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Teo Greenwood πŸ”—

Hard Brexit closing in πŸ”—

🏷️ news
May's sellout fails, yay

Death Metal: Now ChokePointed πŸ”—

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Only NPCs allowed to bank

Cuban Sonic Attack culprits found πŸ”—

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Clearly these crickets are russian

Alexa: Yep, a listening device πŸ”—

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As suspected all along.

Why Trump left Syria πŸ”—

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Trump decided that to prevent Turkey from leaving NATO, and from joining a deeper alliance with Russia, China and Iran, was more important than to further fool around at the margins of the Middle East. It is the right decision.
Realpolitik? In MY NeoCon packed administration? It's more likely than you think.

New World Next Year πŸ”—

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Iraq: Yet more ethnic cleansing πŸ”—

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Surprise, Surprise

Team USA building up a Venezuelan War πŸ”—

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Meddlesome folks who really should just let nature take its' course.

LOL Krugman πŸ”—

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"I'm in the peculiar position of thinking the Fed should not raise rates, but it should not listen to the President, which is a hard position," Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman said Monday on CNN's Quest Means Business. "There's a pretty good case for not raising rates now. But to not raise rates in this meeting would look like they're allowing themselves to be bullied."
The guy is literally the "daily struggle" meme now

More TX craziness πŸ”—

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Don't wanna take a loyalty oath to Israel? You're fired!

Die in Custody? Your family is SOL RE getting justice in TX πŸ”—

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"A loophole large enough to drive a truck through"

Luke on the continuing Disney-fication of YouTube πŸ”—

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Thots and prayers towards the Googleplex employees.

Chuck Baldwin on point as usual πŸ”—

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Correctly sees all the places where the Trump faithful need to have their heads examined. So rare for me to see others that properly spot that all Trump appointees so far have been deep state swamp creatures.

Korean Peace Process update πŸ”—

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The respective militaries took field trips to observe the demolition of respective facilities along the border.

Yellow Vest protests spreading to Britain? πŸ”—

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Cool if so, I always like to see the citizenry getting rowdy against the evil government.

How the USA keeps the South Sudan war fueled up πŸ”—

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Thanks to Uganda being USA butt buddies, all the important defense contractors get to help that brutal dictator continue his insane war.

Nicely preserved tomb found in Saqqara πŸ”—

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Pretty representative of what you'd expect of Egyptian art, though it was neat to see the paint still preserved on most of it.

The EU's latest "idea" RE regulating the Internet πŸ”—

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As with all previous ideas, it is stupid.

The latest in the "Coproaches suck" file πŸ”—

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Yet another pussy cop kills someone while aiming for the dog.

Fresh propaganda about Syrian war πŸ”—

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Read the same article in the WaPo. Same tired pap about how if we leave something (??) bad will happen, which is BS. I guess they need something to distract from the disgusting Yemen war.

How far Netanyahu's corruption scandal goes πŸ”—

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All the way to the nuclear secrets. Wow.

Russia to run strategic bombers out of Venezuela πŸ”—

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Well, the USA has only themselves to blame if they suddenly have crocodile tears regarding "feeling surrounded".

ProPublica: Crying about the IRS being "Gutted" πŸ”—

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Aww... what a shame. *chuckes in collapsitarian*

Turkey on the cusp of invading Kurdistan again πŸ”—

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Sounds like a spring offensive may come in 2019.

Detroit's Latest theft ring πŸ”—

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The Sherrif's goons are siezing cars of anyone who goes to legal weed dispensaries and demanding large sums of money. Par for the course.

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