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The Doge πŸ”—

Barrett Brown: out of jail! πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Excellent News.

Mosul assault settling into Siege πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Too well fortified for the Iraqis to take.

Meanwhile, the goal is to clear Aleppo before inauguration πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Would considerably simplify things to have the Qaeda guys holding no significant urban areas.

Erdogan: we are in Syria to end Assad πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Theoretically, so is the USG. But, he's got tanks, choppers and artillery on the ground right now, so I think this is a bit more serious. Very, very close to open war.

Bypass bitlocker during windows update πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Shift+F10 to bypass disk encryption. I swear this shit is on purpose.

Classical liberalism comes to JoBurg πŸ”—

🏷️ news
I hope it comes to all of South Africa; they've been abused by their political class for far too long.

Millenial generation: losing faith in the god that failed πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Democracy, that is.

Militants in Syria continue to have major losses πŸ”—

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The SDF and Army have serious momentum now.

Commie pope: intends to sell chinese christians down the river πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Allowing the government to appoint bishops is not Christian.

PCR on the WaPo smears: "Dear Mr. Putin" πŸ”—

🏷️ news
This is the best so far:
I don’t know what the pay scale for Russian agents is, but whatever I have coming to me please deposit in a Russian bank. The Swiss banks are no longer useful as the Swiss government allowed Washington to write its banking laws. Perhaps also you could line me up with a publisher for my memoirsβ€”β€œMy Life As A Putin Stooge.”

We need to get on with this ASAP as the Washington Post has the FBI on my tail. They will be very angry at me for deceiving them all those years when I held top secret and higher security clearances while I was a Russian agent. Any day now the Washington Post might discover that my fellow KGB agent Ronald Reagan and I cut taxes on the rich in order to make capitalism so oppressive that the American people would rise up and overthrow it. Boy did we fool the left-wing!

Lessig: In the tank for HRC πŸ”—

🏷️ news
"Get the money out of politics". HAHAHAHAH! As I say to all of Lessig's supporters: get the power out of politics; that's why the money's there in the first place.

CPSC smacked down on magnet ban πŸ”—

🏷️ news
One bit of good news in the sea of meddling from the bureaucrats.

Ants cultivate coffee bushes in canopy of trees πŸ”—

🏷️ news
They apparently make good homes.

Tight nanotubes: raises water boiling, freezing point dramatically πŸ”—

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Oktober cultural enrichment πŸ”—

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State subsidized immigration going about like you would expect in Germany.

FT: Russia helping out Hungarian NAZIs πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Given the history, NATO is the more likely culprit. GLADIO was all about helping NAZIs. That said, I wouldn't put it past the Russian state.

Amazon employee jumps off the roof πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Somebody call Foxconn, gotta get them suicide nets

Nutcase with machete at OSU πŸ”—

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Of course, the media gets it wrong and calls it an active shooter. The real story on these things takes months to get out. For what it's worth, the apparent attacker claimed he's not what the media portrays him to be as a muslim refugee. Yeah, he's a failure at being a nut too; couldn't even kill one of 'em.

Radionucleide stolen from Busheyr, Neocons flip out πŸ”—

🏷️ news
SEE! SEE! SOMEONE MIGHT STEAL THEIR NUKES, SO INVADE!!!!1 Oh, like how the Israelis stole fissile material from the USA in the 60s? Hawk, invade thyself.

Possible Cold vacccine? πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Good news, if so.

The nazification of India πŸ”—

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People are just now figuring this out about the BJP?

Varoufakis' Crony UBI πŸ”—

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Have the state own most shares and fund UBI through dividend issues. This is just socialism.

Aspartame: increases insulin Resistance πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Smash your sweet tooth if you don't want diabetes.

Pentagram being indian giver with GI bill for Reservists πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Like I say to everyone, don't believe the recruiters' lies.

Carbon-Silicon bonds induced in E. Coli πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Quite the breakthrough.

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