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The Doge πŸ”—

"Squatting" in Detroit: a good thing πŸ”—

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Because it's actually homesteading.

Libya: Vote of no confidence for "Unity" government πŸ”—

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This is the one the pentagram is re-invading for. LOL

Clinton emails published on wikileaks πŸ”—

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Good, Killary needs exposing.

Pentagram declares de-facto no fly zone in Syria πŸ”—

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Real war to begin in earnest soon.

FIB investigating Manafort & Clinton cronies over Ukraine πŸ”—

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I'm sure nothing real will come of it, as exposure of their current position RE the coup over there would naturally fall out of such a situation.

Fanmade Pokeymanz: gets a takedown πŸ”—

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Based on the interface screenshots, it looks like they outdid Nintendo at their own game. In any case, based on the 'use it or lose it' nature of current copyright law, there is no way to know the real motivation behind such.

India: 3 year jail term for filesharing πŸ”—

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Looks like the Feds' divide and conquer worked on TOR πŸ”—

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Control of the project's development should be back in the Navy's hands soon.

DoD caught cooking the books again: $6.5 Trillion this time πŸ”—

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The Defense Department’s Inspector General, in a June report, said the Army made $2.8 trillion in wrongful adjustments to accounting entries in one quarter alone in 2015, and $6.5 trillion for the year. Yet the Army lacked receipts and invoices to support those numbers or simply made them up.
Expect the accounting department to explode or have all records magically lost in short order.

25 Years ago: The death of the USSR πŸ”—

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And yet the Russia hate continues.

Ninth Circuit smacks down DEA πŸ”—

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If the state says it's legal to toke, then it is. Huge victory for the tenth amendment. Will be interesting to see how the gowned clowns at SCOTUS manage to find in the DEAs favor when it comes to that.

Aramco to go public? πŸ”—

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A pretty big deal, actually.

New painkiller without opioid side effects? πŸ”—

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The constipation and breathing parts are the major ones.

Bloomberg finally figures out walmart has a crime problem πŸ”—

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The problem is the clientele. Most wal-marts I have seen always have some hoodlum being ducked into a squad car out front; this is because they cater to those living at the bottom rung. You will have some scum, it's inevitable.

The irate minority πŸ”—

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Taleb gets why the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Color Revolution: coming soon to Cambodia? πŸ”—

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Just can't stop meddling.

Woods on War πŸ”—

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Stakes out those idiotic vampires' arguments for war.

Yemeni Civil war: Over πŸ”—

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Bad news for the Saudi Invasion.

Sonic compression to create a singularity? πŸ”—

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Sounds like an interesting igniter technology too.

Glad to see Jim Bell seems to be doing well πŸ”—

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Looks like he's sharp and has really kept up with things.

Don't let the bastards get you down πŸ”—

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Stereotypes: generally correct πŸ”—

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The evidence is clear. Based on rigorous criteria, laypeople’s beliefs about groups correspond well with what those groups are really like. This correspondence is one of the largest and most replicable effects in all of social psychology. Stereotype accuracy has been obtained and replicated by multiple independent researchers studying different stereotypes and using different methods all over the world. People have been found to be quite good at perceiving academic achievement, personality, and a variety of social and economic characteristics among racial and ethnic groups in the United States and Canada.

Ex DNC capo now admits to rigging things for Hillary πŸ”—

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Hard not to at this point given the mountain of evidence.

Russia-Iran alliance grows teeth πŸ”—

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Russians now using an iranian base to project power. Aping their imperial betters in USA, basically. A shame they have to resort to such foolishness to deal with the pentagram.

UN up to it's usual tricks πŸ”—

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Why should we stop rape? We're here to rape.

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