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Teo Greenwood πŸ”—

US Army post backfires on twitter πŸ”—

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Comments filled with veterans that got betrayed. Perfect for memorial day.

BONUS: US Navy to study social media movements now.

Brexit party gets huge win πŸ”—

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Hopefully that means the idiot Boris Johnson doesn't get to do a replay of Theresa May's clownish behavior. Bring on the "Hard Brexit"

Statists at WIRED still don't get it RE 3d printed gunz πŸ”—

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HotWheels on the next generation of Image Boards πŸ”—

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He's not wrong that it needs to be decentralized. Good analysis.

Swiss knuckle to EU πŸ”—

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Gun rights taken.

On the Golan Heights annexation πŸ”—

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Kinda funny when people realize that by treaty, aggressive war and taking territory by conquest is illegal. Of course, all this means is that everybody will just act illegally at all times, because good luck countering "but muh right of conquest!" More like a reflection on how naive all the League of Nations/UN horseshit ultimately turned out to be.

Carribean: Turns out women turn to hookin' because of privation, not trafficking πŸ”—

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Who'da thunk?

Isaac Kappy death sounds strange πŸ”—

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Poor guy sounds like he was living in clown world.

Austria: Far right smeared, leader steps down πŸ”—

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Interesting analysis by b here, as well.

Looks like
others are attempting to drum up Russia hysteria over there now that the USA angle is 100% discredited. Considering the nature of this sting, thinking that this is evidence of Russian infiltration is insane.

Syria: De-Secularized πŸ”—

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"There are no atheists in a foxhole." Sounds like the USA has basically poured steroids on the non-secular version of Baathism in Syria, which (oddly enough) is a lot closer to its' original form.

ISIS coming to Hindustan? πŸ”—

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Comes from SITE, which is yet more evidence that ISIS is just as much a US quisling as the Qaeda guys.

Trump to get a settlement in Golan named after him πŸ”—

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"Sold out to Israel and all I got was this stupid T-Shirt"

Tulsi Gabbard goes back on Rogan's show πŸ”—

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Trump's next FED pick: A Goldbug? πŸ”—

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Please god, let this be true

Iran war mobilization has started πŸ”—

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I agree that this would make things largely unavoidable now if true. Once mobilization starts, the war can't stop.

B from Moon of Alabama also has some good analysis as usual.

BONUS: UK General: "U mental, bruv?"

Jimmy Dore continues to deliver πŸ”—

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Army Literally a Cargo Cult now πŸ”—

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Going all the way back to WWII uniforms. Fitting I guess? since Bolton is out there trying to gin up WWIII.

The latest pig to get away with atrocities πŸ”—

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No actual jailtime, and an Orwellian sounding charge instead of rape.

The latest innovation in airline tyranny πŸ”—

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"Public-private partership" at its' worst.

One reason why the USA is looking for an Iran CB πŸ”—

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Hezbollah already seeing signs of mobilization towards an invasion of Lebanon. Would be trivial to get the USA on board if they also were simultaneously at war with Iran.

The latest thing to note about the USA's pet Jihadi program πŸ”—

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$500m spent on "fake" AQ videos just to snare "the dumbest kid at the mosque." Good for entrapment and recruiting purposes!

BONUS: Interesting timing...

Nice, Bill Bergman now has a blog πŸ”—

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One of my fave 9/11 whistleblowers!

Speaking of Pompeo... πŸ”—

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It will be interesting how he reacts to the Mueller report, given he was a Russiagate habeeber.

Pompeo and Bolton to the ICC: Get Fucked πŸ”—

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Fitting, since the USA is now the "Evil Empire".

EU Article 13: Literally passed by accident πŸ”—

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I'm sure there's a meme in there somewhere, but it would be banned in the EU.

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