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The Doge πŸ”—

The F-35 Scam: There's no telling where the money went πŸ”—

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"There is not a true contract ceiling" or in plain English, the project office doesn't do fixed-price contracts as testified, it just gets the bills from Lockheed and Pratt and pays them.
Accomplishing it's mission indeed.

Obama: At war longer than any other US president πŸ”—

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Gotta just SHIT on the peace prize, man

Meltdown: Spotted on BillG's bookshelf πŸ”—

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Guess the arch-globalist is interested in the opposition.

The propaganda that started the Syrian War πŸ”—

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In October 2011, NATO set up a show village, Jabal al-Zouia, in the North of the country. One after another, Western journalists were taken there by the public relations service of the Turkish Prime Minister. There they apparently witnessed the Free Syrian Army supported by the population. However, the operation ended when a Spanish journalist recognised the heads of this Free Β«SyrianΒ» Army – the leaders of al-QaΓ―da in Libya, Abdelhakim Belhaj and Mahdi al-Harati [11]. But no matter, the image told the story that there really existed a vast army composed of defectors, ex-soldiers of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Yemen war moves to consolidation phase πŸ”—

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Looks like they're gonna mop up the Jihadis and re-make east Yemen since they can't beat the western Yemenis (again). All that is old is new again.

WHOOPS the torture report got conveniently deleted πŸ”—

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They conveniently forgot where to find and who to ask for other copies for good measure.

Nate Silver admits he's just making shit up πŸ”—

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The big mistake is a curious one for a website that focuses on statistics. Unlike virtually every other forecast we publish at FiveThirtyEight β€” including the primary and caucus projections I just mentioned β€” our early estimates of Trump’s chances weren’t based on a statistical model. Instead, they were what we β€œsubjective odds” β€” which is to say, educated guesses.
Flash in the pan Obama Bundler.

Former NATO Capo: Agitating for 2017 WWIII πŸ”—

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Gotta kill them Roooskies. These boots aren't getting licked by themselves, yanno.

NATO expands again πŸ”—

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This time gobbling up Montenegro. New clients for useless weapons.

Amtrak Defrocked? πŸ”—

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In the court’s ruling, Judge Janice Rogers Brown expresses concern about the ability of any business entity – public, private, or in-between – to β€œco-opt the state’s coercive power to impose a disadvantageous regulatory regime on its market competitors.”
Of course the superior statist court will find in their favor, as it would have to insane-forget that the above is exactly what it does to providers of justice, police, postal service, etc.

Trump Policy shaping up to be more of the same πŸ”—

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Aggrandize bankers and the MIC.

BONUS: Trump seen kissing ass with Kissinger.

China: Abandoning the Bunga? πŸ”—

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Impossible. But, if true, Jim Rogers is 1000% right about needing to learn Chinese -- if they allow the liquidation, there are great things ahead for the middle kingdom.

The Gizmondo story πŸ”—

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Yet another corrupto Judge πŸ”—

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This one trading verdicts for sex, rather than the usual schedule Benjamin attached to forms.

Turkey: Visa-free travel or we unleash the refugees πŸ”—

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At least it's obvious the game he's playing.

Way to go McAffee πŸ”—

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Now THIS is the kind of campaign ad you would want to see from a libertarian. Tired of the wars? Vote libertarian.

A Russian take on the Meiji restoration πŸ”—

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The magic of peaceful cooperation is what transformed their society. It's gunboat diplomacy that twisted it into empire again.

Tesla "summon" mode: summons your ass into a trailer πŸ”—

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15 Year old discovers lost mayan city πŸ”—

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Through usage of star charts. Great kid.

BONUS: Maybe not? Still, good thinking either way.

USG: solitary confinement for Cliven Bundy πŸ”—

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They are now publicly calling him a domestic terrorist. Pretty odd terrorist in that the only people doing any violence were the feds.

Taylor Swift: waifu for neo-nazis πŸ”—

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France: DictatorTime πŸ”—

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Prez directly passes legislation by himself. Ain't emergency powers grand? And just like the Hitlerite socialist he is, he immediately stabs his constituency in the back to increase output by running the machine at 120%. The bone he has thrown the workers is retarded.

Thanks, Minimum Wage and the Drug War: Nearly 1 in 6 Young Men Are Jobless or Jailed πŸ”—

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The government loves you...when you are corvee labor.

WSJ: How dare you not spend beyond your means, America πŸ”—

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Insane-forgetting how the gubbmint is driving us into the poor-house with their unhinged money printing.

Mark Cuban gets it RE Trump πŸ”—

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He'll be the first "social media" president, being the only one who actually understands how to trend there. E.G. Take identity politics to the next level.

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