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Race and violent crime: by the numbers πŸ”—

This has been known for years, but people need periodic reminders that women choosing not to breed with irresponsible but attractive men is what prevents young hoodlums. So long as our matriarchy encourages what Rollo calls retroactive cuckoldry this situation will not change even with stepfathers involved, as personality is largely heritable.

Insane new mortgage rules from Fannie and Freddie πŸ”— 1682010058  

Mortgage mills 2 da gas chamber

The Subaks of Bali πŸ”— 1682009158  

Great example of how centralized economic planning fails, while subsidiarity and the market actually work. This is the sort of system the Syndicalists generally prefer (for good cause) and why "Market Syndicalism" is a thing amongst those who realize nonmonetary compensation is in fact one of the major means by which markets actually function. In this case, synchronized plantings increasing yields due to pest suppression is more valuable than the marginal utility of more water for the upstream planters, so they gladly release the water downstream.

The CIA's false flag operation to recruit the 9/11 Highjackers πŸ”— 1681927422  

Pretty damning evidence that CIA had full foreknowledge of the plot, and tried to pin the failures on the bureau, who as we know covered everything up.

Major viral protection mechansim behind a good deal of aging πŸ”— 1681414518  

20% lifespan increase when modulated. Trouble is, you'd modulate with an HDAC like Valproate...which necessarily means reduced ability to fight off viral infection. Appears the big function of the histone modulation here is to avoid viral replication by processing DNA more sloppily on purpose. Saves your life immediately at the cost of reducing your overall lifespan.

As expected, a bunch of leaks about Ukraine are likely a limited hangout πŸ”— 1681398801  

The second I heard discord, I knew this is feds

RNC crazies wanna do COIN south of the border πŸ”—

One weird trick to wake up to VBIED attacks in major Texas cities. Were I in AMLO's position I would seriously considering using those nationalized lithium reserves to build H-Bombs.

Lolsuits are the deep state πŸ”—

On l'etat's favored divide et empera of late. This is specifically how they've dragooned every business into being unpaid Junior G-Men. The same techniques can easily be used to abolish the entire bill of rights in practice. Spooner has always been right about the constitution of no authority.

New blog post πŸ”— 1681144534  

As usual, people are mad about racism online(TM)

On "Skeptics" πŸ”— 1681139705  

Daddy issues as an ideology. The only thing worth mentioning here is that all mental models are necessarily false, and that only some are useful. These "skeptics" adopt the ones that make them part of ingroup, as that is what's useful to them -- all these issues are far beyond their own locus of control and it is therefore safe/useful to believe in any kind of nonsense.

Taibbi: The censorbund is just the war coming home πŸ”— 1681059732  

Like the FIB was just the evolution of prohibition cops after that disappeared, this stuff was just redirected (temporarily) at the American people due to the terror war being on hold. Rather than doing Daesh "Deradicalization" agitprop, they instead treated everyone who disagreed with the NIH and Russiagate as terrorists. Now they've moved on to being NAFO dipshits, because their budget can really only do one thing at a time -- they are but a wart on the anus of the state.

The American Empire's Feet of Clay πŸ”—

Thanks to not heeding Zbig's warnings, our elites have failed. They're too busy grifting for engagement to be effective.

I pray the empire dies with a whimper, not the murder-suicide it feels like things are building towards.

Macron: Alea iacta est? πŸ”— 1680214583  

Last week, during the Schuman Forum, Josep Borrell presented his first report on the implementation of the "Strategic Compass". The idea is to coordinate the pooling of national armies, including intelligence services, in a spirit of integration rather than cooperation. Emmanuel Macron’s project now buries that of Charles De Gaulle and the French Communists. The "Europe of Defence" now appears to be a slogan aimed at placing not only the operational forces of the EU member states under the authority of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), now the US General Christopher G. Cavoli, but also at taking control of all the financing decisions that were previously the responsibility of the national parliaments, and even of the decisions on armaments and organization that were the responsibility of the member states’ executive bodies. Thus, the Union is organizing a common army without knowing who will command it.
Note the seizure of control for finances. That's a key part of any actually successful coup.

Even the booboise starting to see that Ersatz lightbulbs aren't all they're cracked up to be πŸ”— 1680196445  

Incandescents cost less, have better light, perform in cold temperatures and last longer. I guarantee you the energy to manufacture this shit is far more than the entire lifetime of usage for 10 incandescents.

