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The Doge πŸ”—

Consulting with Crackpots πŸ”—

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I still get the occasional joke from colleagues about my β€˜crackpot consultant business’, but I’ve stopped thinking of our clients that way. They are driven by the same desire to understand nature and make a contribution to science as we are. They just weren’t lucky enough to get the required education early in life, and now they have a hard time figuring out where to even begin. At the same time, the physicists on my team like to help others understand more about science and appreciate the opportunity to apply their knowledge outside academia. In connecting both sides, everybody wins.

WB7's latest πŸ”—

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Knocks it out of the park.

Flash Bainite: Beating Bessemer πŸ”—

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Very good, concrete advancement in materials science.

Dog befriends man during gobi desert marathon πŸ”—

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Neat story.

Thanks, FED πŸ”—

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For the first time in U.S. economic history , a metro’s median home price has topped the $1 million mark.
Stay far, far away from SF.

The mizrahi kidnappings πŸ”—

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A horrible story from the formative days of Israel.

Bernie: Gettin' Paid πŸ”—

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In which the true motive of all politicians is revealed. Like Buppert says, Bernie is all the rest of the authoritarian field on truth serum.

Turkey & Russia kiss and make up πŸ”—

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Good news. Peace is always good.

Valeant: under criminal investigation πŸ”—

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Shocked, simply shocked there was fraud going on here...

More kops dropped πŸ”—

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This time by a drug war victim. Blowback.

Using a BEC as computer memory πŸ”—

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Far out, man.

New Venezuela economy czar: gotta go full commie πŸ”—

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Among his more unorthodox ideas are that inflation is caused by class struggle and that government bureaucracy should be replaced by revolutionary communes that would handle everything from health care to food production.

β€œThe communes must be at the center of gravity of the new state,” Mr. Serrano said in a July speech in Caracas.
Time for some real tragedy. Starving to death is the future for Venezuelans.

M$ gets burned once again by building backdoors πŸ”—

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Labor productivity in the USA continuing it's slide πŸ”—

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Capital destruction extends it's icy hand.

Will Grigg's Latest πŸ”—

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On why you shouldn't believe a word from the coppers.

Scott Adams' latest πŸ”—

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Don’t expect to hear anything honest or true come from the mouths of either candidate for the rest of the campaign. Both candidates are skillfully building imaginary castles and make-believe demons out of your cognitive dissonance and your confirmation bias. You’re seeing the best-of-the-best persuaders (and helpers) operating at the highest level. Facts and policies are sitting this one out.

If you are an American voter, in all likelihood you are deeply hypnotized already and don’t know it. I mean that literally. At this point, nearly every voter is in a deep hallucination. I could give you lots of reasons why I know that, but you wouldn’t believe any of them because cognitive dissonance won’t let my words penetrate your bubble of non-reality.

Government: The biggest polluter πŸ”—

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Sovereign immunity is a hell of a drug. The tragedy of the commons on full display.

ipfs.pics: Image hosting using IPFS πŸ”—

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It's open source too -- I might just host my own instance at some point.

Murdered DNC staffer: Wikileaks source? πŸ”—

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Would not shock me in the least.

BONUS: DNC apologists now calling for Assange to be whacked.

Trump exposes Trump πŸ”—

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Decent compilation, much like done a few months ago with Hillary. Like all pols, they are lying about everything all the time.

The A-Bomb Denier πŸ”—

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Interesting reading if nothing else. The best point made is about how none of the research is public; without real reproducible steps it may as well be a hoax.

Expose Corruption? Get raided by the Sherriff πŸ”—

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More or less what you'd expect.

Jaish al Fateh lifts the siege on Aleppo πŸ”—

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A major reversal for Syrian forces.

Missouri Governor "drafted" as public defender πŸ”—

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Always good to see a bureaucratic sissy fight in action, it's better than them squatting on the rest of us.

Speed Genes πŸ”—

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Turns out there are genetic differences in all the various racehorse breeds making them well suited to their tasks. As expected.

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