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Teo Greenwood πŸ”—

Assange Show Trial update πŸ”—

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Not looking good so far

Analysis of What goes on in the head of Game FAQ Writers πŸ”—

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This type of work is important to understand the nature of how the internet is changing things. I always love when people ask "why do you do this?"

Key Performance Indicators πŸ”—

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Thankfully, the tech in this imagining doesn't work. Lol

Atlantic: Waaa making a home office is hard πŸ”—

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ZH still consistently scooping FT πŸ”—

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Germany also busy turning the Youths against liberalism πŸ”—

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These people really have no idea what they are doing.

USA: Monkey Shortage πŸ”—

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NIH-funded national primate centers would be unable to meet future demand and specifically discussed a β€œstrategic monkey reserve”
I hope the ABC org they start for this is named OOK

Unpleasant Times πŸ”—

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A good summary of the current situation.

Redpill with JP πŸ”—

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Lukashenko comes out on top πŸ”—

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Seems very much like the protests in the USA. Most of them actually don't have the will to hoist the black flag and slit throats when met with credible opposition.

Wait, no, Navalny was poisoned! πŸ”—

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Seems the hospital he's now in thinks it is nerve gas or some kind of neurotoxic venom. What would be funny is if the storyline played out like this:
  1. Goes into diabetic shock, goes to hospital.
  2. Gets poisoned at hospital (lol)
  3. Moved to new hospital which sees something that looks like he's been given cholinesterase inhibitor.
Makes me wonder whether those in a diabetic coma also would suffer from low cholinesterase...

NYU: Separate but Equal returns! πŸ”—

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The woke racists are now segregating dorms.

Yellow Backshooter Cop guns down man with seven shots πŸ”—

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That'll learn him what good for trying to break up a fight between catty broads.

Chrome: DDOSing root nameservers via testing πŸ”—

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As someone who does a lot of software testing, this warms my heart.

Ebola back in the Congo πŸ”—

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Local officials cite COVID measures RE why they can't really do much about it right now. Considering how they really couldn't do much about it last time either, that sounds more like a convenient excuse. Regardless, nations with good sanitation really don't seem to have all that much to fear from Ebola.

Covid: The Final Nail in the Coffin of Public Transit? πŸ”—

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HAHAHAHA, the statists continue to footgun.

EDIT: You may feel strange about this reaction considering the above take. "You miss a critical point initiate" -- Roasting on losers always has it's place. Gotta get those social flexes in somehow.

Vaccine Mafia trying to strongarm Belgium now πŸ”—

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Sorry, we can't be held liable if our product causes vaccine injury. Whoops! They would not insist on this if they knew it was safe.

The pigs' newest trick: Inject you with Special K πŸ”—

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Uhhhhh... if you take this normally it would be a felony drug charge, lol

Awaken to Censorship... with JP πŸ”—

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The silicon valley bobbleheads continue to imitate Plaxico Burress with their censorship efforts. As usual, the centralized control is *what* prompts society to decentralize. This was true with the early internet and is happening now for Gen Z, even if individuals from other generations lead the charge.

Turkey: Let's invade Greece πŸ”—

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Truly, the last refuge of the scoundrel. Hilariously, will likely only pour fertilizer on groups like Golden Dawn or other megalist factions. Precisely not the kind of thing Turkey should want regarding dealing with Greeks. A paralyzed and weak Greece benefits them, not a Greece drunk on past glory with an aim to restart Rome in the 21st century.

Junk Science in Police Interrogation πŸ”—

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Hilariously, these criticisms also come at them *from* law enforcement circles too if you look at them. Joe Navarro's "What Every Body is Saying" pretty much crucifies the "Reed Technique" and other abortive techniques at reading body language, etc.

The problem is ultimately that the police are not actually looking for truth, instead looking to confirm what they already are thinking.

NPR: Prohibition doesn't work πŸ”—

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No shit

Corona Immune response studies: About as expected πŸ”—

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You get similar antibodies as with a cold, looks like. 3+ months of protection. Means herd immunity is indeed a thing like the Swedes figured as well as the implications described in the article.

Epstein's Banker found dead πŸ”—

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Pour one out? Interesting as a place to start some more research, but most of this article seems overly speculative to me.

Mance interviews FAGCast guys πŸ”—

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This one was rather good, though I always enjoy the "inside baseball" ancap talk more than anything else after swimming on the periphery of the "movement" for so long.

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