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Bovard on the latest insanity by the Gowned Clowns πŸ”— 1727450103  

As usual they don't oppose what the state *really* wants -- power.

The killshot:
The Biden censorship industrial complex triumphed because most Supreme Court justices could not be bothered to honestly examine the massive evidence of its abuses. The majority opinion, written by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, whined that β€œthe record spans over 26,000 pages” and, quoting an earlier court decision, scoffed that β€œjudges are not like pigs, hunting for truffles buried in the record.”
This sort of shit is one of the reasons people are souring on the longhouse. Sterotypically female irresponsibility leading to seriously deranged justifications. Even worse is that this was the majority opinion. Dudes on the bench were too cowardly to say "look they threatened my family" or whatever this is actually about.

Anti-Woke reaction continues πŸ”— 1727288921  

This latter-day "satanic panic" about raycisssim looks to have mostly run out of steam. The vile laws it has promulgated will unfortunately persist despite this un-awokening. These will be spawning the next generation's moronic witch-hunting.

Jeremy Hammond on Walter Block's recent transformation into a NeoCon Zionist πŸ”— 1726329281  

Has Block gone demented? Must be the seed oils.

Ben Burgis on the Left's bizarro world πŸ”— 1726161538  

This is basically the argument which sane South Africans have made for years. The endgame of this moron philosophical schizophrenia is allowing black settler colonialist Xhosas expropriate and oppress whites, coloureds and zulu who had all been there for hundreds of years longer than the Xhosa. The beginnings of this is happening in the UK & Canada as we speak. At some point if the left doesn't take into account the concerns of the people deeply invested in a particular place, regardless of their origins, they cannot be surprised when those same people regard leftism as Xenocracy and embrace blood-and-soil anti-globalism.

One cannot both be on the side of people incentivized to keep things going and those with incentives to strip everything for personal gain. For all their faults, the Socialists at least nominally on the side of building despite not actually understanding how that happens in the first place. Most of liberalism now is just locusts from the Managerial class self-justifying their plunder.

This gets at the core of the post-libertarian reasoning, which is this: "If I don't belong here, then where?" It's not the FSP. The longer the uniparty refuses outright to answer this, the more they feel justified concluding where the system considers them to belong is "Face down, in a ditch."

Germany closes its borders πŸ”— 1726160047  

The first domino to fall in the west's shift to protectionism and dirigisme. US is trying to save mass migration by making it an integral part of dirigist goals, but ultimately an 80% subsidy of the imported workers won't be sustainable.

On the Fracturing of the Right πŸ”— 1726118418  

Pretty much everything here was obvious to me years ago. In the sea of trolls, astroturf, feds and mentally ill people online, political organization is not really possible. The state has 0 problem with this, as it allows the machine to trundle on unobstructed.
Once everything becomes a game of posture and affect, will it ever be possible to articulate a coherent politics again?
It's been this way for a long, long time. The only coherent politics remains anarchism, because it's the only option. You live in it now, get over it. Being honest about it makes things better, not worse.

The Andropov deception: why the USSR invaded Afghanistan πŸ”— 1725905717  

the lessons from the secret history of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan have profound implications on our understanding of how the modern Russian Federation is run, and, for the Americans and British especially, it might provide an explanation for the otherwise baffling Washington decision to repeat the same experiment in Afghanistan that the USSR did only a few decades prior.

Tenet and the Astroturf Right πŸ”— 1725905330  

Rurik is at his best dunking on his old bosses:
To be fair, I didn’t expect the Kremlin to be behind Pool though. But I should have. The Kremlin exclusively does business with grifters, charlatans, hoaxers, criminals and ethnic criminals. Without exception. ... They supported Bernie Sanders. Anyone who has worked at RT or who remembers their coverage of the 2015-16 primaries and elections will confirm it to you. Hell, they offered me a job back then shilling for Bernie and I told them to shove it (I supported MAGA at the time). The reason why they supported Bernie is because he’s an old Trotskyist who used to literally support the USSR. That’s probably where they picked up the Pool contact because he was an Obama-supporting Occupy Wall Street activist at the time and RT was having a field day with that whole street circus, which ended up birthing the SJW movement as we know it, by the way.

