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Kurt Nimmo on point, as usual 🔗

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Most fail to realize fascism is corporatism and the real fascists are sitting on the boards of transnational corporations and international banks. They fund the DNC-RNC (two heads of a hydra state) and corporatist foundations fund many leftist and progressive organizations.

Donald Trump isn’t a Nazi, a fascist, or even nationalist. He’s a malignant narcissist and a crony capitalist previously neck-deep in corruption and shady business deals.

But none of this matters. The narrative is set in stone. Trump, the deplorables, the RNC, conservatives, libertarians—all are Nazis. Reality does not enter into the equation. Fantasy is spun by the propaganda media. All Donald needs to do now is grow the appropriate mustache.

So look for a lot of Nazi nonsense in the months ahead. Get ready for congressional hearings on white nationalism, more deplatforming, more Antifa attacks, and possibly more mass shootings attributed to Nazis, white supremacists, Proud Boys, Norse rune symbol tattoo psychopaths posting rambling manifestos on 8chan, and a host of cartoon villains featured between adverts for prescription drugs on CNN-MSNBC-CBS, etc.
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