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As expected, AI wins dogfight competition πŸ”—

Doesn't ask questions or black out in high-G turns and isn't motivated by colored pieces of ribbon. Also further centralizes the military into the hands of the drooling idiots actually running the place. Nothing can go wrong here.

An actually durable plastic πŸ”—

E.G. actually recyclable.

Nonconforming: How identity politics has destroyed intellectual diversity πŸ”—

In short, identity determinism has become an additional layer of oppression, one that fails to address the problems it clumsily articulates.
It's just the usual lefty / puritan sneering. Stereotypes and predjudice, but the good kind, we swear! Quit trying to stuff people into Procrustes' bed ya buncha damned roundheads.

Russiagate's Useful idiots starting to wake up πŸ”—

Carter Page realizes he's screwed.

Navalny "Poisoning": actually his 'beetus acting up πŸ”—

Fool got da sugah? No wonder he can't beat Putin.

Gates: We need to get rid of all that pesky freedom πŸ”—

The lefties' idolization of this reactionary "technocratic" elite is amazing.

Fred Reed's Latest πŸ”—

Anyway, women are taking over everything, most of them crazy. Along with Rachel Tension and Oprah, we’ve got that Clinton woman that’s even older than Ann Coulter and probably sleeps all day in some cave, hanging by her toes, and Elizabeth Warren, that used to be a Injun but cured it with a shot of DNA. And now we’ve got Joe Biden, who ain’t nothing but a titless Hillary on days when he can remember who he is, and pretty much nothing at all the rest of the time. Which might be a good reason to vote for him. We’ve had a long string of Presidents who did know who they were, and it ain’t been real satisfactory.

Virtual School: Snitch Grid πŸ”—

As expected it's really about worming your way into the home life of students to maximize CPS kidnappings.

As expected, craven bishops nationwide don't get it πŸ”—

Is the Church truly less essential than a laundromat? Live streaming the services does not impart God’s grace in the same way the Mystical Supper imparts God’s grace. Christ’s Church is an essential institution far beyond a drug store or gas station, yet we continue to allow the government to tell us this is not so. How can the Church ever reclaim her position as the grace-imparting institution founded by Christ Himself, while allowing the government to declare us a non-essential service?

Is the forced shutdown of our public services really about a virus, or is it something more? Looking at the actual deaths directly related to the coronavirus is not any different than a serious flu epidemic, yet certain elements within our society would have us believe it is indeed a direct threat to the whole of our society, and even the world. Not even the communist revolution was able to declare the Church as a non-essential institution.
If churches don't wake up and realize their role is as an alternative to the state, as it was through history, they will go quietly and never come back. Not even the commies could do that. And this is for a church that survived the friggin' black death.

Italian Philosopher Agamben on the Lockdown πŸ”—

His point is that social distancing is at least as much a political measure as a public health one, realized so easily because it has been pushed for by powerful forces. Some are straightforward vested interests. Mr. Agamben notes (without naming him) that the former Vodafone chief executive Vittorio Colao, an evangelist for the digitized economy, was put in charge of Italy’s initial transition out of lockdown. Social distancing, Mr. Agamben believes, has also provided Italy’s politicians with a way of hindering spontaneous political organization and stifling the robust intellectual dissent that universities foster.
Ding Ding Ding. The masks and impetus to stop all social activity is going to be permanent. Make sure the people can never ever unite against the state.

UPDATE: The latest insanity is that you need to avert your eyes around other people as this will magically stop the 'rona. This shit couldn't be more transparent if they tried.

NYT sad that the anti-hooker crap has been absorbed by the Qult πŸ”—

I have a different perspective from the author of this piece; much like the anti-racism stuff, this won't actually make the lefties pushing most of this junk in the first place change their minds. It really just means both sides of the aisle become even more deranged.

The nonsense "Coin Shortage" πŸ”—

It's all a load of manure.

Bannon clapped for scamming MAGAers πŸ”—

Couldn't happen to a better rat. Anyways, every political campaign should be prosecuted for fraud, as the candidates never deliver on their promises.

Pompeo 2 Saud: Cease pursuing nukes πŸ”—

We'll see whether they take the fat gangster seriously.

Why did the oxbridge monopoly persist so long? πŸ”—

For the same reason state education has:
The answer is control. Just as the two universities wanted to control the supply of teachers and students, so the English Church and state wanted to control the universities.

Anti-Racism: Kinda looks exactly the same as actual racism πŸ”—

The real DNC voter motivations come out. It's always been "white man's burden". Cap'n Save A Ho on a societal level. Sorry dopes, society don't wanna be saved.

NPR: Prohibition doesn't work πŸ”—

No shit

Mali: Coup to oust French Puppet πŸ”—

Expect 360 head spinning to the point of invasion advocacy soon by NATO.

No Masks: The new Jews πŸ”—

I retweeted a prescient note from Corcoran early in the pandemic that sums the situation up.

Photosynthetic advances πŸ”—

β€œOur modeling suggests that stacking this breakthrough with two previous discoveries from the RIPE project could result in additive yield gains totaling as much as 50 to 60 percent in food crops.”
If people actually gave a damn about humanity we'd be doing the same thing for Kreb's cycle.
But no, we all have a demonic medical cartel slavishly devoted to dis-improving everyone's health to protect their positions.

Apply this to Acaicas and Mesquite trees to heal the deserts.

The core reason for corporate spinelessness πŸ”—

Synthetic rather than natural authority naturally has perverse incentives. Those getting things done benefit most from policy changes (high responsibility) but have no authority to effect said changes other than by simply breaking the rules.

As such the only reason most firms actually work at all is due to pervasive "Fuhren unter der hand", which eventually gets caught and results in the weeding out of your most productive. If managers ever read "Command Culture" they'd understand what a brigade of clowns they really are.

Has the Pandemic killed the political convention? πŸ”—

I hope so. Journos making the country worse is all it's ever been.

Teachers siccing CPS on parents of kids who rightly ignore remote "lessons" πŸ”—

Nobody wants to go back to prison, can't blame em

Duplicating keys by listening to tumbler engagement sounds πŸ”—

I'll bet a directional laser mic would be very useful for this.

Africa: doing just fine despite not being able to afford doing anything about COVID πŸ”—

That's because the proper response is to do nothing. They barely have proper sanitation in many places.

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