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Afghan Peace Treaty finalized? πŸ”—

Hope so.

Queen agrees to BoJo's next level Hard Brexit strategy πŸ”—

I bit of a dick move by BoJo, but understandable given his position.

Israel majorly pisses off Hezbollah πŸ”—

Sounds like Nasrallah is now actively looking to have a "reason for war" by responding to the Israelis' latest escalation of threat with a matching escalation.

Watch for mobilizations on both sides as the year proceeds, likely in time for a spring 2020 campaign.

Germany: Banks now gonna have to charge for checking πŸ”—

Get that phys, bitchezzz

Positive press in 2009 on Epstein: Astroturf πŸ”—

Funded by none other than the man himself. Unsurprising.

Oh yeah, In case you missed it earlier this week πŸ”—

One of the cops charged in Tuttle murder. One charged for tampering with documents. Still not sounding like the full list of people likely responsible for the crime, but at the least we can know who the fall guys get to be.

CA governor: Blame Texas for the homeless problem πŸ”—

It's well known that TX cities (especially in the Dallas area) routinely just buy the homeless a bus ticket to cites they know will tolerate them. Certainly it's a step up from what TX used to do before the late 90s/early 2000s -- jail them for vagrancy.

Still, the fact that TX knew they'd accept this type of exiling and that the situation has persisted for as long as it has suggests that CA isn't really interested in solving the homelessness problem. Sure, TX solves it "in the most ass way possible" by either exile or imprisonment, but that doesn't give CA a "blank check" to waste hundreds of millions of dollars a year yet still fail to address the problem. Considering the state the homeless share over in LA, even establishing a penal colony on marginal land they have likely would have been an improvement on the situation (sadly). OH WAIT, 90%+ of land in CA is federally "protected" or otherwise artificially limited from colonization. No wonder they can't afford to get housed.

QE is back, even if they aren't saying it πŸ”—

Uh oh

Hong Kong: Response to protests escalating πŸ”—

Water cannons employed, one shot fired by the pigs.

Russia's Goal in the Middle East πŸ”—

Secularize Turkey and Iran. This is certainly in line with their role as "defender of the faith" and "third Rome". This most certainly seems to have worked on Turkey (which got buyers' remorse over backing the ISIS caliphate). In Iran, the secularist party of Ahmadinejad seems to be on the rise once again, but their ascent is by no means certain. Certainly if the USA and Israel get to have their war, any nascent resurgence of secularism will be strangled in the crib.

Another Ex JP Moron cops to gold fix πŸ”—

Conspiracy fact

Iran War: Brought to you by Raytheon πŸ”—

lol, stay classy CBS

Marcy Wheeler on Byrne's Testimony and what it means in Butina's case πŸ”—

It is true that Butina repeatedly told him she wasn’t a spy and Byrne ultimately became convinced that was true. But even in his description of that, he told Carter that he believed Butina was being used by US and Russian intelligence, not that he believed she had no tie to intelligence.
If that’s what he told the FBI, it does nothing to make her any less of an unregistered agent of Russia.
LOL, so being a "useful idiot" means you are guilty of being an unregistered agent? Guess that's the state of the "law" in the USA these days.

Trump now "having second thoughts" about trade war πŸ”—

Boris Johnson stylin' on Mango Emperor at the G7.

BONUS: Trump also beefin' with Jove over the Iran deal at G7.

UPDATE: "My regret was not setting the tariffs higher!"
Jones: I'm gonna let you in on a secret... I'm a little bit retarded

Israel now bombing Syria, again saying they only bombed Iran πŸ”—

They really do want a coalition to form against them, don't they? Certainly their actions seem tailor made to get an Iranian-Turkish alliance war against them sometime this decade.

Trump Supporters: I'LL SUCK YO DICK! πŸ”—

LA: Swimming in banned Chinese gun parts πŸ”—

"But if we ban guns, then the violence goes away!"


How features become bugs: Telegram Edition πŸ”—

Lol, this is why you don't require a phone number for your messenger -- it breaks anonymity.

Some pretty good commentary on the Iranian view πŸ”—

The Saker tends to get all the good interviews these days, lol

Byrne has to resign over Deep State comments πŸ”—

Good. He should have never talked to the feds.

Some strange happenings RE USA admitting to Israeli attack on Iraq πŸ”—

Kinda stunning to admit to an act of war

Kurt Nimmo on point, as usual πŸ”—

Most fail to realize fascism is corporatism and the real fascists are sitting on the boards of transnational corporations and international banks. They fund the DNC-RNC (two heads of a hydra state) and corporatist foundations fund many leftist and progressive organizations.

Donald Trump isn’t a Nazi, a fascist, or even nationalist. He’s a malignant narcissist and a crony capitalist previously neck-deep in corruption and shady business deals.

But none of this matters. The narrative is set in stone. Trump, the deplorables, the RNC, conservatives, libertariansβ€”all are Nazis. Reality does not enter into the equation. Fantasy is spun by the propaganda media. All Donald needs to do now is grow the appropriate mustache.

So look for a lot of Nazi nonsense in the months ahead. Get ready for congressional hearings on white nationalism, more deplatforming, more Antifa attacks, and possibly more mass shootings attributed to Nazis, white supremacists, Proud Boys, Norse rune symbol tattoo psychopaths posting rambling manifestos on 8chan, and a host of cartoon villains featured between adverts for prescription drugs on CNN-MSNBC-CBS, etc.

LA: Got my own shanty *town*, chile πŸ”—

NK cuts off talks with SK, realises the USA is the "Obstacle to Peace" πŸ”—

Well, SK is a quisling of the USA, so...

Guess who's "draining the swamp" πŸ”—


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