”—

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Like most of the wacko enviros, their claims of disaster are almost totally overblown.

German cities banning diesels from entering πŸ”—

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Good luck enforcing that without a nationwide ban...which given they are Germans, is likely to follow.

Mattis: tried to provoke Iran into war πŸ”—

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And only failed due to the leak of the plan. Expect a gulf of tonkin moment soon I suppose.

TSA punishing opt outs even more πŸ”—

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As expected.

AWS is hiding in CIA datacenters πŸ”—

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Surprising precisely no one.

Li-On inventor's last hurrah πŸ”—

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3x the capacity, smaller and won't explode. Also made out of much cheaper materials. The man is a genius. John Goodenough, patron of humanity.

BtC losers falling in love with trackability πŸ”—

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To fight bogus "human trafficking" of course.

Uber's snitch avoidance program πŸ”—

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Good. I'm glad they are protecting their agents and customers from state interference and oppression.

Mises Cuba guys thrown in a hole πŸ”—

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Like most other political prisoners in Cuba.

New UN ambassador loses new Syria sanctions πŸ”—

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Because they were based on bogus chemical weapons claims.

Obama's golden parachute πŸ”—

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Writes a book doorstop.

NY Teamsters pension goes bust πŸ”—

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As expected.

Asia Times is back πŸ”—

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Great news. Glad to see Pepe is back writing for them too.

Giraldi: something fishy about Flynn resignation πŸ”—

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Phil's usually right about this stuff:
Yes, I know this is largely speculation, but former colleagues and I have come to suspect something does not smell right with the Hannigan resignation and would seem to be quite plausibly related to Flynn. It also explains how and why the investigation proceeded as aggressively as it did: information derived from a major foreign intelligence partner could not be easily dismissed or ignored and would have to be acted upon.

Mosul assault going about like you would expect πŸ”—

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Like everywhere else, they realized they could only win by levelling the damn place, and are proceeding to do so.

Trump speech: Lincoln leg humping πŸ”—

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Grab your barf bag

More shrinks figuring out psychedelics πŸ”—

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"Psilocybin does in 30 seconds what antidepressants take three to four weeks to do," David Nutt, a professor of neuropsychopharmacology in the division of brain sciences at Imperial College London explains in the film. Researchers have found that a single dose of psilocybin accompanied by therapy can have a transformational effect on mental health β€” like a "surgical intervention" β€” able to treat even cases of depression and anxiety that resist standard treatment.
Mystical experiences are key for getting your shit sorted out.

Skin Printer πŸ”—

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Truly Great.

Virtue Signaling: Cometh before a fall πŸ”—

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As all prideful behavior does.

Big Doins' in Kyrgistan πŸ”—

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NED up to its' usual tricks, one would assume.

Serious mammoth cloning effort underway πŸ”—

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