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Toys R Us dies with it's founder πŸ”—

Like most companies, they don't outlive the founder's touch for long.

Signs the dems are finally figuring out why they lost πŸ”—

Surprised to see this from counterpunch. They were some of the most hysterical Russia kooks last year.
β€œIf you look at the map of the United States, there’s all that red in the middle where Trump won. I win the coasts. But what the map doesn’t show you is that I won the places that represent two-thirds of America’s gross domestic product (GDP). So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward” - Hillary Clinton, last week (emphasis added).

That was Hillary Goldman Sachs-Council on Foreign Relations Clinton saying β€œfuck you very much” to working- and middle-class people in Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Indiana, and West Virginia. It was a raised middle finger from a super-wealthy arch-global-corporatist to all the supposedly pessimistic, slow-witted. retrograde losers stuck between those glorious enclaves (led by Wall Street, Yale, and Harvard on the East coast and Silicon Valley and Hollywood on the West coast) of human progress and variety (and GDP!) on the imperial shorelines.

Wow. Call it β€œDeplorables II.: The Wall Street Witch Strikes Again!”

Evidence on cell-tower radiation cancer link πŸ”—

Still needs more study, but doesn't look preliminarily good.

SA Pols to Aussies: How DARE you provide refuge for white farmers πŸ”—

Don't they know it's loving to genocide them?

Bump stocks banned πŸ”—

So much for being "pro gun".

Some states trying to make licenses mobile-phone only πŸ”—

The better to track/hack you with my dear

Physical media outselling digital again πŸ”—

Standard of living decreasing. Part of the ongoing endarkenment thanks to Uncle.

Craigslist has sensible reaction to FOSTA πŸ”—

They correctly see this as a de-facto outlawing of personal advertisement.

Heavy lift drone πŸ”—

Hey Mr. FCC asswipe, it's legal! The thing was within my sight the whole time.

Feds cry about it being hard to hire hackers due to drug prohibition πŸ”—


Pacific Gyre garbage patch: mostly fishing gear πŸ”—

Not shocking.

Mozilla commits to abusing it's power users & early adopters πŸ”—

Damn. It's always downhill from here when an organization decides to do this.

"Evidence" Guccifer was a GRU guy πŸ”—

Intel agencies assert he failed to VPN once and the IP routed to a GRU building. Knowing how IPs work, things can not quite work out like that -- things get leased, routing goes strange places, and proxies can even cut you off. It's also not beyond the possible that the traffic was re-routed unwillingly through the GRU (they have their own prison-grid over there you know).

Pentagram: Waa, we're running out of plutonium nuke pits πŸ”—

We want to build dirty bombs, guys!!! they work so much better low yield (read: tactical recreational)!

Pretty much everybody freaking out about Bolton πŸ”—

Scott Adams' master persuader theory seems to suggest this. Do everything possible to make people think your regime is "literally Hitler". Meanwhile get what you actually want while everyone is losing their shit. Which, in the Trump universe probably means getting paid big time.

McMaster replaced by Bolton πŸ”—

Barf Bag required

Puerto Ricans learning that decentralized, robust power via solar is the way to go πŸ”—

It's more expensive and less efficient ultimately. But the freedom from the vagaries of the weather and the authorities is worth it.

Kids get to take clear prison style backpacks to school now πŸ”—

All that's left is the snazzy orange uniform

Raimondo: Whatever happened to libertarianism? πŸ”—

Federal Infiltration, duh. A bunch of Boromirs everywhere.

CASSIE robot to be commercialized πŸ”—

GREAT news! These things are amazing.

Peruvian prez resigns over corruption πŸ”—

Next step: behind bars

SESTA/FOSTA: Yet another tyrannical bill totally unnoticed πŸ”—

Ex post facto law that press-gangs you into the anti-hooker police squad if you own a website.

CuckerBorg: Regulate me hard daddy πŸ”—

Get a license to post online so I can shut down the competition, oooooh yeaaaaah

YouTube banning gun vids πŸ”—

Sliding into irrelevance as anything but a music streaming platform

American Nuke Super Fuses: increased lethality by 3x πŸ”—

Damn. Bad news for peace. Uncle Sam has got credible first-strike capability.

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