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The Doge πŸ”—

Remarkable DJT EO πŸ”—

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He ordered that when bureaucrats who are administering and enforcing the law have discretion with respect to the time, place, manner and severity of its enforcement, they should exercise that discretion in favor of individuals and against the government.
Not that the authoritarian creeps packing the bureaucracy will do that, but it's a nice sentiment.

Venezuela: Arresting BtC miners πŸ”—

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The financial repression continues.

Trump: Let's have "safe zones" in Syria πŸ”—

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More unconditional support for Murder, Inc. despite the people hating the idea of a war for Al-Qaeda over there.

Syria/Iraq War update πŸ”—

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Sounds like Eastern Mosul has been largely wrapped up by the Iraqis, but at great cost with the minimum force required.

US Army deploying around Kaliningrad πŸ”—

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Hoping to get a provocation going before the Inauguration, I suppose. Hey, it worked in Panama...

IDF goon convicted of murder, so Knesset gives special dispensation going forward πŸ”—

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Murder in service of the state A-OK, sez the pols. The prophets would disagree -- Netanyoohoo's future may be as an ass braying in the fields.

Illinois: Barbers, Stylists press-ganged into being Blockwalters πŸ”—

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The snitch-grid expands.

Speaking of the Trump BS... πŸ”—

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Tillerson: Start a war with China over the Spratlys. Yeaaaaah, that'll work...

Corbett has two good podcasts lately πŸ”—

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This one on the kakistocracy is good root-striking stuff. I'm surprised James had never heard the term before. Rule by the Worst is sort of what L'etat selects for.

More on how much of a farce this "intelligence report" is which implies we gotta throw out DJT and start WWIII with the Russians. They say they have no damned proof in the report!

Scott Horton on the Russian Hacking BS πŸ”—

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the real question is whether Donald Trump is going to take this lying down. The agency is pulling rank on him hard right now like he was weak pathetic Barack β€œCIA Gets What It Wants” Obama. If he doesn’t knock the hell out of them from his first day in office it’ll be clear that they wear the pants and he is their humble servant, as per usual.
Exactly. If he doesn't burn down the Janissary barracks right away, he will be a failure.

Gladio B: "Just let it happen" returns to Germany πŸ”—

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Like it ever left.

Yet another Russian diplomat dropped πŸ”—

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While I have no pity for diplomats, this is yet more evidence of the vicious nature of our empire. Likely NATO & Derin Devlet plot.

FIB press-ganging geek squad πŸ”—

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Scan all them computers worked on for crimethink

DJT: Sane on Vaccines? πŸ”—

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Time will tell.

Ankle Bracelets for Suspicion πŸ”—

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Just buy my rhetoric, buy my lies, cuz YOU'RE MAH SLAVE!

Yet another cretin trys to rob gun store, gets dropped πŸ”—

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True Justice

"I gave Trump a golden shower...He liked it very much" πŸ”—

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Literally! A solid gold shower. Stackin, bitchezzzz

Cloudflare Joins the fight against writs of assistance πŸ”—

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In their modern form, the National Security Letter. Good on them.

Croats legalize it πŸ”—

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Excellent news

Neutralizing IME πŸ”—

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Cool Stuff.

Fatah: continues to be useless πŸ”—

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More support for a No-State solution. The Pols on both sides of the Palestine question are crooks from top to bottom.

PizzaGate and the "Sex Trafficking" hokum πŸ”—

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Guess which is the real fake news

Pena Nieto to continue martial law πŸ”—

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Legalize Drugs Now!

CIA: Russia stole the election πŸ”—

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Takes one to know one? In any case the CIA is possibly the least credible organization on earth; their lies are legion. Anyways, Lindsey Graham gets to be Joe McCarthy 2.0 now.

RoboGymnast πŸ”—

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