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NIF Laser Ignition: still a failure πŸ”—

I long ago stopped expecting innovation from .gov labs

Taibbi's Latest πŸ”—

On the parties and their usual shuck on the rubes.

Why are the mainstream economists wrong all the time??? πŸ”—

They're glad-handers licking the balls of the powerful, duh

Chokepoint continues to grind on πŸ”—

This time crushing an erotic fiction archive under it's heel

UK jumps on the ICE banning bandwagon πŸ”—


Masks: brought to you by slave labor πŸ”—

I'm being GOOD

Aramco IPO going as expected πŸ”—

Now, Aramco is digging itself further into serious debt through bond issuances simply to pay for the huge dividend payments promised by MbS that were absolutely required to persuade anyone to buy into the omni-toxic IPO.

Ethiopia Civil war about to kick off πŸ”—

Tigray told to surrender or die.

Prog: Why aren't people SCIENCE!!! πŸ”—

Cuz it's a religion, ya dope. Moron doesn't know about rational ignorance.

Karbakh war in retrospect πŸ”—

"Perfidious Albion" sounds like a good theory as any

EZ back in recession πŸ”—

Not shocked; lockdown 2.

Japs form Military Alliance with Australia πŸ”—

Preparing for the 9000lb Anglo gorilla across the pacific to collapse

Why is japanese web design so different??? πŸ”—

May have to do with having a lower GDP than Alabama IMO

Turkey finally abandons insane monetary policy πŸ”—

15% rates. They'll need more to cure the disease.

Aussie war crimes investigation finally done, and it's damning πŸ”—

Coalition of the killing

Stripe: highest auth rates, period πŸ”—

Quite the endorsement

Mega Bread Lines πŸ”—

Just a matter of time till "gulags for dissidents" becomes real

Forbearance: the apotheosis of Extend and Pretend πŸ”—

Everything's AAA in a bust-out. Your gross is your net!

Spying with Roomba's LiDar πŸ”—

Oh no, my floors are hacked by chinese

Yelp: 60% of business closures due to lockdown now permanent πŸ”—

I don't really believe a word coming out of those shysters' mouths -- we already have good data showing it's worse than this.

Of course, it is worst in the entertainment sector. Exactly as planned, these .gov shits on the boards of Disney and Netflix et al are laughing all the way to the bank.

Remote work: revealing most people are functional illiterates πŸ”—

That "strong written communication skills" is important enough to even mention is indictment enough.

Idiot managers doubling down on employee snooping πŸ”—

That anyone puts these Karens of both sexes in charge is astonishing

Doubling down on the Yemen war πŸ”—

Declaring the Houthis terrorists

Wenzel: Only clout chasing can save us now πŸ”—

Or, as Vin Armani puts it, magic.

On China's existential angst: Involution πŸ”—

So-called involution is not merely a question of whether or not competition is fierce, but whether you get anything out of it. People know full well that the results aren't what they desire, but they still want to compete. They don't know other ways to live if they're not competing, and if you quit the competition, you're left facing moral pressure.
It's really the same everywhere. A "social contract" that's always been bogus. What you are told (you will get you a loyal spouse and prosperity) is obviously false, and people who are still blue-pilled are going to face much anxiety thanks to this. They can have fun being plow horses for a corrupt system:
The most subversive, explosive message you tell the Chinese people is something different. It goes like this:

The Party is a racket. The guys at the top are not any different from the ones you deal with at the bottom. The Party exists to make sure their kids have a spot at the front of the line no matter how much more your kids deserve it. You are not forced to call Xi all these fancy titles because it will help him restore China to its ancestral glory: you are forced to do all of that so Xi Jinping's daughter gets into Harvard and his family racks up homes in Hong Kong. All of the taxes, the censorship, the ridiculous rules and regulations, the blustering about war, the hero-worship and the propaganda, the detention centers and the cameras -- it is all a racket. You live a slave so that someone else's children can get ahead.
Kinda like here. We all live and die so a bunch of parasites can enjoy the DC cocktail circuit.

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