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The Doge πŸ”—

USG failed it's audit as usual πŸ”—

🏷️ news
As of September 30, 2016, America’s youth owed the federal government $953.6 billion from student loans.
Talk about some contra-assets man...Oh wait, this is gov accounting where we live in big rock candy mountain and we book stuff when we feel like it.

And yet still take a $1tn operating loss bringing us to a -$19tn net worth. If that isn't insolvent, I don't know what is. Nevermind the unfunded liabilities they decide to dance around as the 'fiscal gap'.

BONUS: T-bills getting dumped. EU/US buys them (schmucks).

Even more flee the empire πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Another record year for citizenship renunciation. FATCA really is a rolling disaster.

The newest ATLAS πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Big improvements:

BONUS: Another spiffy RoboVid:

Ukie Rada out with more laughs πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Rada adopted a new law making factual analysis of the Ukraine’s economy and even private conversations about the past to be instance of the β€œfamily based terrorism.”
The "everything is terrorism" hysteria is always worst during active war.

The automated supermarket πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Neglect to use your amazon go app, and start shoplifting! It's that easy!

Shrinkage concerns aside, automatic compilation of goods to be purchased would likely decrease shrinkage due to the shop being a panopticon, supposing you have sufficient lead space in front of the entry for armed security to look menacing.

BONUS: BoFA going people-less too! Just walk in, tie your winch to the teller machine, and drive off!

Yet another DPR/LPR capo whacked πŸ”—

🏷️ news
He who liveth by the sword shall also die by it.

Aussie RE keg of shit about to explode πŸ”—

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Pop goes the housing bubble

Yet another russkie rabblerouser gets poisoned πŸ”—

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From the 'good to be the king' department

Finally, a bill that sounds like it's worthwhile πŸ”—

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H.R.899 - To terminate the Department of Education.

Yet again: your website sucks πŸ”—

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Guess who's website doesn't :D

Meanwhile, Trump is busy calling the IRGC Terrorists πŸ”—

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...despite no evidence of this. Savak & it's successors like our state security apparatus are the ones to blame for fomenting terror domestically and abroad.

Israeli Settlements Legalized πŸ”—

🏷️ news
As usual, .gov is behind the times. These settlements are huge and good luck getting rid of 'em.

Trump's "re-open black sites" EO disappears πŸ”—

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Likely after learning they're still open.

AZ repeals gold suppression πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Excellent news.

1M wide hole melted through pressure vessel in Fukushima πŸ”—

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In other words, its exactly as bad as Chernobyl. There's an "elephant's foot" down there somewhere.

ClimateGate II πŸ”—

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This time NOAA rushed shoddy science to influence the Paris Accords. Not shocked at all.

Le Pen's fortunes on the rise πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Main competitor revealed to be corrupt.

UPDATE: Another competitor sounds likely to be outed by wikileaks soon.

Pentagram Withdraws Decade-Old Video They Claimed Was Netted in Yemen Raid πŸ”—

🏷️ news
When asked for clarification, they respond with a mix of insane forgetting and not caring.

Latest travesty on campus: no defense allowed! πŸ”—

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It might traumatize the alleged victim for the defendant to yanno, defend himself.

New Zim notes going as well as you would expect πŸ”—

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E.G. not well at all.

Statists: tear down muh roads πŸ”—

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Make up your minds, losers

Stratus: the servers that cannot die πŸ”—

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Hot swap CPUs, Ram and Peripherals, man! I'd love it if I could have a rig like this.

USG giving heavy weapons to the SDF (kurd militias) πŸ”—

🏷️ news
This can't possibly go wrong long term. Every faction we arm over there simply makes a larger sectarian conflict more likely and bloody.

Trump fires a Bureaucrat: DC outraged πŸ”—

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Don't those pols know we run the show? Time to start sharpening our knives.

BONUS: Some of them are actually crying.

Duterte: Yankee Go Home πŸ”—

🏷️ news
USA: Yeah... sorry but I need to build more bases over on your turf.

BONUS: Looks like he has troll's remorse over his drug war. Which seems entirely temporary.

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