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The Doge πŸ”—

Mellidosis: Apparently a pretty bad infectious agent πŸ”—

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And of course the MIC ghouls drool over it's potential as a bioweapon.

Aramco IPO: 500x overvalued πŸ”—

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Not a bubble at all

Great HN haterade πŸ”—

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Funny stuff.

H-Town de-facto decrims cannabis πŸ”—

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4oz or less, they'll still hassle people plenty.

DMOZ Dies πŸ”—

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RIP, internet pioneer.

Wikipedos hatin' on southfront πŸ”—

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As usual, red tape strangling the little guy πŸ”—

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All regulations are more properly seen as minimum price controls, which screw over the little guy serving other little guys.

Machiavelli in the White House πŸ”—

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Interesting piece on one of Trump's most effective propagandists.

The Cop who took down the IRS phishing scam callcenter πŸ”—

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Real Indian Hero, menace to dollar-choppers.

Chelsea Clinton continuing to work on her political carreer πŸ”—

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Grab your barf bag

Wendy's Hops on the automation train πŸ”—

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Trump's attacks on the media an entirely positive development πŸ”—

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Not only is he encouraging competition, he's bringing back the adversarial streak these sycophantic losers should have had the whole time.

Millenials: still staying home despite the ginned up economy πŸ”—

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Once burned, twice shy. This is wise actually -- living without rent amongst those you can trust is tremendously valuable to you. That said, some of them are just totally beat down by the system and atlas has shrugged. Eventually this "they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work" will hit all of the economy like it did in the USSR.

France's deradicalization efforts: a flop πŸ”—

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Imprisonment can't de-radicalise. Only jobs and loving your family does that -- the state hates both.

Why the State hates kinship πŸ”—

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Cause it wants to be your federal family. The path to freedom is instead found in strengthening your actual clan and stoking the flame within them.

New book by FED insider reveals what has been obvious πŸ”—

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E.G. They're all a bunch of chimps with bazookas.

African Intel bureaus: as much a menace as here πŸ”—

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Praetorians everywhere

Chicago becoming a strategic hamlet πŸ”—

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Imposing 24/7 lockdown, basically.

USG Border crap officially gestapo πŸ”—

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Of course it has been for a while, but at least some of the brainwashed can admit we live in a police state now.

The Debt Ceiling is Back πŸ”—

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I expect clowngrefs and the prez to roll over and kick the can once again.

Good Summary of Trump so far from the Dykes πŸ”—

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Tel Aviv "mows the lawn" again in Gaza City πŸ”—

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E.G. more bombs.

Bob Woodward is right about the media whiners πŸ”—

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Seek to 0:12 for the summary

Speaking of commies, here's a Russian perspective πŸ”—

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So, why didn’t communists build? Don’t you think that they didn’t build because they didn’t want you to spend your money you worked for? You grandmothers, mothers and fathers, they all were saving money in a bank. Right? If people were allowed to buy cars and furniture, they would spend their money. Furniture gets old, cars get old, after awhile they lose their values. But money held value, and it was very easy to take all the savings from people. Hahaha…. They took all our money! That’s why they didn’t build more plants and manufactures. They had been stealing our money in cosmic proportion. Only because people were so brainwashed, they didn’t recognize the unprecedented scale of theft.

The communists were buying dollars with our hard earned rubles and were giving billions away as β€œloans” to many African and Latin American and Asian countries, to everyone. There were no plans to repay those money. The communists knew that. In some Congo or another, with our money they set up multiple foundations administrated by mice who made themselves huge gesheft with our money for their children and also for their tribe. The main aim of this pillaging that started in the 80s was to dismantle the state of the USSR. It was the communists who destroyed the USSR, do you even understand it? According to the scenario, at some point the USSR had to run out of money, nation was to be brought to the point of a complete dependency on the West, that’s why they conducted this daily cosmic-size looting.
They knew from day 1 it wouldn't work, but that it was weapons-grade E. Pluribus Fool'em. So they stole like their lives depended on it (and they did!)

NYT back to humping commies' legs πŸ”—

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"There will be no return to the Communism of five-year plans and gulags." Yeah right.

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