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The Doge πŸ”—

Maggie McNiel on decrim, the cops and much more πŸ”—

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The most persuasive argument about police reform I've seen yet; it even appeals to the coppers' innate laziness:
If nobody actually complains about something, the cops shouldn’t be driving around looking for trouble. Firemen don’t rove around looking for fires, and paramedics don’t rove around looking for injuries, yet we don’t see huge numbers of buildings burning down & accident victims dying because nobody got there in time. Let the cops stay in their fucking police stations until called out, and they’ll have a lot fewer opportunities to murder black men, execute dogs, rob bodegas and rape women.

Looking to bacterial competitors for new antibiotics πŸ”—

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Good stuff - they've found a way to whack MRSA.

Nusra Re-Brands πŸ”—

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Great interview on this Trump == Russia propaganda πŸ”—

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It's pretty much totally ridiculous. Not a shred of evidence from any credible impartial source.

Catalonia: Very close to declaring their independence πŸ”—

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Good for them.

Hinkley out of the klink πŸ”—

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I'm sure the Bush family will ensure he's well taken care of.

Man gunned down for being trump supporter πŸ”—

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Scott Adams isn't kidding when he says he Endorses Hillary for his own personal safety in CA.

IRS investigating clinton foundation πŸ”—

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Hedging their bets. They win regardless of who gets in office.

SWAT team gets medal of valor for gunning down centenarian πŸ”—

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Even if he was a mean old cuss, I doubt it took valor to mount a heavily armed assault on the guy.

MSM conspiracy theory about Trump being a russian agent continues πŸ”—

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Even Schneier is getting in on the game.

Latest german terror attack: Excuse for martial law πŸ”—

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Despite being constitutionally prohibited. Complete with this being planned before the attack. All this is mighty convenient.

Obummer is looking out for his future, I see πŸ”—

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Vetoes a bill which would shut down his post-presidency gravy train.

WPAD: vulnerable to SSL stripping πŸ”—

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This is why you shouldn't use such idiocy. Use 802.11x instead to control access.

Facebook tells the IRS to pound sand πŸ”—

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First good thing I've ever heard out of there.

Cop who killed his kid by leaving them in hot car gets off scott free πŸ”—

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Nice to be one of the elect, eh?

The floating tunnel πŸ”—

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Sounds like a great idea. Will need bulkheads, etc & regular maintenance, but you could feasibly make one traverse the Atlantic.

Yet another terror attack straight out of central casting πŸ”—

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This one was so well known to the state that he wore an ankle bracelet. "Just let it happen"

Claire Wolfe on Trump πŸ”—

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This is just the way it works when masses of people get desperate. Read any history of any uprising ever and at some point you’ll find people throwing their lives and hopes behind someone who manifestly will betray them.

Throughout history, mobs create the person they want to fulfill their hopes. Then they drape that illusion over whatever real-live wannabe leader is standing there. Later … they pay.
Damn straight.

Sanders Booed for saying 'elect hillary' πŸ”—

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Good. People need to understand in no uncertain terms that the produce of the corroded anus that is DC need to be dumped yesterday.

"Hamilton": nerdcore shit πŸ”—

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But it deifies the central bank father, so we media elites must fellate. It doesn't hurt we're paid to.
After all, here we have a cultural product whose appeal essentially consists of a broad coalition of the worst people in America: New York Times writers, 15-year-olds who aspire to answer the phone in Chuck Schumer’s office, people who want to get into steampunk but have a copper sensitivity, and β€œwonks.” Yet because a large fraction of these people are elite taste-makers, Hamilton becomes a topic of disproportionate interest, discussed at unendurable length in The New Yorker and Slate and The New York Times Magazine, yet totally inaccessible to anyone besides the writers and members of their close social networks.

I think I get the latest propaganda angle by the MSM πŸ”—

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Trump is Putin's Puppet! Ridiculous. Manafort just means he's a republican. Which, mind you is not praise. Lulzy how this lobbying is probably the only "democracy" exported by the USA.

Vagus nerve stimulation cures RA πŸ”—

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The more I look into the Vagus, the more I realize how important it is.

DNC Emails: party elite racists πŸ”—

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Unsurprising, they always have been along with many of the rank and file. Much of the racism is of the "white man's burden" sort where they feel they must meddle with the inferior races to make them "better".

Idiot commies forget history yet again πŸ”—

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Pumping the failed Input/Output model once again.

Yahoo Liquidates πŸ”—

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I hope yahoo finance sticks around.

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