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The Doge πŸ”—

Will Grigg's latest podcast is great πŸ”—

🏷️ news

On the latest immigration scare, same as the old eastern european commie terrorist boogeyman.

The Pentagram gets a base in Peru πŸ”—

🏷️ news
A major upset. After being kicked out of almost all of S. America, they're baaaaack!

French now ramping up the Russia paranoia πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Since their guy Macron looks like he may just lose to Le Pen, they are trying the same failed playbook from the USA. It'll probably fail there too.

Mises Cuba getting rounded up and imprisoned πŸ”—

🏷️ news
May the detestable regime in Havana be reverse raptured to hell.

Sounds like S. Korea is having problems with hitlernomics πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Just like us!

Forced to give birth in a jail cell for a traffic ticket πŸ”—

🏷️ news
After many years of serving the beast, compassion is foreign to the orcs.

Jim Rickards: All wet πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Oooh, he got Gary North mad at him now. Not that Gary isn't all wet in his own special way.

Nabulina gets central banker of the year nod πŸ”—

🏷️ news
That's good. She's the least moronic of the bunch.

Yemeni journo whacked for investigating houthi corruption πŸ”—

🏷️ news
The new bosses are assuredly no better than Hadi.

DAPL rams through πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Of course, the tribes will lay down and take it as usual.

Brexit passes commons overwhelmingly πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Not a surprise. Neither is how it will be messed up and adulterated into a complete abortion by the time it happens.

Maxine Waters: Impeach Trump... πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Because Putin is invading Korea. What?

Amnesty going for a bogus causus belli πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Oh no, Assad operates black sites and tortures people to death! Oh, like the victims W gave to him to torture to death?

The commie pope strikes a nerve, gets plackarded πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Ah Francis, you have intervened in Congregations, removed priests, decapitated the Order of Malta and the Franciscans of the Immaculate, ignored Cardinals... but where is your mercy?

Oh yeah, Trump also wants a 'safe zone' in Yemen πŸ”—

🏷️ news
More like free fire zone.

AQAP capo mocks Trump, survived raid πŸ”—

🏷️ news
All that for nothing eh? Schmuck should have brought 'em home.

Looking more and more like Iran war is a lock πŸ”—

🏷️ news

Flynn has also gone rabid. It looks like while Trump gets that W gave Iraq to Iran, he now wants it back. The ayatollahs will be more than willing to throw that tarbaby into the briar patch for us, I'm sure.

Trump pours fertilizer on the Cops πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Double down on the war on everything. Septimus Severus indeed; rise to power promising to be Pertinax, be anything but.

Whitehead's latest: FIB == Gestapo πŸ”—

🏷️ news
They ARE the StaPo after all. And they did get a fascist injection several times over history.

Pentagram wants more cannon fodder for Afghanistan πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Pretty sure the fourth time won't be the charm.

Japan: BtC gets regulated πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Being "legal tender" not all it's cracked up to be. Still, at least they have to rubber hose cryptography your ass to till tap you, so it's better than the alternative.

Martial Law imposed in Espirito Santo, Brazil πŸ”—

🏷️ news
The local PoPo decided to turn rabid and have to be put down.

FEC found to be in collusion with the D&Rs to suppress 3rd parties πŸ”—

🏷️ news
I'm totally shocked to hear this from the FECless. This court decision changes nothing. They'll still shut 'em out of everything.

USG: outrages even the puppet Hadi govt in Yemen πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Talk about blundering. Can't even keep their sock puppet in line.

Russkies bomb the Turks accidentally πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Yet another good reason to not get involved in the first place. Nonintervention is as good an idea for the Russians as it is for us.

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