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The Doge πŸ”—

Drone Murders: Movies beginning to come out πŸ”—

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Zeus' thunderbolts are indeed difficult to wield for mere mortals. It's worse for the victims of the drones.

Lame Duck signs on to Korea boondoggle πŸ”—

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Gotta waste a shitload of cash on a non-functional missile shield.

Norway: Now bribing immigrants to leave πŸ”—

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Full Retard

Crypton: the zero knowledge key-value store πŸ”—

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This is huge. Privacy enhancing apps will now proliferate beyond belief.

The fall of Japan summed up πŸ”—

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The inevitable bursting of the bubble in the early 1990s was truly spectacular. The Nikkei lost over 80 percent of its value, land and home prices almost completely flattened, and GDP growth crashed to an anemic 1 percent. When economists refer to Japan's "lost decade" they refer to Japan's post-bubble economy. Yet, Japan now finds itself creeping into a third decade with minuscule growth. The Nikkei and asset prices have never recovered anywhere near their previous highs. Anyone getting into the Nikkei in 1990 would, after twenty-six years, have returns of roughly -50 percent. Keynesians and other economic interventionists would do well to view Japan as the canary in the coal mine. The United States and Europe have doubled down on Keynesian alchemy this last decade but our leaders need only look at the devastation these schemes have brought to Japan β€” a nation that has tried to borrow, print, and tax itself into prosperity for thirty years. Japan is in the late stages of Keynesian cancer and policymakers in the rest of the developed world would do well to take notice.
Welcome to the future

The Life Spark πŸ”—

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The bright flash occurs because when sperm enters and egg it triggers calcium to increase which releases zinc from the egg. As the zinc shoots out, it binds to small molecules which emit a fluorescence which can be picked up my camera microscopes.

Over the last six years this team has shown that zinc controls the decision to grow and change into a completely new genetic organism.
Let there be Light.

Huge CS Advancement: the Unum πŸ”—

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This indeed is better than IEEE 754.

Goldman: Now a retail bank πŸ”—

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clearly going after the big bailout $$$

Singapore: Setting up a control grid πŸ”—

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As part of its Smart Nation program, launched by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in late 2014, Singapore is deploying an undetermined number of sensors and cameras across the island city-state that will allow the government to monitor everything from the cleanliness of public spaces to the density of crowds and the precise movement of every locally registered vehicle.
Bye Bye Freedom

WISP: RFID powered by...RFID! πŸ”—

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Great passive application.

Guess who's the biggest fighter of Islamic terror worldwide? πŸ”—

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Muslims. Put that in your pipe, and smoke it neocons. Don't fall for the big lies trying to make you look anywhere but the state for your enemy.

Establishment lining up behind "Mad Dog" Mattis πŸ”—

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When the going gets tough, find a crazed killer. Works for every other crumbling state trying to keep a grip on power by any means necessary.

MSM: Could CO2 be good for crop yields??? πŸ”—

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It's what plants crave...literally. Of course increased CO2 levels are good news for crop yields; how the hell else did people grow wine in Scotland during the Medieval warm period.

Pentagon Whining about Nick Turse filing FOIAs πŸ”—

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Damn, it's like he read "The Gulag Archipeligo" or something...

Neat that even though Turse is just interested due to him being a journalist, all the government types seem to think he's intentionally trying to gum up the system. Shows what these creeps are scared of.

BONUS: CIA up to it's usual tricks to foil an Angleton biography.

Yet another Schmuck pulled into the terror scam vortex πŸ”—

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Imprisoned for 14 months without charge.

Flouride: proven to be neurotoxin again in study πŸ”—

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As always, keep kids away from this stuff, and minimize your exposure.

Kevlar Lorica: transforming gladiatorial sports? πŸ”—

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Very interesting development. That said, heavy mauls and maces could still kill you in this armor, so some care must be exercised.

Li-On that doesn't degrade πŸ”—

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A remarkable achievement. These could last as long as nickel-irons do.

Yakuza 3: reviewed by 3 Yakuza πŸ”—

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This may be the funniest game review I have ever read.

Ergenkon trial and all convictions thrown out πŸ”—

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On the 21st April, the Supreme Court cancelled the trial in its entirety and the 275 convictions, on the grounds that the existence of the Ergenekon conspiracy had not been proved during the trial, and that the rights of the defence had not been respected.
NATO wins again!

Whole PD quits in colorado, nothing bad happens πŸ”—

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As expected. The local ruling class is on the lookout for new enforcers.

Bodies getting tossed out wrt/ flint water crisis πŸ”—

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Talk about some serious corruption.

SnakeBot πŸ”—

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Gene Therapy to lengthen telomeres: successful? πŸ”—

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Was wondering what BioVivva was up to lately. So, telomere lengthening of leukocytes happened. A decent first step.

Average website: bigger than DOOM πŸ”—

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25 most recent posts older than 1461315424
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