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The Doge πŸ”—

On Collapse πŸ”—

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A good read for those just figuring out how bad the situation really is, and sort of freaking out. Look, if we retreat into a remnant, we're actually in a much worse position to influence what comes next. When people ask their libertarian neighbors who invested in their defense how they knew, we will be in a very influential position. Nothing wins an argument like success.

Of course, you always have to worry about whether you need to resist being rounded up; but if we are using our quiet influence in the black market rather than rioting and demonstrating, the state will be too busy to remove us; furthermore we will be too useful to remove.

In the meantime, just keep working harder to secretly increase the standards of living of yourself and your family. It's the only way forward. If we can't reverse the capital depletion, we are doomed as a society.

Freddie Gray killer exonerated πŸ”—

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99% conviction rate for the serfs, 99% exoneration rate for state employees. Do you get it yet?

Mark Cuban: Telegraphing future POTUS run πŸ”—

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Scott Adams is spot on here.

The "Unnecessariat" - the Poor Dems' dilemma πŸ”—

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The author compares the hopelessness of the American rural hinterlands & the rust belt, where suicide & drug abuse are rising to the AIDS epidemic and wonders why the gay community was able to turn the corner while the others cannot. The answer is simple; viral infections are not nearly so dangerous nor as monstrous of a killer as the state. Opposing it is much, much harder.

That said, he at least gets why we're gonna get fascism:
Lets be honest- Clinton doesn’t give a shit about me. When Clinton talks about people hurt by the economy, she means you: elite-educated white-collar people with obvious career tracks who are having trouble with their bills and their 401k plans. That’s who boomed under the last president Clinton, especially the 401ks. Me, or the three guys fighting two nights ago over the Township mowing contract, we’re nothing. Clinton doesn’t have an economic plan for us. Nobody has an economic plan for us. There is no economic plan for us, ever. We keep driving trucks around and keep the margins above gas money and maybe take an odd job here or there, but essentially, we’re history and nobody seems to mind saying so.

And let me be honest again- Trump doesn’t have an economic plan for me either. What Trump’s boys have for me is a noose- but that’s the choice I’m facing, a lifetime of grueling poverty, or apocalypse. Yeah I know, not fun and games- the shouts, the smashing glass, the headlights on the lawn, but what am I supposed to do, raise my kid to stay one step ahead of the inspectors and don’t, for the love of god, don’t ever miss a payment on your speeding ticket? A noose is something I know how to fight.

Fuck it. Give me the fascists, I’ll know where I stand…

Madoff Whistleblower: Clinton Foundation worst charity fraud ever πŸ”—

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It's a political slush fund like most high-profile charities.

Progress: For the first time since the 1880s, more young Americans are living with their parents than with a romantic partner πŸ”—

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The inverse blessings of the state.

Bernie Supporters: Bernie Madoff for VP πŸ”—

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lol. Way to go Mark Dice.

The man who brought incubators to America πŸ”—

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The life-saving effects of the Free Market. This would never be allowed in our authoritarian present.

Will Grigg's Latest πŸ”—

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On the bogus "war on cops".

Bootstrapping a City πŸ”—

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Without Government in the way, great things happen.

Allergies: Legit immune response πŸ”—

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Gotta eliminate that stuff, it's bad for ya. Suppression ain't gonna help long-term.

Workin' on a Cruise Ship πŸ”—

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Pretty good gig for writers, actually.

NY Slimes: How oh how did ISIS get into Kosovo???? πŸ”—

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Gee maybe because the revolution was fought by Al-Qaeda in the first place? What a bunch of morons.

German Nuke plant: released nuclear waste into atmo on purpose πŸ”—

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During Chernobyl. Figured nobody would notice.

Guardian: US the guiding force beind ISIS' rise πŸ”—

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They are just now starting to see that?

BONUS: FrontLine's spin on it.

FIB: Bugging courthouses πŸ”—

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As usual, this gang recognizes no limits.

Cool idea: The gun bed πŸ”—

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FEC's consideration of power grab has hit a nerve πŸ”—

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And rightly so, as government rarely considers a power grab and then fails to implement it.

Likely New Filipino Prez sounds like a real winner πŸ”—

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"All of you who are into drugs, you sons of bitches, I will really kill you," Duterte told a huge cheering crowd Saturday in his final campaign rally in Manila. "I have no patience, I have no middle ground, either you kill me or I will kill you idiots."
Statism on truth serum

Barrett Brown's latest πŸ”—

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Rightly excoriating apologists for Kissinger.

Homesteading returns in Russia πŸ”—

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About time. Should come back in the American west too.

Slick looking prosthetic arms finally coming to fore πŸ”—

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Seems to work well too. Bravo.

Another great checkpoint refusal πŸ”—

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As always, while you do have rights, the cops also have the de-facto right to murder anyone they want for any reason at all times. So be careful out there.

Great article on "Skeptics" πŸ”—

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Damn Straight. Most "Skeptics" are just statists horizontally enforcing the official view on everything.

"Giant" EBT fraud uncovered πŸ”—

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Allegedly, the defendants fraudulently obtained more than $13 million dollars in EBT deposits for transactions in which the stores did not provide food.
Wouldn't even pay for a F-35 helmet. Don't look at the real fraud over here...

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