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The Doge πŸ”—

Better suggestions for new faces on the bills πŸ”—

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We will also need to bring back the $500. Franklin Roosevelt should be on that newly printed greenback. FDR created a whole new class of federal spending with the New Deal and set the United States on the path to insolvency. He also hated gold and silver. Who would be a better reminder that your money is worthless and the government can (illegally) confiscate real wealth than the man who did it…twice? The reverse should have a pastoral image of people waiting in line to buy sugar during World War II.

China Payables: 192 days on average to retire πŸ”—

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Billionaire who doged billions in taxes: greatest philanthropist πŸ”—

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So much so that he's only got $2million to his name. Giving everything to charity certainly beats paying for international murder by the pentagram.

Brevik: wins human rights case πŸ”—

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On track to become Norwegian king someday when the inevitable reaction to the leftist foolishness comes. His story really has a lot of Hitlerite parallels; I'm wondering when his book is coming out.

Congress: engaged in fraud to get obamacare subsidies πŸ”—

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And guess who's covering for it! Rand Paul.

Tankbuster grapeshot πŸ”—

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The latest in cluster bombs.

Bernie: Couldn't hack it at the commune πŸ”—

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What must be emphasized is this: in Ron Paul’s America, or Hans Hoppe’s private law society, voluntary β€œsocialist” arrangements would be perfectly allowable and legal. But libertarian communities are never permitted in statist societies.
Jeff Deist nails it.

CPS: Criminial kidnappers all over the world πŸ”—

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Most cases now don't involve parental violence, though, or alcohol- or drug-abuse. The commonest reason for a care order now is simply "lack of parenting skills".
A standard by which none can live up to, built to redistribute kids to government cronies.

Judge throws out case based on FIB writ of assistance πŸ”—

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FIB will shop for a more compliant judge on appeal.

Market Regulation: better than Government Regulation πŸ”—

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It's the incentives, stupid. It's the same reason people are issues voters. They are rationally ignorant about things outside their niche usually; so are politicians. So, expect nothing but idiotic regs from them.

Kuwait: Forcibly collecting DNA of all residents πŸ”—

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Y'know to keep you safe, hahaha

AA battery sized arduino πŸ”—

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Remarkable, but at the cost of any input hardware. Still, squeezing in controllers for that would be the next step, one might imagine; perhaps on another board strapped to the back.

Diversity on Campus: only genetic πŸ”—

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Not ideological, of course, which is bizarre for a place that's supposed to be developing minds rather than being a selective breeding program.

The EM Drive: Powered by the Unruh Effect? πŸ”—

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If so it's one hell of an argument for the theory around it.

Why Goldman didn't get charged for fraud πŸ”—

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Goldman & SEC = BFF

Alex St. John : Hit a nerve yesterday with his article about work πŸ”—

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So much so his daughter has come out against him. The funny part? She acts exactly like what he was noting was the problem. Young? Check. Feeling blocked by victimhood and asking for help? Check.

Everyone acts like the patriarchy is somehow propping up all these successful guys. I can tell you, that ain't the case. Practically nobody helped me, and that is the case for practically every guy working right now. Nobody, and I mean nobody ever systematically teaches how to be more productive.

And like St. John noted in his article from yesterday, so what if you are being discriminated against? You are going to let that stop you? It didn't stop actual slaves from trying to escape, and their situation was much, much worse.

You must accept what you cannot change, and corrupt systems are one of those things. Live a life of personal excellence; it's all you can do in the end. Yet again these SJWs should read Epictetus.

Drug OD: primary reason for life expectancy drop in USA πŸ”—

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Do drugs to escape the prison of a society built-up around you, to the point of death.

Hitting the nail on the head about work πŸ”—

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People who give themselves permission to fail or permission to give up for any reason (valid or imaginary), find making excuses habit forming. They never achieve their potential. It doesn’t matter if your victimology world-view is comforting, is constantly validated, or is justified, if you accept it as a reason for failure, you’ll never look beyond it to ask; β€œWhat can I do to improve myself”… or β€œWhat if the reason this person is telling me that I need to improve at my job is because… I ACTUALLY just need to improve at my job?”
This may be the best article I've read all year. This x1000. Must Read.

Kops: ticketing bicyclists for going too fast πŸ”—

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Man, if you can get a bike over the limit on most streets you deserve a friggin' medal.

Red Light Robin Hood πŸ”—

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Jailed Hero & Political Prisoner.

One Year since the announcement of Liberland πŸ”—

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No concrete progress yet. The state will always shut down the competition.

Defaults at highest level since '09 πŸ”—

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Pentagram: OK to murder more kids than usual πŸ”—

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Collateral Damage. Winning hearts and minds, yo.

Oh yeah, it's lexington and concord day πŸ”—

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See you at the Green Dragon.

FAA: felony to shoot down tresspassing drones πŸ”—

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Y'know to make sure the coproaches can watch you undress.

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