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Teo Greenwood ๐Ÿ”—

Coinbase embraces neutrality in the kulturkampf ๐Ÿ”—

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Smart. They are taking our advice here, essentially. Being woke doesn't really have much to offer for most companies.

UPDATE: Even being apolitical is a politically controversial stance nowadays, it seems. Coinbase is now attempting to purge anyone that does not want to respect boundaries on this.

Cantwell: Still Can't Well ๐Ÿ”—

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...other than welling up tears. Pathetic

Ron Paul strokes out on stream ๐Ÿ”—

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Damn. Hope we don't have to pour one out for the champ soon.

ESR: The last phase of the Desktop Wars? ๐Ÿ”—

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Just gotta breathe in and out longer than the bad guys.

Macho Libertarian Flash 3: Macho Libertarian Copes ๐Ÿ”—

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Unpacking stupid movement ideas

Anti-Mask studies being memory-holed ๐Ÿ”—

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The justification for the removal was that it was โ€œspreading information which may cause harmโ€.

Again, note the language. Not โ€œfalse informationโ€ or โ€œfactually incorrect informationโ€ only โ€œinformation which may cause harmโ€. Nobody (thus far) is disputing the method of the work, or the accuracy of the findings.

If thorough research โ€œmay cause you harmโ€, what does that really say about you? If truth doesnโ€™t fit the โ€œcurrent climateโ€โ€ฆwhat does that say about our climate?
Ego investment is a helluva drug. Everybody wants to feel like they're making a difference so bad that the truth doesn't matter.

BONUS: Masks also cause more infections in the OR. In which we all find out who the "patient zeros" of this bad mental model are. Physician, heal thyself.

BONUS II: Also, turns out the virus mutated anyways to defeat masks and distancing, lol

Mance Interviews Bird: Part 3 ๐Ÿ”—

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This time on Baudrillard. Unsusrprisingly, discussions came up on "Well, how then, do we escape the Simulacrum?"

The same way you break out of a virtualized environment on a computer -- a RED PILL. The cognitive hack that allows escape is via cognitive dissonance. As such, if anyone can be considered "the answer" to Baudrillard nowadays, it is Rollo Tomassi and the Rule Zero crew.

Macho Libertarian Flash: Episode 2 ๐Ÿ”—

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Rebranded the vlog/cast because "why not"? Topics discussed:
  • Freedom is implicitly against the law
  • Ego investments that get in the way
  • Why Agorism is #winning
  • Why the "Civil War" is just as much hokum as a marvel movie

Macho Libertarian Flash 2: Civil War? ๐Ÿ”—

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Why a civil war won't happen because of the 2020 election

Global debt to GDP up to 260% ๐Ÿ”—

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What else to expect in the era of "Feels before Reals".

NKLA: Imploding, CEO steps down ๐Ÿ”—

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GM still an enthusiastic bagholder

KOTD3: Day 1 Summary ๐Ÿ”—

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The matches between Laaaaan & Goku were really exciting matchups. Tournament continues on Memb's channel later today.

Nashville: Leaked COVID data has local business owners rather upset ๐Ÿ”—

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Turns out, COVID only exists in nursing homes and construction sites. Oops? ๐Ÿ˜‚

One of the Better Navalny Theories I've heard ๐Ÿ”—

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If true, this is the usual type of thing where Russian intelligence runs circles around NATO, generally making them look like chumps.

Michael Scheuer: Qanon Kook ๐Ÿ”—

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The fact that a guy like this comes out of the bureaucracy in the first place tells you this faction is bigger than suspected. Disaffected underlings who are powerless yet thirst for greatness are everywhere in the pentagram. Those who don't "make necessity a virtue" and embrace the system either bomb out as libertarians or New Right guys. It's from here that a leader of the counterrevolution will emerge.

Also note that this piece has all the hallmarks of establishment smear jobs. Unsurprisingly they then attempt to associate Ron Paul with him, as that's what this article is actually about -- attempting to falsely associate Scheuer with the greater libertarian movement, which he ain't associated with. Hilariously, the author's twitter handle is "@attackerman", which seems apt.

Political Illustration ๐Ÿ”—

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The real magic is indeed drugs.

Teodesian Video Cast: Episode 1 ๐Ÿ”—

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Good chaser to the Birdarchist interview above.

Mance Interviews Bird: Part 2 ๐Ÿ”—

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This time touching on BioPower. We'll have a podcast that talks about this to expound further on these concepts, but from the angle of Ego Investment, as this definitely jives well with the whole "how does one become a subject" thing.

Tesla A/C: Held together with straps and fake wood from Home Depot ๐Ÿ”—

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Social Media NPCs: Least likely people to Vote ๐Ÿ”—

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Part of this is that their reading skills range from functionally illiterate to 8th grade at a maximum. I've seen more coherent english on Twitter by @LiangHanWei6 on Twitter than most accounts on there (and this is a joke account). Guess the whole Russian social media hacking thing was a big fat nothing burger after all ๐Ÿ˜

Austin gets Bootlicker Billboards ๐Ÿ”—

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Hmm, and yet somehow Austin is not on fire. Could this possibly be related to the people that live there? I mean, to every other Texan, Austinites look like communists, but it probably looks like libertarian paradise to a Californian.

Israel using USA's Al-Tanf base to bomb Syrian Targets ๐Ÿ”—

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Pasco Co, FL's experiment with "Pre-Crime" ๐Ÿ”—

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How to create an authoritarian police state. Sounds like the county will empty of people soon enough.

Pandemic Stimmili$$: Fraud Bonanza ๐Ÿ”—

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Pretty sure that's the actual point

Hedge Funds: Buying the Dip with both hands ๐Ÿ”—

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They know what is coming.

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