Why Value investing failed πŸ”— 1725904773  

You mean people started defrauding the metrics behind BVM??? shocked, simply shocked.

The real solution to school shootings πŸ”— 1725904209  

Given they're a non-problem statistically, the rightful remedy is platitudes, or any other non-productive LARPing that makes people shut up and move on to more productive things, like looking for cat pictures online.

Review of Auron's "Total State" πŸ”— 1725904086  

It's telling that all of the new right has correctly diagnosed the problem of the managerial order, but do not yet remotely grasp the incentives involved that always turn it to shit, and therefore how to fix it. The book people should talk about is "Moral Mazes". Ultimately, appointed bureaucracies are a complete disaster. Management should be elected by shareholders, and being a shareholder ought to be a condition of election. In general it's the same problem with our political order -- far too many are enfranchised to make decisions for which they have no skin in the game, and so decide to plunder (as it has no consequence on their future but a positive one).

Big Zuck is listening to your phone πŸ”— 1725473550  

To of course serve more cancerous ads, and I'm sure to sell sensitive information to the blackmail agencies.

Yet another reason to run screaming from California πŸ”— 1725406165  

As per usual, the regulators have gone rabid.

Section 230 cored out πŸ”— 1725405846  

Algo Slop dunked. Maybe the social shitheads will go back to doing the only thing anyone ever wanted them to do in the first place and show you updates from people you deliberately follow. What a concept.

Yanks buttmad about MX instituting election of bureaucrats πŸ”— 1724881095  

They're still sore about the south doing the same to stop their carpetbagging

As expected, all restrictions on Chinese tech imports fail πŸ”— 1724777851  

More from the "I don't understand what fungible commodity means" department

Account from voulnteer surgeons in Gaza πŸ”— 1724342157  

Yet another from the "this is what war is actually like" file. Coming soon to a country near you!

The "most moral army on earth" model is what every state on earth wishes they could do, and will do their utmost to realize.

Forked private repos: makes the whole shebang public πŸ”— 1724164594  

Good reason to never have private repos on Github. Only use it as a mirror of a local Gogs install.

Arthritis cure? πŸ”— 1724164482  

Huge if true. Guy had incredible determination.

Footage suggests capital police planted Jan 6 pipe bomb πŸ”— 1724164448  

This and the Ray Epps stuff suggests the FIB was wrangling for a frame-up from top to bottom. PATCON never ended, it just got a different name.

NED in an uproar due to leaks πŸ”— 1724164338  

The old guard of neocons are clashing with the younger generation that actually believed all their nonsense about decolonization and race communism being awesome. As such they are less than fans of Israeli shenanigans. I suspect the inevitable outcome will be them trying to Color Revolution the USA for not being race communist enough.

UN Cybercrime convention: Murrica surveillance for everyone πŸ”— 1724164185  

It is of course, a proposal of the Russians, those innovators in Tyranny. USG is enthusiastically on board.

100% Effective HIV preventative discovered πŸ”— 1724164109  

I suppose we'll find out whether Peter Duesberg was right about HIV soon.

W3C grows a spine πŸ”— 1724164047  

20 years too late. I suspect this is only because Google got smacked with antitrust. Kind of funny, as the practical outcome will be to strengthen Google's standings in the browser war, as now the Mozilla foundation's means of funding is explicitly illegal.

MX to ban open pit mining and hydraulic fracturing? πŸ”— 1724163579  

Very bad idea. I support their measures to remove the preferential treatment and immunity their miners and extractors have enjoyed, but outlawry is moronic. I suspect this is nationalization through the back-door:
Morena and its coalition partners have approved a key exception to the proposed rules meaning that open-pit mining and fracking can be authorised β€œin rare cases determined by the federal Executive… due to their strategic importance for national development.”
So yeah, force sale of everything and then reissue permits. I'm sure DF will sink in their fangs as part of the deal.

25 most recent posts older than 1724163579
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