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The Doge ๐Ÿ”—

A fifth force? ๐Ÿ”—

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Now that the higgs is exposed as bogon, people are returning to global hidden variable theories, as they should have in the first place.

Equation group supposedly hacked ๐Ÿ”—

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The outrageous bounty makes me skeptical. If they had any sense, they would realize they can't possibly live to collect. Drop all dox now.

Darning fluid ๐Ÿ”—

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Squid magic to repair fabric. Very spiffy, hopefully it gets to where you can just dip in stuff you ripped.

Hillary: Literally Demented ๐Ÿ”—

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This is what you get when you elect people in their late 70s to be your messiah. Folks who'll drag on in office, meaning the bureaucracy stays in the drivers' seat for another 8 years...or worse they croak and the real creeps they chose as VP get to be the boss. This applies to Trump too -- he's no spring chicken.

Governments investing in Tesla now ๐Ÿ”—

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crony apotheosis

Obummer trying to satisfy gitmo vow in most ass way possible? ๐Ÿ”—

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Send em' off to a black site where they'll disappear forever. I doubt he'll go all the way and disappear the remaining 61 there though -- if he was going to, he would have done so the first day of his second term.

Rocket Science for dummies ๐Ÿ”—

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Or, the tyranny of the rocket equation.

Mechanized fruit picking ๐Ÿ”—

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Delta robot on a truck with a vacuum and good target acquisition software. Good stuff.

Meanwhile in Greece: the taxman gets desperate ๐Ÿ”—

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...And under the new scheme, Greeks are mandated to have registered everything they own, with taxpayers having to add moveable and immovable possessions such as paintings, antiques, jewelry, even historical weapon, etc but also the cash they have in their wallets or under the mattress.

โ€œTaxpayers must declare all the cash they have in their hands, even one euro!โ€ an official from the Finance Ministry told newspaper To Vima on conditions of anonymity.
One assumes the snitch programs and wood shampoo is soon to follow.

Wired Profile of Moxie Marlinspike more or less what you expect ๐Ÿ”—

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OOOH dangerous anarchist, stay away...but gosh darn it he's enabling the people in our tribe so I can't just hate him like Cody Wilson...d'awww

Socialism via Central Bank Action: JGB edition ๐Ÿ”—

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Owns close to 5% of the entire market. At the pace of acceleration, they might just own controlling stakes in most firms given just a few more years. Good way to start off the Hitler economic program, I suppose.

NY Courts: a hell only exceeded by Rikers' ๐Ÿ”—

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One of the most disturbing things I saw was whatโ€™s called โ€œplea allocution,โ€ in which the judge attempts to ensure each person understands the rights that he or she is giving up by pleading guilty. The judge asks the allocuting defendant a series of questions, including whether anyone is forcing him or her to plead guilty, whether he or she is pleading guilty โ€œfreely and voluntarily.โ€

Should anyone tell the truth, and say, โ€œNo, I am not pleading guilty freely and voluntarily, I am only pleading guilty because I know it is the only way I can avoid going to Rikers,โ€ which is scary and violent, the judge will reject the plea and set bail. Why is it not okay to say that, out loud, when everyone knows it is true?

PRISM: used to prop up Pro US dictators, crackdown on anglo dissidents ๐Ÿ”—

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"National Security" in the five eyes.

WPAD sploit out there ๐Ÿ”—

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Why you shouldn't use it. WPA2-PSK has been good stuff for years.

Variable Compression coming to Nissans ๐Ÿ”—

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Codification of the sort of 'cheating' that VW got in trouble for. High compression under high load (e.g. what the EPA does not test).

Carrolton: How DARE you make and sell tamales... ๐Ÿ”—

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Without paying extortion to us!

Kerch Strait bridge: coming along nicely ๐Ÿ”—

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Nice to see the Russians coming through on a major promise to their new subjects.

Volkswagens: hackable ๐Ÿ”—

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Good ol' remote sploits.

Breaking the siege of Aleppo: Strategically stupid ๐Ÿ”—

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A good commander would let them be the Alamo, and take things that aren't being actively fussed over by the enemy.

Slate: Oh no, democracy is dying! ๐Ÿ”—

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Actually this is nothing new. Democracy has failed as a god since the first time it was tried. They at least articulate the right and left jackboots correctly though:
Ordinary people are angry at the political system in part because they recognize to what extent they have been shut out of key decisions. But, by the same token, the process is becoming so unresponsive in part because the rise of illiberal populists has given the political establishment a good reason to insulate itself from the peopleโ€™s anger. A pendulum is swinging from illiberal democracy to undemocratic liberalism, then back again. And its swings are getting wider and wider.
Where they are wrong is in thinking that the reversion to kingdom is a thing to be lamented. At least the common man knows their enemy a bit better then.

PACs: Crooked ๐Ÿ”—

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As all campaigns are. Never donate to politicians, it cannot work. The means are unsuited to the ends of securing freedom. You have to change the ideas of the elites to truly win. Which is no small order.

War with Russia summed up ๐Ÿ”—

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So far as I am aware, none of these fern-bar Clausewitzโ€™s has worn boots, been in a war, seen a war, or faces any chance of being in a war started by themselves. They brought us Iraq, Afghanistan, and Isis, and canโ€™t win wars against goatherds with AKs. They are going to fightโ€ฆRussia?

Now, if Washington accidentally or otherwise provoked a war with Russia in, say, the Baltics or the Ukraine, and actually used its own forces, where might this lead, given the Pentagonโ€™s customary delusional optimism? A very serious possibility is a humiliating American defeat. The US has not faced a real enemy in a long time. In that time the armed forces have been feminized and social-justice warriorified, with countless officials having been appointed by Obama for reasons of race and sex. Training has been watered down to benefit girl soldiers, physical standards lowered, and the ranks of general officers filled with perfumed political princes. Russia is right there at the Baltic borders: location, location, location. Somebody said, โ€œAmateurs think strategy, professionals think logistics.โ€ Uh-huh. The Russians are not pansies and they are not primitive.

Primitive Technology: Forge ๐Ÿ”—

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Skydiving without a chute ๐Ÿ”—

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Lands in a net. Quite the stunt.

The Fall of Schwinn ๐Ÿ”—

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Great story on how not to run your business.

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