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The Doge πŸ”—

Gypsies fleeing to the USA πŸ”—

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Good Idea; Hopefully they can have a fresh start over here, since it looks like there's a group of people willing to accept them in LA.

Robot used to disarm man in standoff πŸ”—

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One of the few times the coppers got clever and saved lives as a result. Don't expect them to forego SWAT raids in favor of this more peaceful alternative anytime soon though.

Libertarian Debate on Israel πŸ”—

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Good Show. Rafi really presented the Hebrew case quite well.

Smug Alert: Liberals trying to figure out why conservatives hate government "here to help" πŸ”—

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If Satan said he'd help you for nothing in return, would you believe him? That's the real reason nobody wants the USG's help -- they are as likely to whip out a gun and murder you as to help you.

USG to regulate self-driving cars πŸ”—

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Yet another drawback of socialist roads.

Syrian Govt. stops unilaterally honoring 'ceasefire' πŸ”—

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Getting bombed by the USA certainly isn't winning "our boys" any friends over there. Still, maybe the USA can be believed to have "accidentally" dropped those bombs just like elsewhere, though I'm sure that's little consolation.

BONUS: Looks like the Russians may have had an accident of their own with a UN aid convoy heading into besieged Aleppo. Seems mighty close to a Causus Belli, things are getting very dangerous. The Russians certainly are taking the bombing of Syrian troops seriously:

Circumnavigating Africa πŸ”—

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Neat set of pictures.

Trump ban books telling you how to make weapons πŸ”—

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The expected response to a terror attack by and authoritarian. As if that would work; The next step on this path is to advocate weapon bans. He's quickly morphing back into the NY "liberal" he really is.

Amphetamines: help recovery from brain injury πŸ”—

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Lesson: keep drinking the coffee.

Pacific Gyre trash pile: bogus πŸ”—

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In fact, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch was barely visible, since it comprised mostly micro-garbage. It can’t be scanned by satellites, or scoped out on Google Earth. You could be sailing right through the gyre, as many have observed, and never notice that you’re in the middle of a death-shaped noxious vortex. The patch is such a wishy-washy phenomenon, with wishy-washy impacts, that its extent can’t be described with any certainty.
Just like the bullshit (ozone) layer hysteria, it's hokum. Worry about your own environment, watermelons.

US bombs Syrian Govt. troops πŸ”—

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Kills 60, injures 100. Oops (not really)!

NY,NJ get another terror attack πŸ”—

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Apparently by an Afghani giving them a taste of how bad they screwed up his country. The NY-DC axis of evil needs to cut it out with the imperialism if they want this to stop.

Bailing people out: now that's charity πŸ”—

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Keeping people out of the state's clutches is great stuff.

OPD: oops, we deleted a bunch of our body cam video πŸ”—

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Y'know the incriminating bits.

Schizophrenia: pathologizing of shamanism? πŸ”—

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Would not shock me. In a society that foolishly believes it needs no medicine men, I imagine those with such a gift would go nuts.

PNAC clowns hop on the Trump train πŸ”—

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gag me

Another cop dropped, this time in Philly πŸ”—

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Those who live by the sword...

NY Taxpayers fleeing at record rates πŸ”—

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Good. The people's republic up there deserves to collapse.

Clitoral Blood doping: apparently makes for more intense orgasms. πŸ”—

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Talk about a "performance enhancing drug".

Iraqi gov turning on the Kurds too πŸ”—

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The knives are out. They should have seen the stab in the back coming from all their "allies".

2 Israeli Jets shot down over Syria πŸ”—

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It's all fun and games until they hit back, eh?

Chomsky: full of it when it comes to language πŸ”—

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To be fair, he's full of it when it comes to everything else. An inconsistent "anarchist" who advocates political solutions. Schmuck.

Trump in perspective πŸ”—

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politics is for criminals

Injun kids punished for not worshipping the flag in class πŸ”—

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Good to see more refuseniks like myself. I never said that crap in school, and did get in trouble for it too.

Facebook now censors Rosa Parks photo πŸ”—

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LOL. They're gonna totally give up on this 'community standards' bullshit before long, or become the magic (hermit) kingdom very quickly.

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