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The Doge πŸ”—

Doug Casey turns 70 πŸ”—

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Reflections on his latest exploits.

Business Insider Writer gets new job robbing banks πŸ”—

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I hope he's better at it than BI articles are, or his new career is gonna be a short one...oops, spoke too soon.

Salon: Pushing pedophilia...again. πŸ”—

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Yet more crap from the most PC rag there is. And it's not anything understandable like questioning the age of consent, or say emancipation of minors. No, it's about fapping to 5 year olds.

Kids: Think they can grow up to be black πŸ”—

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While wiggers are not a new phenomenon, I don't think it's any worse than kids growing up thinking they can be president. Still, probably reflective of the stupid PC crap's harmful effects on kids' minds. Magical thinking needs to be squashed before they grow up to ask for the impossible (socialism).


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Way to go David Knight.

NPR: Refugee crisis "All russia's fault" πŸ”—

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Wow. They neither started the civil war by fomenting the rebellion (NATO did), nor did they let in the hordes (again, NATO/EU did).

The full MTGox story πŸ”—

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Total scam from top to bottom. Finally pushed over the edge when Uncle Sam confiscated their operating reserves.

Big time Kazakh protests πŸ”—

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Are they tired of the dictator? You bet. Is this also a color revolution backed by NED and the usual suspects? You can take that to the bank.

Baghdad gov't gunning down Sadrist protestors πŸ”—

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That's not gonna go over real well.

NYPD: Still tossing out the bodies πŸ”—

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A family is now heartbroken after attempting to get in touch with their incarcerated son only to find out that he’d died months prior and had been buried without any word. To make matters worse, the prison never conducted an investigation into his death, and the family has still yet to receive a cause of death.

Evolving Conservatism πŸ”—

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The new right is quickly coalescing as a reaction to the intolerant insanity of the current left, while the old (read: neocon) right is more or less resigning itself into a remnant.

Judge orders DOJ prosecutors to take ethics classes πŸ”—

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Any bureaucratic sissy-fight is music to my ears.

Another great McAffee ad πŸ”—

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Seems Vin and Kokesh are excited about John too. I can't blame them, he's the only guy who could trump the Trump.

TX gold depositories: moving forward πŸ”—

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An important step towards inevitable independence in the coming endarkenment.

Latest government crackdown: on fuel delivery πŸ”—

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Gotta shake down all types of private activity until everyone is a total prisoner in their own homes.

Theranos Knuckles πŸ”—

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Whether it's a desperate ploy to ingratiate themselves to the bureaucrats, or if there's actually something up...It's too early to say.

The Transparent display πŸ”—

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Very cool. This could make some neat displays in doctors' offices for internal imagery.

Yet more automated resturants: Wendy's πŸ”—

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How's that $15 minimum wage treating you?

Kop moonlights as drug-dealing hitman πŸ”—

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But I repeat myself.

Judge: "Good Reason" not needed to concealed carry in DC πŸ”—

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Good, maybe racist sheriffs can't deny permits to blacks there anymore.

Pot arrests in CO skyrocket for blacks after legalization πŸ”—

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When kops are involved, you always gotta look for the "imprison more blacks" angle. The state's always on the look-out for more corvee.

Trollin' the Trump Hat πŸ”—

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I think the most ironic person to wear those "make America great again" hats would be Amerinds. Sew a "liquidate the white man" patch to the back of it for maximum triggering.

NYC: Quarter Mil fine for using wrong gender pronoun πŸ”—

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Just call everyone 'my nigga'.

Canada: Limited legalization of Heroin? πŸ”—

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If so, thank god. Much better than locking them in cages; that just makes the need for heroin stronger.

65% of Americans: want neither Trump or Hillary πŸ”—

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The guaranteed outcome of Democracy. Can't enhance all cornpones at once.

BONUS: Hillary does better where anti-election fraud measures are not in place. Shocked, simply shocked

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