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The Doge πŸ”—

Inventor of General Tso's chicken dies πŸ”—

🏷️ news
More important to me than any president

Phone fee fraud: still a big thing πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Telcos are ridiculous.

Guess what 787s and Patriot missiles have in common? πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Gotta reboot 'em every night. QUALITY!

Gambia: bye bye dictatorship? πŸ”—

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Time will tell whether the new guy is worth a damn at all.

Oops, Mark Cuban and Shark Tank bought stolen goods πŸ”—

🏷️ news
A company that ninja-reorganized illegally to screw over it's initial funders.

Extreme hydrophobic coatings & capillary action: flow without pumps πŸ”—

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That could vastly increase reliability in cooling systems.

Snoopers charter: UK pols think themselves exempt πŸ”—

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AHAHAHAHAHA! These idiots think they won't be blackmailed by the security services with these powers? That's the funniest damn thing I've ever heard.

Pentagram to ramp up it's propaganda program πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Gotta fight that fake news, yanno.

Egypt flipping sides to Syria? πŸ”—

🏷️ news
The pentagram is gonna be pissed...

Taste as sweet with 40% less sugar πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Getting it better dissolved into solution with better processes. This is good.

The real problem with the refugees in Europe πŸ”—

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Merkel effectively says:

The door is open, come on in, everyone is welcome! Just don’t setup a bakery, until you have a license that you cannot afford, or an apprenticeship you cannot get because no one will hire you!
So, despair and handouts is all you can get. Guaranteed to create a violent underclass out of these refugees.

Brexit: article 50 is a scam πŸ”—

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Just leave.

LCS: as much of a stinker as the F-35 πŸ”—

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As expected.

Hackers knock over Russian Central Bank πŸ”—

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Good reason not to have a central bank.

Trump has really delivered on the Carrier thing πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Keeps jobs in USA in exchange for tax breaks. Weaken the state and strengthen the market? SIGN ME UP!!!

Israel: forced fingerprinting coming soon πŸ”—

🏷️ news
The police state comes home from palestine.

EPA gets that banning feeling πŸ”—

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About to ban whole swaths of chemicals for no good reason.

What this here compound needs is some hydrogen peroxide πŸ”—

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Fun with nitrogenated chemicals. And miraculously without unplanned detonation!
The experimental section of the paper is worth a read, and again, you can tell that Matzger’s group has good technique because everyone made it intact to the writing of the manuscript. There are pictures of the crystals themselves, which are very nice, until you realize that they’re plotting to blow you into the ceiling crawl space at the first opportunity. It says that β€œno unplanned detonations were encountered” during the work, which is a nice distinction. For most of us in the lab, every detonation has a spontaneous zing to it, a je ne sais quoi that you really just have to experience, because words are insufficient. It expands your horizons while it expands your fume hood, and if the sensation is not to your taste, you may find yourself expanding your employment possibilities to, say, a relaxing job wrangling Komodo dragons for the better class of pet store. I might consider that myself if I had to repeat this paper – I don’t want any CL-20 (pretty sure about that), I don’t want to handle any 98% hydrogen peroxide (very sure about that indeed), and once I’ve crystallized the two together, which is the sort of thing most people would consider a very unfortunate accident, I most definitely do not want to take the powder X-ray diffraction spectrum of the stuff by β€œfinely grinding and packing the material” into a sample holder. Who the hell got to be the first person to try that, and what were they wearing while they did it?

Marijuana use leads to less brain blood flow πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Well, it IS a vasoconstrictor like nicotine, which does the same exact thing. That said, given I've seen more people "smoke themselves stupid" on hash than cigs, the effect certainly is more pronounced.

Congress sneaking in a lame duck vote for Syria No Fly Zone πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Very troubling development.

New treasury secretary: Soros crony & Goldmanite πŸ”—

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"Master Manipulator" : Fraud at the CDC πŸ”—

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Sounds like a real sewer of corruption.

Haggis ban (mostly) over πŸ”—

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No free trade in the land of the free

Breitbart was dissing podesta shortly before death πŸ”—

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And about the pedo stuff to boot. Also worth noting in the Podesta emails the thinly veiled death threat ("somebody should look in on him") about the DNC staffer who leaked most of the first batch of emails. Would not be shocked if he was whacked to cover up a DC pedo ring.

CNN: wear a hijab πŸ”—

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get culturally enriched by the MSM

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