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The Doge πŸ”—

HRC campaign bus takes a shit on the side of the road πŸ”—

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Someone call the honeywagon...to hose down these politicians, please

Meanwhile in Venezuela: cannibalism πŸ”—

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It's just starting now in the prisons. I hope it doesn't spread to the rest of society thanks to the relaxation on price controls...but it may be too late already.

Why libertarians do not vote πŸ”—

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Here’s the thing to understand: The things libertarians want – freedom, less govt. interference in markets & in personal choices, non-interventionist foreign policy… there is no money in these things for politicians. There are no big corporations and very few rich people who are willing to pay tons of money to politicians to refrain from intervening in markets, or to keep the troops home, or to let people ingest whatever substances they want to.

This is the real reason that libertarians β€œdon’t matter” in the political sphere. It’s not because they don’t vote. It’s because they don’t participate in the real game of politics – the interest-driven game that can never reward a player who wishes to dismantle the very engine of that game. People win at the game of politics by buying and selling political power over other people’s lives and resources. A player who wants to reduce that power will not find themselves rewarded within that game – they will find themselves spat out of it.

That’s why the political beasts are laughing at us. It’s not because we don’t vote – it’s because we don’t steal. And for these people – for people who never even question the morality of using state violence to get what they want – that is the biggest joke in the world.

...the nature of the game has not changed, and it is not going to. It is simply not the realm in which liberty is won. The game in fact is the problem, and helping people to recognize this reality is a far more productive goal than is encouraging them to continue playing it.
Damn Straight!

Duerte continues ragging on the US Empire πŸ”—

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As he ought to, given Phillipine history. Of course, this means regime change inbound.

Torrent trackers: of course they don't violate copyright law πŸ”—

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A smart judge will realize this too. Then a smart prosecutor will figure out that "conspiracy to commit" or RICO would easily stick, on the other hand.

Big local priv escalation bug in Linux πŸ”—

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Shared hosts be-ware

Oh, the poor martian bacteria πŸ”—

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Thankfully, the tree huggers won't stop entrepeneurs from treating Mars like the vast open pit mine that it is. Cause they'll all be back here whining on welfare.

Yet another "oh those solitary men" article, yet again misses point πŸ”—

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Freedom is what most men find important. As our society slowly turns into a gulag rigged against you, many more men will decide to take their ball(s) and go home.

Meanwhile, the cops have face scans of most Americans πŸ”—

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Real ID through the back door, thanks to the TSA.

DHS continuing to push Real ID bullshit πŸ”—

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States are mostly telling them to shove it right back up their asses.

Apple douchiness: ruining the web πŸ”—

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Let's have no contrast anywhere because BRUSHED ALUMINUM = quality. DIAF

Clinton campaign smears wikileaks πŸ”—

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Breaking ASLR by using the CPU cache πŸ”—

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I figured someone would do this at some point.

Need a Hand? πŸ”—

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Robotics is a miracle. Tons of other cool robot vids in the linked article.

New type of transmission: the abacus πŸ”—

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Very cool. Huge efficiency gains.

Massive DNC voter fraud exposed πŸ”—

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Bogus vote registration, busing in people to precincts and all for pay. Your tax dollars at work.

New Clinton bimbo eruption πŸ”—

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New peptide antibiotic nails resitant bacteria πŸ”—

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Thank god for materials science. It's the horn of plenty in the 21st century.

Making ethanol with Nitrogen and CO2 πŸ”—

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The team was already looking for a way to convert C02 into ethanol but were convinced that doing so would require multiple steps and catalysts. Turns out they were wrong. The system is surprisingly simple. The team created a tiny array of nanoscale copper and carbon spikes mounted on a silicon surface. A nanodroplet of nitrogen sits on the tip of each point. When exposed to carbon dioxide and a small electrical charge, this catalyst sets off an complex chain reaction that essentially reverses the combustion process and converts the gas into liquid ethanol. What's more, because the catalyst is so small, there is virtually no side reactions so the ethanol is quite pure. I mean, you wouldn't want to make a martini with it but it can go straight into a generator and work. Plus, the entire reaction works at room temperature.
This will revolutionize ethanol production; goodbye expensive corn production.

Germany in HO scale πŸ”—

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The interesting tale of Wunderland.

Linux for Kids πŸ”—

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Neat, kind of like the packard bell navigator suite back in the day.

Microsoft's Siri: As good at identifying words as humans πŸ”—

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Remarkable. Now if it can then autocorrect based on context like we do, then it'd be in really good shape.

Dinosaur media: shoulda stayed offline πŸ”—

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They don't care that it's not profitable though -- the state will bail them out for making the Internet authoritarian TV.

Stanford puts a terahertz oscillator on a chip πŸ”—

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Remarkable development.

Russian newspaper review: Iksander-M deployment πŸ”—

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NATO has a tougher row to hoe than they let on in the mainstream press.

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