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Teo Greenwood πŸ”—

Speaking of Concentration Camps... πŸ”—

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Chechnya has a "back door" deal for you!

Houston to rename School named after Robert E. Lee πŸ”—

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Hilariously enough, they opened up name submissions to the public. I'm hoping they go with "Adolf Hitler School for Friendship and Tolerance," but the "Abraham Lincoln Concentration Camp for Native Americans" has a nice ring to it too.

China readying for NK Invasion πŸ”—

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150k troops stationed at the border. Sounds like they are taking Trump's threats seriously. I guess McMaster and the other crazies want Yalu River 2 Electric Boogaloo to be a thing.

Speaking of Syria... πŸ”—

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SouthFront thinks the USA is going to invade to secure the Syria-Iraq border? HAHAHAHA

Pretty silly to call it that way considering what Nikki Haley is saying at the UN. This is a charge to Damascus, not Raqqa.

Freudian Slip πŸ”—

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Decentralized Torrent searching πŸ”—

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Been waiting for this.

Organophosphates: Linked to Diabetes πŸ”—

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Well, ingesting poison does tend to have side effects.

Speaking of Korea... πŸ”—

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Looks like Tillerson has dispatched a carrier battle group to NK.

USA: Let's put nukes in South Korea πŸ”—

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I'm sure China will be pleased.

Happy Palm Sunday πŸ”—

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Well, unless you are a Copt in Egypt.

Dear god, save me from these heathens πŸ”—

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Note which way the hair is pointing πŸ”—

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Great depiction of John McInsane.

Russia cancels Flight Safety agreement with US πŸ”—

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Now they will shoot down any USA planes, etc. they see in Syria on sight. The links and discussion here are good (as expected from Corbett).

Banco Popular: "Solvent" πŸ”—

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More damning still, the auditor has unearthed evidence that as part of that €2.5 billion rights issue β€” its third effort since the crisis to raise capital β€” Popular’s management offered low-interest loans to clients in order for them to buy the bank’s share offering.
Wow. It's like a reverse LBO that screws you over. Nevermind that their balance sheet is 100% toxic waste. These guys are morons.

Mike Cernovitch blows the whole russigate mess wide open πŸ”—

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MSM puts fingers in ears and screams LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU

Trump trying to take the reins of the Praetorians? πŸ”—

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If so he's about to wake up with a horse's head in his bed.

The real purpose of the CIA πŸ”—

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What is key to understand is that the CIA only runs drugs, nothing else. Drugs are a source of capital and endless political power, all untraced, all attributable and utterly unstoppable during a period of endless war when the CIA runs its own airlines and lives in a world with no frontiers and no oversight of any kind.

Expecting otherwise is insane.

Newest Chemical Attack Claim in Syria πŸ”—

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All the past ones were bogus, why believe this one? Oh, wait, that's right. Crazy people still say "ASSAD MUST GO!"

FED: We need to Double our Inflation Target πŸ”—

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Bunga Bunga

F-35: Still a Joke πŸ”—

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600k Helmet gives you Double Vision, lol

The latest War Lies πŸ”—

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Gotta hype that Iran "threat"

Trump writing a Check his Ass can't Cash πŸ”—

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Pressure China into "taking care of" North Korea or the USA will invade it. Pretty sure the Chinese would laugh at the USA doing that, as it takes care of a problem for them at no expense to China.

Margin Debt at ATHs πŸ”—

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FIB Arrests man who hacked nobody πŸ”—

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Using the same retarded logic seen in "Attack of the Repo Men." Of course they FIBbies will try to get him to rat on his customers, and likely succeed due to the position they've put the guy in. Someday, someone will fight this, win, and then the statists will froth at the mouth until licensure is required to become a software engineer.

Pentagram Update πŸ”—

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Now they just won't lie about troop deployments, instead saying nothing. Meanwhile, they admit to knowing civvies were in a building they bombed, using the "They were coming right for us!" excuse.

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