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Teo Greenwood πŸ”—

Yet more cold water on the "strong economy" hallucinations πŸ”—

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The big picture is stark. Hiring intentions this year are off by almost half compared with 2017, driven by a collapse in the demand for workers in Information Technology, Entertainment & Leisure, Telecommunications and Retail. What little demand there is can be seen in some of the industries that have the smallest pools of available workers such as Construction, Energy and Electronics.

ISIS attempting to get their balls up again πŸ”—

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Considering how fast it got countered by the SAA, I'd say this is more of "testing the waters". Still, a troubling sign that they've been sheltered by the USA long enough to consider going on the attack again.

Vollgeld proposal fails, as expected πŸ”—

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Well, it wasn't exactly a return to the classical gold standard, so I won't shed a tear for it.

Zillow: Home prices directly correlated to Birth Rates πŸ”—

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No shit. It is too expensive to start a family.

Seems the Incans were skilled at Trepanning πŸ”—

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Most actually survived the process, which is somewhat surprising.

Sounds like Pompeo may have already negotiated the "Deal" in NK πŸ”—

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If so, great!

Country Time sets up legal defense fund for Unsanctioned Lemonade Stands πŸ”—

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The fact that this even has to be done...

Dinesh D'Souza: Wants Trump to be Lincoln 2.0 πŸ”—

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Uhh.... be careful what you wish for dude.

Political Illustration πŸ”—

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The latest hit piece on John Kiriakou πŸ”—

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Can you really blame a guy for hosting a radio show on Sputnik when he's been blackballed by the USA and bankrupted? That said, Kiriakou isn't doing anything wrong here. Just another example of a Neocon rag being 100% hypocritical here.

Wahabbi Coalition: Let's genocide the Yemenis πŸ”—

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In the eyes of Saudi and UAE, the Yemenis are all heretics anyways, so what do they care? As usual, the USA cravenly backs their play.

Ukraine: Fake Assasinations and Corporate Takeovers πŸ”—

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Sounds like business as usual then!

Microsoft gets deal with "Intelligence Community" for Cloud Shit πŸ”—

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Well, that won't make the people who are skittish about their recent GitHub takeover any happier.

Afghan Imams issue Fatwa against Suicide Bombing... πŸ”—

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...only to be killed by a suicide bomber almost immediately. Lulz.

BONUS: Fall of Saigon style moment looks to be confirmed for this year.

Al-Sadr to finally win in Iraq πŸ”—

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Countdown till the USG screams that he's a "Mad Mullah" and wants to regime change things again.

State of Israel guns down Gazan protesters πŸ”—

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Kills 52, wounds 2,400+... some real loving behavior there.

Oliver North to head the NRA πŸ”—

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Make Cocaine Smuggling Great Again

NYT discovers what the "young-uns" already know πŸ”—

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Only old people watch TV

Trump’s Plan for Iran: Put Terrorists in Charge πŸ”—

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Preach it, Ron!

As suspected, former DNI Clapper confirmed to be leaker πŸ”—

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Seems to have been a Quid Pro Quo with Jake Tapper at CNN so that he'd get a sweet consulting gig.

Potential Threats to Korean Peace and Reunification πŸ”—

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Generally the "usual suspects" here.

UPDATE: Looks like it is official in NK. Event details were finally released by the party paper.

French Troops arrive in Syria πŸ”—

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Great. As if the USA wasn't already doing enough to screw things up.

Banks actually starting to look for outside cash sources again πŸ”—

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They are in for a rude awakening RE rates they'll have to give on these if they want anyone to bite in the amount they want here. If it really is getting to where the FED tit has been withdrawn, expect rate shock to come soon.

Online Dating's "New Hotness" -- Mechanical Turks for Matchmaking πŸ”—

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Not surprising that a former employee would be left feeling somewhat dirty by the whole process, most especially a woman. Unfortunately for the man, however, it is a numbers game. At least 9/10 of your interactions as a dude are gonna be a strikeout. Regardless of the "Alpha" BS talked about in this article, men are not the choosers. As such, of course it is gonna feel strange to someone on the other end of that equation.

Neat to see that this is the direction it is moving towards, however. The market commoditizes everything, eventually for the better.

EU Plaxicoed via Russia Sanctions: Aluminum Edition πŸ”—

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As usual, sanctions and tarrifs are a good way to fuck up the international division of labor.

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