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The Doge πŸ”—

The GhostGunner saga continues πŸ”—

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Lower courts continue to studiously avoid judging the free speech issue on it's merits; they just cowardly scream "national security, magic wand". Gotta go another level until it gets to SCOTUS, so proably some more years in court. Meanwhile, Cody Wilson has got a plan for a printable machine gun in the works. Keep giggin' em man!

Uncle Satan's war on blacks πŸ”—

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Hitlery's estate tax hike πŸ”—

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My late mentor, Grove City College professor Dr. Hans Sennholz, explained another economically destructive aspect of estate taxes in his book, Death and Taxes. Many estates are not in the form of cash, but are working businesses. When the government demands a huge sum of cash from a deceased person’s estate, often the only way the heirs can raise the cash is to dismember, shrink, or liquidate the business. Who does this hurt most? Answer: the middle-class workers that were employed by those businesses. Where is the social justice in that, Mrs. Clinton?
Coworkers of mine who support such policies need to be told to "Quit hittin' yourself!"

The banality of police evil πŸ”—

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People don't realize how egregious even common police behavior is; mostly because it's blacked out entirely by the media.

A message for progressives πŸ”—

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A final word to progressives: you are a huge part of the problem in another sense. Every one of your policies, programs or proposals requires a cop with a gun to enforce it. The police are out there enforcing the policies you favor. The explosion of new laws and regulations has led to a sharp increase in hostile contacts between citizens and the police. (I learned after this column was written that the war on guns also contributed to the tragedy in Charlotte.) The abuse of this power is the natural consequence of the policies you favor. Who is to blame for this crisis? Take a look in the mirror.
Everytime I hear a "we should" from the rainbow puritan crowd, I always follow with, and we should give the wood shampoo to any and all who resist!

The Saker: good on guns and weed πŸ”—

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Good on him.

Hey Bernie supporters, here's what Hillary thinks of you πŸ”—

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We should all be really understanding of that and should try to do the best we can not to be, you know, a wet blanket on idealism. We want people to be idealistic. We want them to set big goals... But those of us who understand this, who've worked in it know that it's a false promise. But I don't think you tell idealistic people, particularly young people that they've bought into a false promise.
To the politicians, voters are dumb animals to be moved around like pawns. At least she understands change is impossible, and is just there to get hers.

Mosul next on the chopping block πŸ”—

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The Iraqi howitzers are getting lined up, and Daesh is digging in. I doubt they can defend against the onslaught of howitzer leveling if all they do is defend, though. A sneak attack to spike or steal their batteries seems like what they'd need to pull it out.

Private Investment, GDI now Negative πŸ”—

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Grind that seed corn while getting paid less. WOO

TWA 800: A reminder about the media πŸ”—

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When naive individuals suggest that maintaining a large government conspiracy in America is simply impossible because β€œsomebody would have talked” perhaps they should consider the implications of this incident, which occurred so close to the media capital of the world.
Ron Unz reminding everyone about our famously free press.

Cheap, Synthetic bone elastomer found πŸ”—

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A real boon if it proves to have the low rejection they're seeing in animals.

Another person murdered over 2 grams of Marijuana πŸ”—

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Insane drug warrior shit

Where bitcoin fails πŸ”—

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The whole point of using a decentralized currency was to *reduce* transaction costs, dammit! Using the 9,000 intermediaries and such BS to transact on the man's grid is of course gonna fail. The only place I see it as useful at all is direct or escrowed exchanges; and I'm pretty sure automated BtC escrow can be done for cheaper for $35 -- but not if you worry about "Know your Customer" and the rest of the snitch grid shit.

Russia: US controlling international terrorist alliance πŸ”—

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Finally! Someone says it officially on the record. All of us have been SCREAMING this for YEARS! I guess they had enough after insinuations like this from the Pentagram's mouthpieces:
Kirby, asked Wednesday what the consequences would be for Russia if cooperation with the U.S. in Syria collapsed, said β€œthat extremists and extremists groups will continue to exploit the vacuums that are there ... which will include, no question, attacks against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities, and Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags.”
This is also after Uncle Satan has decided to give MANPADS to Al-Qaeda again.

What's really going on in Aleppo πŸ”—

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These "white helmet" quislings prove to be your usual USG false-flag group.

A few simple charts to show the Keynsians and MMTers are all wet πŸ”—

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"Austerity": doesn't result in recessions.

In most states, immigrants get more handouts than they are taxed πŸ”—

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And people wonder why there's anti-immigrant sentiment. Open borders and welfare states are incompatible. Of course, people don't think that abolishing the welfare state is the humanitarian thing to do; so I guess we get to close the border and live in a gulag because of bleeding hearts.

Fannie and Freddy wading back into the deep end of the pool πŸ”—

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NINJA loans to the rescue:
In the pilot program, Freddie Mac says that applicants will be able to use the income of others who live with the borrower but who aren’t going to be on the mortgage to qualify. Also, income from second jobs that borrowers have held, even for a short period of time, can now be factored in. The program will also not require borrowers to come up with bank statements to show how they saved for their down payment.
Bullish. I hear several RE markets are sort of "hockey sticking" with regard to prices too, so we're approaching the apex.

Hillary signaling during the debate? πŸ”—

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Would not shock me, all's fair in politics yanno.

SAA may have the goods on the USG πŸ”—

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Supposedly intercepted audio cooperation between Daesh and them RE bombing Assad's forces last week. Huge, huge deal if true.

NY bomber confirmed for FBI patsy πŸ”—

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like all of them.

Trump's tax plan πŸ”—

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When evaluated as a single integrated whole, the Trump plan is revenue neutral...

Fed can kicked again πŸ”—

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Another perfect day in mournhold

Obummer veto on 9/11 lawsuits overridden πŸ”—

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Nice to see him humiliated (like he cares). Anyways, the courts will manage to make sure this means nothing, and the Saudis simply won't care -- they'll just move anything that can be seized out of the jurisdiction.

EU just kiboshed any chance UK would renege on Brexit πŸ”—

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Good. They'll come to their senses later.

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