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The Doge πŸ”—

Valeant execs now being arrested πŸ”—

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Good, they all belong in the slammer.

Texas Tech's "Free to Exchange" is pretty good πŸ”—

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The latest entry from the Misesian econ department over there.

What a "safe zone" in Syria looks like: Nuclear War πŸ”—

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It's the natural path of escalation. Anyways, if the new administration has any sense, they will go for a simpler sphere of influence plan; which to be fair has been their strategy up to this point.

BlimpBot πŸ”—

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My Question: Why not make it swim through the air?

The excuse for climate data falsification πŸ”—

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Essentially, it's "we can't be bothered to properly calibrate our measuring equipment". How about you actually do it right, and remove the possibility of fudging. It's the only way to be trusted.

Peace Nears in Yemen? πŸ”—

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Lord, I hope so.

Pentagram Idiots: Strategic hamlets are Awesome! πŸ”—

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Let's build walls and forts everywhere to turn cities into concentration camps! That'll win hearts and minds!

First CRISPR modification of humans done πŸ”—

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In China. Suck on that one FDA clowns.

AT&T's surveillance fortress in NYC πŸ”—

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We've got five similar forts built by ATT in Houston.

MSM lashes out against the competition πŸ”—

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As predicted, there is no introspection, just doubling down on the arrogance.

Mish has the best take:
Question for NY Mag: Why are garbage sites like My Daily Viral, Bustie and other suspect sites listed in your ads, not on your list of sites to stay away from?

Suggestion: NY Mag, before bitching about others, with no reasons given, I suggest you look at your own clickbait ads as a very good starting point for sites to stay away from!
Whitehouse is staying on message too with hating on "unapproved" media:

Meanwhile citi jumps on the cashless train in Austrailia πŸ”—

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India Cash ban going badly as expected πŸ”—

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Looting and desperation. 98% of the economy is cash, unbanked and untaxed. Quite the rude awakening now.

Steve Bannon as Trump's NeoCon corruptor πŸ”—

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Sounds about right. Figured Bannon was no good for a while, considering the overall low quality of articles from Breitbart.

BONUS: Bannon exposed as being puppet of the arch-neocon Mercer family, who are Giuliani homies. It's all starting to come together.

Modi's cash ban as popular as expected πŸ”—

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E.G. not at all.

Sherriff raided by the FIB πŸ”—

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Somebody musta not been paid off this month.

Peter Schiff: MAGA? good luck with that πŸ”—

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He correctly realizes that the only way to drain the swamp involves declaring national bankruptcy.

Marx TV drama coming πŸ”—

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Gag me. Gotta make people identify with these authoritarian ideas yanno.

Gary North on Trump πŸ”—

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Here is the bottom line: the Washington bureaucracies can be controlled only by one thing, which is budget cuts. Nothing else scares them. Nothing else affects them. Only if their budgets are cut will their influence be reduced. We will see with Trump's proposed budgets over the next four years how committed he is to changing the system. If there are no budget cuts, there is not going to be a revolution. It's very simple.

Ultimately, the Speaker of the House is the dominant figure with respect to the federal budget. The United States Constitution places initiatory authority over the budget in the House of Representatives. I realize that the federal government pays no attention to this any longer, but legally speaking, this is the law. Paul Ryan is the guy who holds the hammer. The Ways and Means committee is where the decisions ought to be made with respect to the federal budget. But, these days, the President of the United States is the one who submits the budget.

Donald Trump knows nothing about this. Hardly anybody knows much about this. This will determine what happens over the next four years. If he takes a blue pencil to the budget, he really can change the country. He is not going to do it. The powers that be, which this week are not yet the powers that be, will make sure that the flow of information to his desk is tightly controlled. Garbage in, garbage out. Keynesianism in, Keynesianism out.

TAMU's cyclocopter πŸ”—

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HOLY CRAP that is a simple configuration to deal with and power mechanically. The big three could even figure this crap out -- this might just be the breakthrough we've been waiting for to have a true skycar.

Scouting: reduces chance of mental issues 15% πŸ”—

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The effect is likely true of all clubs, but scouting is useful in all areas of life, so I highly recommend it.

DNC kool-aid drinkers raging hard πŸ”—

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Wouldn't be shocked if these OWS style protests persist for a couple of weeks and then peter out. The real protests won't start until our new dictator uses the power of senate and the house behind him to do whatever the hell he wants.

Somebody gets it why the DNC failed πŸ”—

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If the smug style can be reduced to a single sentence, it's, Why are they voting against their own self-interest? But no party these past decades has effectively represented the interests of these dispossessed. Only one has made a point of openly disdaining them too.

Abandoned and without any party willing to champion their interests, people cling to candidates who, at the very least, are willing to represent their moral convictions. The smug style resents them for it, and they resent the smug in turn.
South Park called it long ago in "Smug Alert".

Saker's take on Trump πŸ”—

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Finally, whether the US elites can accept this or not, the US Empire is coming to an end. With Hillary, we would have had a Titanic-like denial up to the last moment which might well have come in the shape of a thermonuclear mushroom over Washington DC. Trump, however, might use the remaining power of the USA to negotiate the US global draw-down thereby getting the best possible conditions for his country. Frankly, I am pretty sure that all the key world leaders realize that it is in their interest to make as many (reasonable) concessions to Trump as possible and work with him, rather than to deal with the people whom he just removed from power.

If Trump can stick to his campaign promises he will find solid and reliable partners in Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Neither Russia nor China have anything at all to gain from a confrontation or, even less so, a conflict with the USA. Will Trump have the wisdom to realize this and use it for the benefit of the USA? Or will he continue with his anti-Chinese and anti-Iranian rhetoric?

Only time will tell.

5 states raise the minimum wage πŸ”—

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More economic idiocy and protectionism. What you should expect from a trump regime.

That said, something actually important happened in the election πŸ”—

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Blaze up in CA, MA and ME. Medical in many other states. One hopes the new DoJ doesn't decide to crack down on this nullification, and if they do, the states will grow a pair and resist.

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