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The Doge πŸ”—

Smoking Gun on the "Craig Wright is Satoshi" BS πŸ”—

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Errors in his verification program allowed for scamming of observers. Ha.

NJ WeedMan back in court πŸ”—

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Hope he wins it this time too.

Artifical Placenta keeps premature sheep alive for weeks πŸ”—

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They have yet failed to bring one successfully to term. That said, this could make many more marginal children viable, thus saving many lives.

Yet again: be publicly anti-state, get your kids siezed πŸ”—

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The laws are the least of your worries -- it's the horizontal enforcer neighbor authoritarians who start all actions against you. Run Silent, Run Deep and live free.

ABC: Make america great again == Allahu Akbar of domestic terrorists πŸ”—

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The elite propaganda has never been particularly subtle.

Navy droneship experiments continuing πŸ”—

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One hopes the technology works. That said, if drone shipping seriously catches on, they will have to become armed, as piracy will quickly become a serious problem.

Puerto Rico: Finally in default πŸ”—

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Time to see whether they swallow the medicine, get a bailout or crush their citizens now.

Turkish Parliament brawl πŸ”—

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Someone suggested we not be immune from prosecution? ROBBLE ROBBLE ROBBLE

Shaders: the big eval πŸ”—

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Sounds like Perl5. Zillions of compile errors that can't be caught until runtime due to moronic design of the interpreter.

Another Day, another Satoshi πŸ”—

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This time, the claim is pretty hilariously bad. Gavin apparently got commit access revoked due to being hacked/a sucker. The prior claims by this individual to be Satoshi were also debunked. At the end of the day, the proof would be to spend the pile of BTC satoshi has been sitting on.

Russians got CALEA in 96' too πŸ”—

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You know, you'd think there was this like global conspiracy or something

WaPo: Tubers evil πŸ”—

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Escape agriculture prevented everyone from being squatted on by the state. SOUND THE ALARM

The Epstein parties: did Trump get Caught up? πŸ”—

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Too soon to tell, but would be unsurprising. Also would be unsurprising if Trump gets in trouble where Slick Willy didn't for doing the same stuff with the same guy.

Madhi Army Coup in progress in Iraq? πŸ”—

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Bye Bye quisling government. Methinks the merger with Iran will become more official if the USG doesn't resist this too much. Could be that this is being used as a bargaining chip to get Uncle Sam to actually ease sanctions rather than being indian givers.

Money Supply growth: Still around 8% πŸ”—

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The mad printers continue to hollow out our substance.

USG yet again chides Swiss for having freedom πŸ”—

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How dare they not be complete slaves to the empire.

Trump: Keep getting boys killed in Af-Pak πŸ”—

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War is the ultimate litmus test. Either you're for peace or you are not.

More False Flag 'hate speech' at universities πŸ”—

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This...is CIA

SciHub: Quite Popular πŸ”—

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It's time for the empiricists out there to grow up and face the sunshine like the Mathematicians have been doing for centuries. This can only improve science.

There is no independent "reality" πŸ”—

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It's all relative to the observer. Which is why getting many perspectives on a situation helps a great deal. The wave interactions of all independent observers in 4 dimensions are difficult to discern otherwise.

Venezuela: On death's door πŸ”—

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Tonight there are no lights. Like the New York City of Ayn Rand’s β€œAtlas Shrugged”, the eyes of the country were plucked out to feed the starving beggars in abandoned occupied buildings which were once luxury apartments. They blame the weather – the government does – like the tribal shamans of old who made sacrifices to the gods in the hopes of an intervention. There is no food either; they tell the people to hold on, to raise chickens on the terraces of their once-glamorous apartments. There is no water – and they give lessons on state TV of how to wash with a cup of water. The money is worthless; people now pay with potatoes, if they can find them. Doctors operate using the light of their smart phones; when there is power enough to charge them. Without anesthesia, of course – or antibiotics, like the days before the advent of modern medicine. The phone service has been cut – soon the internet will go and an all-pervading darkness will fall over a feral land.

The marathon of destruction is almost finished; the lifeblood of the nation is almost gone. No, there is nothing heroic or epic here; ruins in the making are sad affairs – bereft of the comforting mantle of time which lends intrigue and inevitability. And watching it has, for me, been one of life’s great tragedies.

Indefinite detention for refusing court order πŸ”—

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So much for due process. Ha!

Law passed to restrain warrantless email surveillance πŸ”—

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A slashdot commenter gets it right for once:
The 3 letter agencies are going to do what they want, regardless of what the "law" says, just like they do now.

Hastert goes to the Slammer πŸ”—

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Not for diddling kids, of course. For "Structuring Transactions" which anyone who has withdrawn cash ever is technically guilty of.

The state: does everything possible to keep you in condition white πŸ”—

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Don't look up from the smartphone! you might find we're reaming you!

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