The Age of Average πŸ”— 1680095936  

2 things at work: Relentless inflation reducing standards of living such that all which can be reasonably afforded is a reduced selection of mass produced glop. Secondly, women making 90% of purchasing decisions. They can be counted on to stick with the herd.

NYT dares publish the facts: US is the obstacle to peace πŸ”—

Some sanity at the editorial board prevailed enough to publish Trita Parsi.
In a multipolar world, shared responsibility for security can be a virtue that reduces the burden on Americans without increasing threats to U.S. interests. It is not security that we would give up, but the illusion that we are β€” and have to be β€” in control of developments far away. For too long, Americans have been told that if we do not dominate, the world will descend into chaos. In reality, as the Chinese mediation has shown, other powers are likely to step up to shoulder the burden of security and peacemaking.
Needs to be said, as this hallucinatory hyperventilation about what will happen if we don't win in every shithole everywhere is the mainstream opinion.

As expected, the real malign influence in the 2016 election was Israel πŸ”— 1679841468  

As always. It's got a helluva ROI for them, so I can't say I blame them.

Has the censorbund been vanquished? Taibbi thinks yes, for now πŸ”—

These [name redacted] would-be censors are different. They have no sense of humor, no imagination, and exactly one distinguishing characteristic: they know what’s best for you. Anti-disinfo work suits them because they all have a Poppins streak that quietly gets off on binning your digital dirty bits (after the voyeuristic thrill of logging on to watch them in secret, with special credentials, which they rub with pleasure in evenings). They’re the vilest kind of snobs, and when they finally were forced to show their real selves to the public β€” and here I feel safe in thanking Elon Musk for making that possible, via the #TwitterFiles β€” the public rightfully recoiled from these arrogant power-worshipping mediocrities.
The mediocrities will never stop until egalitarianism, that deranged impulse to make everyone as lame as them, is rejected in toto. War will empower them anew; they have simply slunk off to the shadows temporarily. Still, Matt has the right attitude:
We don’t have to concede to a future of always being at war somewhere abroad, and with each other at home. We don’t have to put up with a government that doesn’t tell us anything. Most of all, we can go back to enjoying life, on our own terms, without stressing over an endless succession of panics invented by politically insecure losers. We can do so much better, and we will, because this place is ours to run, a fact the singing censors should never have let us remember.
Ultimately you just have to keep striking the root over and over. Never ever stop, and keep breathing in and out longer than the bad guys.

Ron Unz goes on PressTV to talk about American Pravda πŸ”—

He's pretty much in the "Jews Did 9/11" camp at this point. I'd say they definitely had foreknowledge and certainly had the means & motive to make it worse (which likely explains building 7, and perhaps the freefall collapse of 1 & 2). That said, the evidence that the actual hijackings were 100% a saudi plot is near bulletproof at this point. About the only seriously unexplained thing at this point remains the Pentagon. If there were any role for an "Inside Job" I'd put it there, as it quite conveniently obliterated the department auditing pentagon expenses at the time.

That said, if you believe the stories about the Saudis being cryptojews...

TX gon LEGALIZE IT πŸ”— 1679689748  


RU/CN/IR: The new "axis of evil" πŸ”— 1679675268  

The memo's gone out. It's war. God help us.

LLMs about to shit up your codebase in a big and exciting way πŸ”— 1679611663  

Springtime for cuntpasters

CashApp: Fraud is the fundamentals πŸ”— 1679611526  

Been saying for some time this use of community banks to avoid scrutiny was going to explode in multiple startups' face. Narrowly avoided working for one of the practitioners of this, and gladly so.

FED remains clueless πŸ”—

par for the course. Next, CREITs and Everyone's favorite retard GMAC have their turn in the barrel.

The collegiate war on students πŸ”— 1679608280  

I have come to the conclusion that the sort of intimacy required to form meaningful relationships necessarily means a lack of recording devices. If every social mistake kids make growing up (there are many) is on the permanent record, that's a recipe for neurotic, fucked up kids. It's the same in the modern workplace. I refuse to engage with anyone without a BAC.

The article even makes clear that all that has happened as a result is that social activity has been driven underground. If the unis admins had 2 brain cells to rub together (difficulty: impossible) they'd divest of all the land these evil fun events occur on so they are no longer liable.

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