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Teo Greenwood πŸ”—

420 Ballot Initiatives πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Possibly the only thing worth getting out and voting for, as it is rare that they allow the slaves to vote for more freedom.

Snowden corroborates claim in anti-NSA lawsuit πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Good. He'd certainly be one to know.

Native Americans once again disenfranchised πŸ”—

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No surprise there. As if either party would have helped them, however.

How trump is taking over the republican party πŸ”—

🏷️ news
By making it clear that it was Trump that got these bozos elected.

PFAS showing up in tap water πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Bad news for 3M.

CIA Bozos get their dead drops compromised again πŸ”—

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No surprise, as the only expertise these guys have is in drug running and murder.

Iran sanctions back to 2015 levels πŸ”—

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Iran reacts accordingly, though the EU still insists it will honor the deal, while several vassal countries actually are exempt in key ways. Bolton jizzes in his pants.

Housing least affordable in a decade πŸ”—

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Yeah, that economy sure is "booming"

How Beto could fail πŸ”—

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I'm amazed that he hasn't nailed Cruz where he deserves it the whole time. He could have won with Republicans if he did. Lyin' Ted has no real friends here.

Mance Rayder on why He is a "Broken Record" RE Tyranny πŸ”—

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Because it is everywhere, duh

Damn right πŸ”—

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There is not and in fact cannot be any such thing as β€œlegitimate” authority, whether that authority is chosen by elections, lots, birth, examining goat entrails, or pulling swords out of lakes. And until humans collectively get that through their thick simian skulls, we are doomed to suffer an endless succession of evil rulers stomping on human freedom and dignity until they at last succeed in wiping us all out.
Enjoy voting!

AnCom terrorism back in Russia as well πŸ”—

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Troubling indeed...

Troubling news from Russia πŸ”—

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Seems they've realized that Trump's "reconciliation" efforts with them were a lie the whole time. They are now back to their position under the Obama administration -- Prepare for mutually assured destruction the moment the USA invades.

Lending standards once again loosen πŸ”—

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They really just want things to explode in their face, don't they?

Vietnam still Commie when it comes to censorship πŸ”—

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Arrest a guy for publishing "The Road to Serfdom"

Yemen war really starting to eat at MbS' position πŸ”—

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USA now getting cold feet, and one of the King's brothers is looking to organize a coup.

Some good negative commentary RE Bolonsaro πŸ”—

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Interesting to see Bannon mentioned as a backer of him.

Humanity supposedly has wiped out 60% of earth species since 1960 πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Wouldn't surprise me, as humanity seems to be trying to wipe itself out with idiocy.

Sounds like the S300s are doing their job πŸ”—

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Keeping those rabid Israelis on the leash

Mueller now dodging rape allegations πŸ”—

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I'm just waiting for a class action suit at this point. Jacob Wohl sounds like a real "winner" too. Highly suspect #fakenews somewhere here.

Varoufakis: Soros got me fired πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Sounds like Greece is owned by their creditors.

More Sauce on Pittsburgh synagogue shooting πŸ”—

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Drill before shooting, the day the shooter joins Gab.ai? Check.

Bolonsaro wins in Brazil πŸ”—

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Hopefully it marks an end to socialism in Brazil. I doubt it, however.

The latest advance in teledildonics πŸ”—

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> Spend 3 years researching 109 hours of BJ vids
> No scientist willing to be credited on paper
> Only cost 30k

Sounds like somebody blew their wad for a whole bunch of hokum.

ShamiWitness: Heavy on the "Sham" πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Figures. Yet another fake jihadi source the journos fawned over.

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