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The Doge πŸ”—

Taleb on the limits of knowledge πŸ”—

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...in spite of the huge excitement about our ability to see into the brain using the so-called field of neuroscience:

Understanding how the subparts of the brain (say, neurons) work will never allow us to understand how the brain works.

So far we have no f***g idea how the brain of the worm C elegans works, which has around three hundred neurons. C elegans was the first living unit to have its gene sequenced. Now consider that the human brain has about one hundred billion neurons. and that going from 300 to 301 neurons may double the complexity. [I have actually found situations where a single additional dimension may more than double some aspect of the complexity, say going from a 1000 to 1001 may cause complexity to be multiplied by a billion times.] So use of never here is appropriate. And if you also want to understand why, in spite of the trumpeted β€œadvances” in sequencing the DNA, we are largely unable to get information except in small isolated pockets of some diseases.

Understanding the genetic make-up of a unit will never allow us to understand the behavior of the unit itself.

A reminder that what I am writing here isn’t an opinion. It is a straightforward mathematical property.
damn straight

NATO's up-arming of the balkans πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Clinton's war finally paying off for the MIC, I guess. Still a net negative for the country.

Tesla getting in on the crony utility scam πŸ”—

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How to become a corporate cockroach

Yemenis sieze more Saudi turf πŸ”—

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The Saudis are useless without the US guiding their hand. Their conscripts may be the least enthusiastic soldiers anywhere in the world.

Clinton foundation caught committing fraud πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Double-dipping with clients' money. Yikes!

Tim Kaine: liberation theology bozo πŸ”—

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While Killary is bad, at least nobody pretends she's a goody-goody. It's the ones who think they're doing good in power that are the really dangerous ones. Think Woodrow Wilson.

US spooks ramping it up against Russia πŸ”—

🏷️ news
WWIII: a fait accompli at this point then.

Aussies get an internet tax & foriegn firm barrier πŸ”—

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That's a kick in the nuts. Expect big price hikes soon, and the resultant downturn.

Missouri gets permit-less carry πŸ”—

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Yet another FED leak πŸ”—

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Helping out the cronies as usual.

Russian Central Bank action update πŸ”—

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Keeping rates up, smashing inflation, imprisoning criminal bankers & shuttering insolvent banks. If you gotta have a CB, hope it acts like this one.

Freedom's Phoenix newspaper looks awesome πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Very cool stuff.

Yet another asteroid sails by undetected πŸ”—

🏷️ news
More in heaven and earth, Horatio.

Google: Pow-wows with the White House weekly πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Confirming earlier stories that they were basically the propaganda wing of the Administration.

Interesting: Steve Lendman is being read by Putin's media guy πŸ”—

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Revealed in a piece speculating about Trump's odds of being whacked by the deep state.

Gliding on Aerials to the stratosphere πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Sounds like a cool flight. I'll have to keep an eye on this one.

Creating zygotes without eggs πŸ”—

🏷️ news
A big breakthrough in cloning, if it works.

Corbett has a good take on the latest Apple tax dustup πŸ”—

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Here’s the non-gobbledygook explanation: The state is a group of gangsters running a protection racket. You can play by their rules and jump through their hoops as much as you like, but when they decide you’re getting too big for your britches they swoop in to take you down a peg.

Syria Ceasefire: going well so far πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Excellent news.

Bayer buys Monsanto πŸ”—

🏷️ news
IG Farben comeback tour

Duerte: I'm gonna try to get a better deal on arms from Russia/China πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Also says he don't want no trouble with the Chinese. All I have to say is, REGIME CHANGE INBOUND! They don't take kindly to stepping on our cornpone round these parts...

DNC: retards at opsec πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Yeah, let's email passwords around plaintext. That'll surely be secure. These people clearly need to be in charge of our lives.

Looks like the Russian color revolution is planned for a year after our election πŸ”—

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November 5, 2017. Why would Russians choose Guy Fawkes day? Aping their betters (and likely funders), one assumes. Nevertheless it has a 0% chance of working as far as I can tell.

Hungary tells the Eurocrats to F.O. πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Laughs at their impotent rage.

Rajoy in Spain appoints grafter after promising to clean up corruption πŸ”—

🏷️ news
LOL. There goes his coalition. Time to secede while the idiot's under fire, Catalonia.

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