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The Doge πŸ”—

Venezuela: 1600% inflation πŸ”—

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Mission Acccomplished

FIBbies not upgrading systems to frustrate FOIA πŸ”—

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Comply with all accountability regs in the most ass way possible. Name of the game.

More Cops dropped by Blacks who have had enough πŸ”—

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The violence will not stop anytime soon, as the Police feel they have done nothing wrong whatsoever. I like DiLorenzo's take on it:
The murderer who shot the six police officers, killing three of them, in Baton Rouge is an ex-Marine sergeant. Another 30 I.Q., mentally-deranged animal trained to kill by the U.S. military. The law of averages suggests we should expect many more to do the same in the future.

Sibel's take on the Turk Coup πŸ”—

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My Take: this is NATO sending a message to Erdogan to get back with the program RE: Russia, OR ELSE. The MSM conspiracy theories floated are trying to work a future WMD madman angle, which means next time it won't just be a Coup.

Why the Turkish coup failed πŸ”—

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They failed to control the media, and hence control the mind.

"This is the IRS calling" biggest scam of the year πŸ”—

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Most people get this call at least twice daily, I think. Abolish the IRS and replace it with nothing -- reduce the attack surface.

Meanwhile in Iraq πŸ”—

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Daesh burns "spies" at the stake. C'est ca change, eh?

Immune system and the brain heavily linked πŸ”—

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Now this is interesting. It could be that the stimulation of the immune system caused by vaccination at certain ages is what is causing Autism and so forth. Interferon-Ξ³ might just be the miracle cure.

Turkish PM: Any country that stands by cleric Gulen will be at war with Turkey πŸ”—

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Incirlick base closed! Great news for Syria, but possibly terrible news for the US and Turkey. A war with Turkey for Gulen would be moronic beyond belief.

UPDATE: Seems to be just big talk for now. Hope it stays that way for everyone's sake.

FOIA'ing the CIA about Sloba πŸ”—

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The most important lesson from all of this is that the CIA is ready and willing to censor and doctor its own reports in order to make them suit the foreign policy agenda of the given presidential administration. What we learn from the reports is that the CIA tells its government clients what they want to hear about given geopolitical issues or foreign leaders, and not what it should do as the impartial, non-partisan intelligence agency: tell it the way it is and stick to the facts.
I would say 'they will say whatever supports a new war', rather than just being sycophants.

The cops have always been militarized πŸ”—

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Y'know in case you forgot. They've always also been gangs (they originated as Irish gangs in the NE US).

Heat controlled adhesive πŸ”—

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Interesting -- it would likely fall off in a stiff breeze though.

CNN: Nice attack "trump rampage" πŸ”—

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Subliminal programming, nice

More dumbass Iran sanctions from congress πŸ”—

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I wouldn't be shocked if Obummer fails to veto them.

28 Pages: Pretty much what you expected πŸ”—

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Bandar Bush as implicated as ever.

Gold shirt guy murdered in India πŸ”—

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Best reason not to trumpet your wealth.

Turk Coup over πŸ”—

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Seems to me there was a double game going on here. NATO likely used it's ergenkon/GLADIO stooges to cause trouble and then failed to aid them. This is because they like dictator Erdogan, and are using this as a way to further Lincolnize him. In any case, Erdogan is now purging all his enemies regardless of whether they were involved with the coup.

Coup in Turkey πŸ”—

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Damn, that was unexpected. Apparently it's the gulenist & GLADIO/ERGENKON dudes.

Crude killed the dinos? πŸ”—

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A meteor landing on a salt dome sounds considerably more devastating, yes.

RoboHerder πŸ”—

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Great advances. Force multiplier for the lone farmer. Of course, kids are still a better asset on the farm...

Hoppe on the EU πŸ”—

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Pretty much what you would expect.

Cops: Malinvestment πŸ”—

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Socialism once again fails to provision the amount of a good or service the public requires. Overprovisions LEOs, underprovisions Security.

Will Grigg's Latest πŸ”—

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On the cowardice of the modern church in the face of the authoritarian social engineers.

Pilot Tricks for Programmers πŸ”—

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Being methodical saves your life as a pilot, and makes you a better worker too.

IDF chief rabbi: OK to rape arabs πŸ”—

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