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The Doge πŸ”—

US to team up against Nusra in Syria? πŸ”—

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Of course, they'll still help Ahrar al-Sham, making this a farce.

All the alphabet soup up-arming πŸ”—

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They understand. Gotta be able to extort budget out of an increasingly bankrupt regime.

Current Concerns: Christians of Syria cry for mercy πŸ”—

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But will receive none from our vile society enamored by sanctions. Once America had true compassion for those ruined by war abroad; but the bloodthirsty dogma of "democracy" which fuels total war has taken over for quite some time.

Otherwise, this issue of Zeit-Fraget is great.

Meyssan: Brexit is the beginning of the end for the US Empire πŸ”—

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Agreed. They see the writing on the wall; it's time to hitch the wagon to a rising star rather than a falling knife. In the wider sense, it's part of the general internet reformation which is pushing decentralization in all empires, not just the US one.

Keynsian clowns really grasping at straws now πŸ”—

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Misinterpreting an austrian school economist to explain why NIRP is the 'natural rate'. Of course, any austrian can tell you that demonstrated preference proves without a doubt this rate is unnatural; the Central Bank would not be taking action otherwise.

Social Security: Still screwed πŸ”—

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The day of doom comes earlier every year. I suspect the way to "save" this ponzi scheme will be money printing when push comes to shove.

Making pizza with delta robots πŸ”—

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Cool stuff.

Elio 3 wheeler: nearly production ready πŸ”—

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Excellent news.

FIB sets up another idiot πŸ”—

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This time a militia guy.

Bumper crop of raper cops lately πŸ”—

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The bounties of impunity

Meanwhile, the balkanization of the british empire continues πŸ”—

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Ireland calls for full unification, as N. Ireland voted 'stay'. Scotland likely to have another referendum due to voting leave as well.

Brexit takes it, but I doubt labour will pull it back together πŸ”—

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Thank god. Those nimrods have ran the UK straight into the ground for 80 years. About damn time they re-embrace classical liberalism. They won't of course -- my expectation is they become even dumber.

Scott Adams: trolls the hoplophobes hard πŸ”—

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So it seems to me that gun control can’t be solved because Democrats are using guns to kill each other – and want it to stop – whereas Republicans are using guns to defend against Democrats. Psychologically, those are different risk profiles. And you can’t reconcile those interests, except on the margins. For example, both sides might agree that rocket launchers are a step too far. But Democrats are unlikely to talk Republicans out of gun ownership because it comes off as β€œPut down your gun so I can shoot you.”

MexiCommie protestors gunned down πŸ”—

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How not to defuse a situation

SCOTUS: no warrant needed to search your computer πŸ”—

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Total tyranny from the gowned clowns, as per usual

Fire in microgravity πŸ”—

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Scary stuff, in that it's very, very hard to put out.

One of the first US satellites...resumes transmission πŸ”—

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After being silent for 46 years. Very interesting failure mode, or there's always ET.

SCOTUS: warrantless blood draw bad, breathalyzer OK πŸ”—

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Can't even be consistent on the smallest thing.

Boston Dynamics' latest πŸ”—

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The Crooked canal expansion πŸ”—

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On the sewer of corruption that is Panama.

crapple drops the headphone jack πŸ”—

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Here's a nickel kid, buy yourself a real computer

Libertarian "Town hall" on CNN goes about like you would expect πŸ”—

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Feel the Johnson

Got a new favorite MEP πŸ”—

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A Misesian bringing forth garlic to these vampires. YES!

Fallujah: "Liberated" πŸ”—

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Like Ramadi; e.g. flattened.

Snopes: Politically biased to DNC lies πŸ”—

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Like most self-proclaimed "Skeptics" the state supremacist view is the only correct one.

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