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The Doge πŸ”—

Kid plays grabass, gets criminal charges πŸ”—

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Triton rebreather update: scam πŸ”—

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I remember seeing the Israeli rebreather rig -- it was a whole suit and a big ass battery pack.

Waterfall climbing fish: the pelvis missing link πŸ”—

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Interesting evidence for how all that came to be. Perhaps that explains better how things became terrestrial in the first place.

Chrome: The new IE πŸ”—

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I will post chrome haterade as much as I can. It's the worst browser you can use right now, especially on mobile.

M$ chatbot: QA fail πŸ”—

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Don't leave in your NLP learning code when exposing to the public, duh.

Taxation is Theft: trending πŸ”—

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Technically it's aggravated burglary.

The deep sea diving life πŸ”—

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Sounds like a good thing for a young lad to do for a while.

BoFA continuing to illegally ask for CARs, file SARs πŸ”—

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Why you would use any of the national chains is beyond me. They treat their customers like trash.

GOP: Anti-Ron Rule 40b "doesn't exist" πŸ”—

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Doing everything they can to have "anyone but Trump"

FIB: how dare you have anti-government bumper stickers πŸ”—

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Clear evidence of terrorism

World Trade at lower levels than '08 πŸ”—

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Holoportation: Gonna be huge. πŸ”—

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This will revolutionize televised events. Everything in real, honest to god 3D you can walk around in. Imagine football like this.

Britbong boots on the ground in Libya πŸ”—

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Lasing targets for god knows what reason. How does one destroy that which is already a smoking crater?

Russian calls in airstrike on himself πŸ”—

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Corruption in Louisiana??? πŸ”—

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Whoda thunkit. Dude gets arrested exposing it.

Marc Victor's latest πŸ”—

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Google is not what it seems πŸ”—

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An important article by Assange. Google is the state department.

Stockman on NATO: Drop it like it's hot πŸ”—

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The plain fact is Russia is an economic and military weakling and is not the slightest threat to the security of the United States. None. Nichts. Nada. Nope.

Its entire expenditure for national defense amounts to just $50 billion, but during the current year, only $35 billion of that will actually go to the Russian Armed Forces. On an apples-to-apples basis, that’s about three weeks of Pentagon spending!
NATO's purpose is to politically dominate Europe, not protect it from Russia.

Cruz bimbo eruption: Trump spokesman? πŸ”—

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Oh, he's really in trouble if this is true.

Fred Reed sums up USA politics/media πŸ”—

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Once upon a time, there was a fairy kingdom that lived inside a place called The Beltway and was surrounded on all four sides by a land called America. The Beltway was aligned with another kingdom called Manhattan, inhabited by disembodied heads that spoke from the walls of bars, and with yet another closed kingdom called Hollywood, the abode of half-educated narcissists. These kingdoms were in eternal political syzygy and spoke not with the people of the surrounding lands, of whom they knew nothing.

Speaking of commies πŸ”—

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The baiting of decent people by the commies in Brazil (and the US) is truly shameful.

Inside Jacobin πŸ”—

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The entire socialist revival movement explained (you have to be ignorant to believe in it):
Distance from that history lets Jacobin promote a very different brand of socialism without being overly defensive about the past or feeling a need to redbait those to its left for being insufficiently anti-communist or pro-American. This historical distance is also perhaps the reason young people are so receptive to the idea of socialism today.
Jacobin is my favorite commie rag. The howlers emitted from there are nonstop.

US elections: most crooked in the west πŸ”—

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Surprising precisely nobody but idiots fresh out of government schools.

Cruz: 5 mistresses? πŸ”—

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LOL, he is the resurrection of LBJ.

Thierry Meyssan nails it RE GLADIO B πŸ”—

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The Turkish deal with the EU over immigration is truly diabolical. Literally paying Erdogan to get terror attacks.
A large part of the 3 billion Euros annually allotted to Ankara will serve to finance support for the jihadists, and as a result will increase the number of migrants who are fleeing the war. Above all, by repealing the visa regulations with Turkey in the next few months, the Europeans are establishing free circulation between the Al-Qaïda camps in Turkey and Brussels. By crushing the Iraqi and Syrian people under the pressure of the jihadists whom they are indirectly financing, and abandoning the Turkish people to the dictatorship of President Erdoğan, they are preparing the foundations for a vast confrontation of which they will themselves be the victims.
He goes on to compare this deal to Munich. I agree with the characterization of Erdogan as fundamentally Hitlerite, and the european elites knowing full well they are dealing with a mad dog. Now, like then the pols are licking their chops over the power they will get from the resultant crisis and mobilization to deal with it.

All the immigrants are idiots; they're gonna be the meat for the grinder of war planned with Russia.

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