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As expected, craven bishops nationwide don't get it 🔗
 Sun Aug 23 2020  

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Is the Church truly less essential than a laundromat? Live streaming the services does not impart God’s grace in the same way the Mystical Supper imparts God’s grace. Christ’s Church is an essential institution far beyond a drug store or gas station, yet we continue to allow the government to tell us this is not so. How can the Church ever reclaim her position as the grace-imparting institution founded by Christ Himself, while allowing the government to declare us a non-essential service?

Is the forced shutdown of our public services really about a virus, or is it something more? Looking at the actual deaths directly related to the coronavirus is not any different than a serious flu epidemic, yet certain elements within our society would have us believe it is indeed a direct threat to the whole of our society, and even the world. Not even the communist revolution was able to declare the Church as a non-essential institution.
If churches don't wake up and realize their role is as an alternative to the state, as it was through history, they will go quietly and never come back. Not even the commies could do that. And this is for a church that survived the friggin' black death.
25 most recent posts older than  Sun Aug 23 2020
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