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Teo Greenwood πŸ”—

Nigeria blocks Twitter after they suspend Nigerian President πŸ”—

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I mean, what do they expect? Live by the block...

Israel: US should learn from our Tactics! πŸ”—

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As if the USA needed help figuring out how to bomb civilians and cry for more $$$.

FED continuing to withdraw market support πŸ”—

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CV19 Vaccine: Spike protien is the reason for deaths caused by it πŸ”—

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Causes clotting, neurological issues and concentrates in ovaries and mammaries. Has big implications for suckling infants and blood donors.

"We made a big mistake and didn't realize it till now".

LOL, that's why you don't take experimental medicine.

CV19 and Sacral Violence πŸ”—

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Really good listen this morning.

FED now the one having the "Taper Tantrum" πŸ”—

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The reason for reverse repo spiking and getting a permanent facility for it is due to getting mad at their own member banks (primary dealers) for not continuing to juice shit when the risk is way too big. Bullish for bubble continuance in the medium term, but bearish for the member banks themselves. Basically this paves the way for the USG finally throwing the banksters under the bus and expropriating them fully. Another "domino" in the way of de-facto nationalization of the entire economy falls.

What's next: HARPA πŸ”—

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Hopefully the "clown world" folks wind up nicknaming it HAARPO

Pfizer Vaccine: Triggering Shingles πŸ”—

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Major Russia escalation inbound πŸ”—

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National emergency declared

On BTC destroying the environment πŸ”—

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Not sure I buy this GDP to BTU cost justification, as GDP is largely a bullshit stat in the first place. That said, presumably factoring in negative marginal productivity of debt is "an exercise left to the reader" if you wanna keep following that line of thinking.

I'd say the more accurate comparison would be comparing the net cost of the financial system versus the net cost of operating the global BTC mining network. Good luck with that, but I suspect the current financial system isn't particularly energy efficient either.

Considering how many goobers make their living off of seignorage and the money multiplier effect, supporting these leeches and the malinvestments they enable would make that cost potentially astronomical. In a way, this was the point this author was trying to make, albeit with what I would consider a poor economic metric for doing so (which surprises me, usually the institute is a lot better at resisting the temptation to use econometrics as a justification for arguments).

The most efficient system in this regard is almost always going to be the ones which are:
  • Fastest, as processor time scales to energy usage.
  • Lowest maintenance costs. Purely digital currency of almost any kind clearly wins here, as transport & manufacture costs of both paper and specie are guaranteed to be far far more for the same amount of value transferred via digital technologies, despite the "inefficiency" of BTC's PoW algo.
  • Lowest wasted economic output due to malinvestment. Any "Hard" money always wins in this category, and thus far running secure code based on global miner consensus seems to be working out at least as well as the old Global Standard if not better in that regard. This is where the global fiat ponz really falls flat on its' ass.
Anyways, if people actually cared about efficiency, they'd be going ham on BCH and other related coins with speed optimizations which are still based on proof of work. BCH wins here, not BTC.

The Rise and Fall of Urban Sewage Treatement Ponds πŸ”—

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The fall sounds suspiciously like it could be caused by inflation based property bubbles.

Strange UAVs buzzing US Destroyers πŸ”—

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My my, sounds like the navy brass got their panties in a bunch over this one.

Another reason not to be in California πŸ”—

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Just squat in the house you sell to never have to give it up but enjoy the money from the sale. EZ money

Looks like things are shaping up for USA + Turkey alliance on Syria πŸ”—

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As expected, the only way they could get it done and save face while hating on Russia is to throw the YPG under the bus.

JPM: The retail investors are evolving!!!! πŸ”—

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Presumably they are worried that "we no longer require your services" just like with cryptocurrency obsoleting the big banksters.

Stallman back at FSF πŸ”—

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Good. The departure was all stupid kabuki anyways.

IRS arrests Ian Freeman πŸ”—

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Among the accusations is running a satanic bitcoin cult. Sounds about right for the usual hyperbole the MAN slings.

CV19: The West ensures its' death πŸ”—

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Even the Hun fell for it.

USA wasting money on "ship killer missiles" πŸ”—

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A waste of money as usual. Why bother with ship killers when nukes take out the entire fleet?

Terror attack on Iranian Tanker: Israel the Culprit πŸ”—

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Shocked, simply shocked

CV19 mass vaccinations: Cruising for a Bruising πŸ”—

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I would argue that turning it into a "super-virus" via mutation pressure was the point, but I'm a bit paranoid on these things.

The follow up on Cryptogon is also good.

Alex Jones: Lost Laptop with 10k BTC on it πŸ”—

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lulz, no wonder Keiser stopped going on his show

Unregistered 155: Vin Armani πŸ”—

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Glad Thaddeus finally had Vin on.

US Navy: US Should Issue letters of Marque against Chinese Shipping πŸ”—

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Given Mordor has stripped the country to the bare bones, it's not shocking they wish to resort to piracy.

Precedent Trump πŸ”—

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As always, James Corbett has his head screwed on straight and isn't habeebin' the LIES

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