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The Doge πŸ”—

Simply put 'ISIS' in a transaction memo, get robbed by OFAC πŸ”—

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I'm sorry, you can't spend your money on "lawyers" for "your defense", citizen. Due process is subordinate to national security.

Hanford Site: Leaking rads for at least 5 years πŸ”—

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No wonder kids are being born with no brains around there.

Latest Biometric Hokum: Brainprints πŸ”—

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Guaranteed to be as much horse pucky as polygraph.

Open Source neural control hat? πŸ”—

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Will be interesting to see if it works.

Off Grid and Underground πŸ”—

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Excellent shipping container build.

Theranos: Now under investigation by the SEC πŸ”—

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Man, they're really pulling out the big guns to protect the crony labs. This is what happens when you figure out how to beat the established players by 10x in price -- they sic the state on ya.

Jackson to be booted from $20 rather than dumping Hamilton πŸ”—

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Of course they are. You expected anything else from the central bankers? They love Hamilton and hate Jackson.

UK: Parliament doesn't get to vote on War in Libya πŸ”—

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The government further insisted that it doesn’t really consider itself bound to the law requiring them to only launch wars with parliamentary support, saying that the Prime Minister needs to be able to act without being β€œartificially constrained” by things like the law.
Ripping off the mask

Rousseff Impeached πŸ”—

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Good riddance. Now on to the next corrupt pile of trash.

The Paul LeRoux story πŸ”—

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Interesting read about a hacker turned mafiosi. Exposed as the hacker community is to government lawlessness it is unsurprising that a few decide to hoist the black flag and start slitting throats.

NSA: Totally corrupt internally too πŸ”—

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Engaging in the sort of harassment any private employer would be pilloried for.

Canadian Kops: have Blackberry backdoor πŸ”—

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Well, one good reason not to use that crap.

Yet more evidence that Butter is good for you πŸ”—

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Well, compared to vegetable oils anyways, which the MSM are all pumping as the "heart healthy" solution which just happens to enrich ADM/Cargill.

France: The police state is working πŸ”—

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The constant presence of camouflage uniforms everywhere from quiet neighbourhood streets to MΓ©tro carriages, patrolling past schools at home-time or milling through markets, has transformed the cityscape – and the relationship of the French to their soldiers. People now bring hot drinks and food offerings to men in military fatigues at the end of their street. The elite troops of the foreign legion are invited into a barmitzvah in a street of synagogues that they normally guard. There are now military medals for serving on the streets of French towns and many more young people applying to join the army.
Towards it's real goal that is; exalting the state's minions. Not keeping folks safe.

Putin's Annual Q&A πŸ”—

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As always, more interesting than the US POTUS's SOTU, though equally filled with lies. Tough questions from the people though; this is far braver to take than any US president would do.

Hollande raked over the coals in no-holds barred interview πŸ”—

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Tone was set early on when the president said things were β€œgetting better” and a brave journalist interrupted β€œIs that a joke?”

Trump: How's the system working out for you? πŸ”—

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Getting dangerously close to asking the right questions. The system and the Government are the average man's blood enemy, and whoever recognizes that instantly is a hero to the people, and crucified by the elites.

USG: worst cyber security πŸ”—

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They don't care -- It's not their money/data.

FedGov going after Mercedes Diesel now πŸ”—

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The agenda is to force all-electric, as that's all-crony.

CDC Claim: Zika causes microcephaly πŸ”—

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A highly suspect conclusion by a pathologically lying organization.

Obummer cancelling cripples' student loans πŸ”—

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Gubbmint NINJA loans being written down??? Talk about a huge loss for the feds.

FCC kept cell phone program fraud covered up until voted to expand πŸ”—

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Gotta get that $$$

More plotting by the money printers πŸ”—

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Backdoor bailout of China incoming.

UV bomb detector camera πŸ”—

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An actually significant security advance. Install these, and dump the TSA please.

Erik Prince's latest: building attack aircraft πŸ”—

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Response is as expected: "SOUND THE ALARM!!!! ONE OF THE SLAVES HAS A WEAPON!!!"

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