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The Doge πŸ”—

Radovan KaradΕΎiΔ‡: 40 years for Genocide πŸ”—

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Clearly Ross Ulbricht should have been a war criminal. He woulda got off lighter! See, the politicians have a soft spot for their own.

Pop-up rear projection monitor πŸ”—

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I like it.

FDA: no more CBD for you πŸ”—

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It might someday somehow become a drug for the big pharma firms, so you can't have it as a dietary supplement in the meantime. Jerks.

Programmer Moneyball πŸ”—

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I've been waiting for anyone, anywhere to seriously think about hiring practices rather than the same old ineffective HR that has produced bozo explosions everywhere. This guy has got it down pat.

Bad code isn't Technical Debt, it's an unhedged Call Option πŸ”—

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Yep. It can work for a while, until you have to cover your shorts. Then it's pants on the ground with gaping holes exposed.

Chris Matthews: Corrupt πŸ”—

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Payola artist. I'm shocked, simply shocked

Hackers knock over the NY FED πŸ”—

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The truth about the Drug War πŸ”—

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β€œThe Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

I must have looked shocked. Ehrlichman just shrugged. Then he looked at his watch, handed me a signed copy of his steamy spy novel, The Company, and led me to the door.

Nixon’s invention of the war on drugs as a political tool was cynical, but every president since β€” Democrat and Republican alike β€” has found it equally useful for one reason or another.
Glad to see a mainstream rag like Harpers grow a pair. It will be interesting when people figure out the Pedo and Militia accusations are the same shit.

SCOTUS wimps out on Weed case πŸ”—

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Cause if they did, they'd have to find against Colorado. As they will want to continue with the insane interpretation of the commerce clause that has been pouring viagra on the bureaucracy for the last 80 years.

US gov't sets record for failures to find files when asked πŸ”—

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butterfingers! Ha Ha Ha. As if one of the most criminal administrations in recent times (which is saying something) would incriminate itself.

Valeant: Double Booking πŸ”—

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The train of Accounting irregularities begins.

Bigtime DDOS on the Swedes πŸ”—

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Mostly posting because this had the first lulzy Slashdot comment I've seen in years:
how do you cope with DDoS?

Send all packets back where they came from. They are raping our servers. They flood our network routers. They bring in DOS. Some of them, I suppose, are nice packets.

I love network packets, I have thousands and thousands sent to me every day. But these packets were sent by nasty, nasty criminals. You know what we did in the old days with these criminals. They are drowning our servers in packets.

What are the best tools to protect yourself

Build a firewall, and let the hackers pay for it.

and what to do when the attack is on?

Vote for Donald J. Trump.

Anti-Hooker prosecutor: Top John πŸ”—

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Law for thee, not for me!

Newest Northcom Capo: The Lady General πŸ”—

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I guess if Trump gets in, we might get ourselves a lady president via coup! ha ha ha.

Wisdom tooth removal: stupid idea πŸ”—

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There is no evidence of widespread third-molar infection and pathology or of medical necessity to justify so much surgery. In fact, 50% of upper third molars classified as impactions are normally developing teeth, most of which will erupt with minimal discomfort if not extracted prematurely. Only 12% of truly impacted teeth are associated with pathological conditions such as cysts and damage to adjacent teeth.3,4 Most discomfort of erupting wisdom teeth is equivalent to teething and disappears on full eruption. Most infection of the gum tissue around the erupting or partially erupted teeth can be prevented by good oral hygiene, including toothbrushing. Infection occurs in fewer than 10% of third molars, most of which can be cured with antibiotics, oral rinsing, or removal of excess tissue (the hyperculum) around the tooth, without requiring removal of the tooth itself.5 Most of the pain and illness attributed to third molars is caused by the surgery, not the teeth.

Automatic braking: coming to a car near you πŸ”—

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Cars equipped with these systems get upset if you get even remotely close to another car – and will do fun things like hit the brakes when you are trying to exploit a rapidly closing window in traffic.

You are caught behind two cars pacing each other, the guy in the left lane just barely moving faster than the car to his right. He creeps forward just enough to give you daylight enough to zip in between and get around the Clover clusterfuck.

Not anymore.

The computer considers this β€œunsafe” and will apply the brakes just as you are trying to accelerate.
This shit will get some people I know killed. They are aggressive drivers, and will have a rude (and possibly fatal) awakening by these systems. Of course, the types putting these systems in probably think that's a good thing, the social darwinists that they are.

Political Scandal in Brazil boils over πŸ”—

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I hope the Mises guys have their moment, and one major country finally turns back to classical liberalism.

Meanwhile in Japan πŸ”—

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Savers are being forced into bonds by making bank rates even further negative than bonds. Talk about financial oppression and theft on a massive scale.

T-Bills getting dumped, the fed is monetizing much of it πŸ”—

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The overseas regimes are desperate to raise cash to stave off becoming Venezuela for another few months. The monetization is also behind the inflation that is really starting to pick up worldwide.

Intel: Making nice consoles now πŸ”—

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I might just grab one of these in lieu of a laptop and get a portable monitor & video card. No more laptop for me :)

The feds own much more land than you think πŸ”—

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One point to make here is that there is over 70 percent more submerged lands in the US than the total amount of dry land in this country. That is, the federal government owns more submerged land than the total amount of land in the 50 states.

Thus, 76.9 percent of total land in the United States is government owned. There is no doubt that regarding this essential resource, land, our economy is heavily socialized.
Don't forget the friendly skies, which are 100% socialized.

Boston Dynamics 4 sale πŸ”—

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Google didn't want to be part of the terminator program, at least publicly.

Lavabit case was about getting to Snowden πŸ”—

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More or less what you would expect from the satanic minions of DC.

Overvalued and undervalued πŸ”—

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Simon Black has an interesting article about whether the Singapore market is relatively "cheap" at roughly 1/1 Market cap/GDP. While this seems superficially like a decent measure, it falls down upon closer analysis.
  1. GDP is a flawed yardstick; you should subtract rather than add government spending. Use Mark Skousen's Gross Output measure where you can.
  2. Single indices do not necessarily reflect the total output of a country, but neither do aggregate measures like GDP/GO. A more thorough analysis would divide up the gross output by that covered by the relevant market sector(s) represented by the index you look at.
  3. Using indices, while good from a hedging against Macro trends POV, is never gonna net you the large gains you can get from value investing in individual firms. To use this approach with individual firms, you would need to further subdivide your analysis into 'how much of a share of output does this firm represent versus their market cap?' Doing so you can actually make a pretty good spreadsheet and sort from top to bottom as to "who are the winners and losers" in the overvalued/undervalued game.
Real investing takes careful planning and thought, not buying indexes and wishing. But doing the homework isn't really that hard if you know what statistics to look for. Like in Moneyball, the game can be won if you look at the right parameters. For value investors, overvalued/undervalued is the most important parameter.

Of course, other relevant statistics exist; nobody would buy a heavily undervalued buggy whip maker in 1912 (except to strip the assets and liquidate it). Earning potential and more traditional measures like P/E should influence your winnowing past 'undervalued or overvalued'.

IRS destroys automatic gratuities πŸ”—

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Be nice, always tip in cash.

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