They, of course, blame literally nonexistant droughts in Texas. Last year and the current year have been great in good beef growing regions, and even in marginal west Texas lands. This is central bank bunga, nothing more, nothing less.
Sounds like what any successful man has to go through all the time in their lives (not really understanding why you are a failure 24/7, then just asking questions all the time until you 'get it'). And no, I'm not talking about programming, I'm talking about human interaction, which this chick was afeared of failing at.
This is mostly the Debian package maintainer's fault though (for not reading the code that he packaged up for shipping). The implications should have been obvious given their release cycle.
Paultag is right though -- it should get removed because Debian can't get their shit together about it, not because JWZ can't be 'civil' about it.
No surprises there, most of the British elites at the time were real fans of Hitler. Next, consider how the Rotshchilds have owned the AP for a very long time. I remember reading several histories detailing how AP certainly was responsible for ove-rhyping the German 'threat' so that the Czechs would just bend over instead of resisting at a time they could have actually beaten their pathetic 'war machine'.
They are facing what looks to be a 50bn hit, potentially wiping out all profitability for the next five years, and that's assuming they continue to be as profitable as they were before the emissions "scandal".