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Teo Greenwood πŸ”—

MoA: Trump should use fogging on the USA πŸ”—

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I thought drumpf was a master hypnotist/persuader. Fogging is a classic technique there

A headshrinker rag finally gets something right πŸ”—

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The idea that one’s distress is primarily caused by a neurochemical deficiency that can be corrected by a drug is a fiction. The idea that it explains first-person experience or that it offers some exemption from responsibility is a fiction as well. As the interviews made clear, people adopted the biogenetic account because they thought it was based in science. The interviews also show how this account undermines the kinds of introspection and self-examination that can lead to meaningful self-knowledge.
It isn't a chemical imbalance, it's unrealistic expectations and shitty mental models that lead to you not getting what you want out of life. Thus distress due to rejection and failure.

Twitter hack aftermath: Some good screenshots πŸ”—

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Pretty much confirms what their TOS indicated -- that they can shadowban, etc. with impunity, even post as you. The security threat there is even having this type of ability. Idiots. Response was pretty stupid too. Restrict bluecheck posting. Still, they should probably restrict bluecheck posting forever due to it proving you are normie enough to not be worth listening to 99% of the time.

New research showing a Corona Vaccine likely to be a dud πŸ”—

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Surprise, surprise. A cold virus with quickly disappearing antibodies can't be vaccinated against. These people are morons for even trying to make a vaccine but for the fact that panicked people will take it even if it doesn't work.

Jezebel suddenly dislikes Cancel Culture, calls it Religion πŸ”—

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This was obvious to anyone paying attention for quite some time. Jezebel only cares now that it affects the women, but that's their schtick after all. Not too surprising in that regard.

Russia: Not actually putting bounties on US troops πŸ”—

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UAE: Secretly on Team Assad πŸ”—

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Hah! UAE keeps clowning those fools in Saudi

AIPAC's grip slipping? πŸ”—

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Never thought I'd see the day.

Corbett on the psywar being waged in the name of biosecurity πŸ”—

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The global controller types think they've found the holy grail of authoritarianism. They also don't realize that it will destroy the economy and collapse society (or don't care that it will).

Nasrallah: USA going economic hitman on Lebanon to starve us out πŸ”—

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Financial domination has always been the USA's most potent weapon.

CRISPR babies: went about as you'd expect πŸ”—

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...they found something troubling: Around half of the edited embryos contained major unintended edits.
I mean, that's pretty much guaranteed with CRISPR. It's a blunt instrument. Studies on this have been clear for near on 3-4 years regarding this.

DARPA: Looking into nuclear rockets again πŸ”—

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Interesting. Certainly once you are up there it makes a lot of sense. Who cares about the radiation it spews, as you'll get a lot more rads just from cosmic rays than that shit could ever emit.

Kushner meddling with GOP platform πŸ”—

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"Conservatism is Progressivism going the speed limit"

Best 40k Film yet πŸ”—

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Panther Den back on it πŸ”—

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Political Illustration πŸ”—

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The latest Venezuelan shenanigans πŸ”—

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"Hey guys, let's make the Bay of Pigs look professional!"

Hunting for food on the rise πŸ”—

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The economic collapse that is underway is really being underestimated right now I think.

"Dr. Lockdown" wasn't so keen on the lockdown when it meant getting his dick wet πŸ”—

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From the "This is why quarantines don't work" department.

Another reminder to back up the truck on gold πŸ”—

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Stack that fizz bitchezzzz

Trump EO: Let's drone civvies in secret πŸ”—

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Team America: Still hates freedom πŸ”—

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Loves their chains.

LibraryThing now free for all πŸ”—

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May have to add the widget then, kind of like Cryptogon.

USA: We can't leave Afghanistan now due to Corona πŸ”—

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Quite possibly the lamest excuse yet.

South Africa: Innovators in Tyranny πŸ”—

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Don't like our story on Covid-19? Into the gaol you go!

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