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The Doge πŸ”—

Colin Powell hack reveals some pretty funny stuff πŸ”—

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Bill "Still dicking bimbos", Killary "sleazy", "screws everything up with hubris", "Greedy". Not a fan of Trump either. Nice to see the masters of the universe get their panties in a wad.

Gov helping out pipeline makers to steal land, as usual πŸ”—

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Stealing is their thing, man

BLM up to it's usual tricks πŸ”—

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E.G. maximizing profit with the land under it's management. Squeeze the existing tenants hard, and sell it out from under them to curry favor with DC criminals. Kill any animal that gets in the way, but it's to save the earth mother (TM).

Coproaches gathering DNA more and more πŸ”—

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Latest propaganda: WADA hacked by Putin πŸ”—

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More bullshit. In any case, the data from the hack shows more or less what I expected; e.g. USA and other nations were dopin-a-plenty, but in wholesome USDA approved fashion. Some not, but y'know them russkies are eeeeeeeeeevil so gotta keep 'em down.

GM steals a march on Tesla πŸ”—

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They should have known this would happen; GM is expert at cheap mass market automobiles.

Meanwhile in Cuba πŸ”—

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Slowly getting better. I hope the ancap club is spreading free-market subversion as much as is possible; the revolution will come soon with such relaxations of the restrictions.

Time Crystals? πŸ”—

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Moar like timecube, amirite

Africans suspicious of the UBI πŸ”—

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Rightly so; giving people a year's income up-front for "nothing" is too good to be true. Fact is, they are experimenting on these people, and don't realize the horrible impact this will have on the local economy. Much like other forms of Aid, it will suppress domestic production, keeping them poor.

Manning on Hunger Strike πŸ”—

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More or less what you expect from nonstop solitary confinement.
UPDATE: strike over. Well, that was quick -- to be fair making it a gay rights issue certainly puts a fire under Obummer's ass.

YT strips controversial videos of ad revenue πŸ”—

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E.G. anything they don't politically agree with. Been expecting this since day 1.

Laser Cleaning πŸ”—

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Oregon Snack Crisis update πŸ”—

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Pete's on the front lines of freedom of the press and speech.

The revolution of rising expectations πŸ”—

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Hope for the future has caused more revolts than total despair. It literally couldn't get worse under Stalin; but the revolt didn't happen until glasnost. Lesson: don't buy dips; go with a rising tide -- at least when it comes to revolutions.

NYPD: likes restraining people in bodybags πŸ”—

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Y'know to save time later...

Why flying is so expensive πŸ”—

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In a word, government. More than 1/2 the cost is just their meddling, taxing and monopoly-making.

Kop tries to gun down dog, murders child instead πŸ”—

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Trigger happy criminals

Duerte: US out of Phillipines πŸ”—

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Oh, it's on now. Full regime change is a go.

Dolphin Conversation? πŸ”—

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Would not shock me. Animal comms are way more advanced than we suspect.

Fred Reed on Evolution πŸ”—

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I wanted to see how serious proponents of evolutionary biology would respond to awkward questions.

It was like giving a bobcat a prostate exam. I got everything but answers. They told me I was a crank, implied over and over (again) that I was a Creationist, said that I was an enemy of science (someone who asks for evidence is an enemy of science). They said that I was trying to pull down modern biology (if you ask questions about an aspect of biology, you want to pull down biology). They told me I didn’t know anything (that’s why I was asking questions), and that I was a mere journalist (the validity of a question depends on its source rather than its content).
It's the same with climate "science", when you really get down to it, there's no evidence their models accurately represent, well, anything. This article is a great takedown of that, and all other heads of the hydra of scientism.

Obummer: I'll veto 9/11 lawsuit bill πŸ”—

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As always, in the tank for the CIA. Bill is practically veto-proof, however so it's likely moot.

Chinese Aluminum King evading import controls via Mexico πŸ”—

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Good for him! Lower prices are good; damn politicians hate it though.

Drone nut harvesting πŸ”—

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Orchard Roomba. Neat!

NATO: Turk invasion of Syria is awesome πŸ”—

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More confirmation of the de-facto state of war between the USA and Syria.

Bond Apocalypse deepening πŸ”—

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Long time coming with Negative real yields.

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