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Teo Greenwood πŸ”—

Scott Horton: The best way to play Iraq War IV πŸ”—

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Solemani: Was on mission for peace with Saudi πŸ”—

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Can't have that.

Political Illustration πŸ”—

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At first I was like...

USG still hasn't broken Manning πŸ”—

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...and I pray that they never do. First comment on the article is hasbara for torture ghouls (rather unsurprisingly).

Psilocybin yet again found useful in treatment of depression πŸ”—

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As expected.

Qasem Solemani Murdered, likely by the USA πŸ”—

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Uh oh. Anti-War.com also confirming the attack. Pompeo certainly can act quickly when he wants to.

Nimmo throws in the towel πŸ”—

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Make no mistake, nothing he says here is incorrect. If there's anything Gary North was right on, it is that the best we can hope for is a remnant that protects themselves and their family, as breathing in and out longer than the bad guys is all we need to do long term. Christ won the victory, and in meekness the remnant shall inherit the earth.

The Great Inversion πŸ”—

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Decent writeup by ESR. Of course, he doesn't touch on how the communist claptrap was always a canard of the elites. Only a concerted propaganda campaign was able to scam the workers into favoring it (or, failing that, full on purges) when it was "popular".

Pearl Clutchers concerned about unauthorized drone flights πŸ”—

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This sort of thing is probably the excuse for why the satanic FAA now requires transponders on all drones.

REPORT: UN still UNinvolved in peace πŸ”—

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But definitely still involved with reavin' and rapin' wherever they are deployed; this time focusing on the 2004 Hatian "relief" effort. I'm sure the soldiers enjoyed relieving their urges on the locals.

Assad to sue USA over stealing oil πŸ”—

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LOL, good luck with that

The current state of Secure Messaging πŸ”—

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Pretty good summary presentation.

Iran war mobilization begins πŸ”—

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25k troops in eastern Iraq. Countdown to "don't change horses midstream".

UPDATE: Pentagram: NUH UNH, we didn't do that (yet)! So definitely confirmed.

1619 Project: Ultimately an apologia for stratified society πŸ”—

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Whitewashing history to normalize aristocracy. Sounds like agenda 2030 to me.

Catalan Independence Update πŸ”—

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Seems to be transitioning into hopium to sustain it. Considering how politics is, this will probably make the movement more powerful, oddly enough.

The latest gun control idea πŸ”—

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ChokePoint gun owners

OPCW intentionally spreading agitprop πŸ”—

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No surprises here, look at who funds them... LOL

PG: Don't burn the heretics πŸ”—

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Mine them for ideas

Azov Battalion dudes show up in HK πŸ”—

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Thonking intensifies

The real "Plan" for the Middle East? πŸ”—

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Secularizing the states there. Doesn't sound like a good plan for peace to me.

What do you mean by Regime Change? πŸ”—

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The real reason the FIB wanted to nail Trump πŸ”—

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As I suspected long ago. "How dare you touch one of our guys!!!" These bureaucrats had to show Trump who is really "runnin' this shit."

Tufts: Chronic Brain Inflammation found in kids with Autism πŸ”—

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More from the "Oh, you just now figured this out?" department. A commenter properly points out that Andy Wakefield could have told you this.

More on the Ongoing saga of Bitfinex and Tether πŸ”—

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A good summary of the story up till now.

MIT: The Fantasy of Opting Out πŸ”—

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From the "Oh, you just now figured this out?" department.

BONUS: Innovations in slave training

25 most recent posts older than 1572684845
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