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The Doge πŸ”—

The latest demented MSM conspiracy theory: Wikileaks is a Russian Plot πŸ”—

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Pretty much anything that offends the USG is a Russian Plot, because the pentagram desperately wants WWIII, and will say literally anything to get it.

Half of people will click any link presented to them πŸ”—

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And thus the prevalence of the computer virus and scams are explained.

Yet another copper gets away with DUI at 100+ mph πŸ”—

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Thank god they didn't kill anyone this time.

DNC Leak: Let's pretend BLM isn't co-opted πŸ”—

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Fake-Opposition but not really

Dennis Praeger has been making some good vids for the youth πŸ”—

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In the classic Jewish-American tradition of raising your kids not to be pieces of shit.

Trump: makes nice with Mexico πŸ”—

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Cronies now seen wearing "Make Mexico great again too" hats. This is the masterstroke of the master persuader.

Hesperus makes a great point with his personal story πŸ”—

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How did America come to this? A good explanation of the last few generations. Almost all of the USA is this story told over and over.

Apparently the euphemism "Colored People" is now racist πŸ”—

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The idiocy continues.

Interesting: Clinton communicated with Daughter via fake name πŸ”—

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Clearly to cover for confiding juicy political details to the daughter. She's being groomed for political office.

Johnson: "The True Republican" πŸ”—

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Gag me

EPA going after aftermarket performance kits πŸ”—

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How DARE you sell such a device!

Finland trying out the BIG πŸ”—

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AKA helicopter money. Schmucks.

US up to the usual tricks of empire πŸ”—

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Like the Romans, take hostages & educate them in your ways and subsidize the local chieftains. It looks much more voluntary on the surface, of course, given our propaganda is infinitely better than either Roman or British imperial propaganda.

Mullah Omar: Boogeyman πŸ”—

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A dutch Journalist has done the actual investigating, and proven the western "Intelligence" to be a total sham. The Taliban doesn't exist as this ever present threat; Afghani society simply isn't anywhere near that unified. Even much of the Haqqani network has fallen apart.

Nevertheless, it is nonstop tribal warfare; a thing which no outsider should have anything to do with (and could not possibly make any better).

Apiary fences: good Elephant deterrent πŸ”—

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Apparently they're quite averse to bees, so apiaries that dump out on tripwires are a great defense.

Living in a Van for Freedom πŸ”—

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Great story of a Software Engineer striking out on his own.

600 Mhz Broadband - Pretty much awesome πŸ”—

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Africans getting down on it. Meanwhile in the USA: I gotta have mah soaps, screw cheap internet!!!!

As expected, Brexit doomsayers all wet πŸ”—

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Trade has and existed and will continue long after the state as a concept is a footnote in history.

The intercept: now carrying water for Al-Qaeda πŸ”—

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Oh, but we're nice now! Gimme a friggin' break. Sounds like Omidyar is ready for Hitlery the deep state.

What if only Taxpayers Voted? πŸ”—

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How about this one: What if government gave everyone a receipt with an itemized list of the goods and services they have "provided" to us? If they did, the majority of the charges would be clear fraud if they were stupid enough to actually be honest in putting together the bill. Yet another feather in the cap of non-monopoly, private governance.

Venezuelan solution to Bread Lines πŸ”—

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Outlaw them. This can't possibly go wrong.

Three US allies fighting each other in Syria πŸ”—

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Divide et Impera.

Former CIA Capo: Use our Jihadi nutcases to whack Russians, Syrians πŸ”—

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Ripping off the mask

Ben Garrison: Dicks out for Harambe? πŸ”—

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At least, Anthony Weiner does! HAHAHA

Anthony Weiner steps in it again πŸ”—

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LOL. Schmuck.

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