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Lefty narrative coalescing around contact tracing being the answer πŸ”—

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Why do they always choose the answer that enables the most tyranny when "misused"? It can't just be stupidity.

Also, the comparisons they draw don't mean "hurr durr we should have just done contact tracing like they did" as:
  • Not all of these examples used contact tracing
  • The ones that did had a level of cultural unity and political situation that would allow the public to trust that this is OK.
The USA has none of the unity or political stability to pull any of the listed measures off successfully, so none of the listed efforts would have worked. Greater than 10% of US society is guaranteed to evade lockdown restrictions just to spite the government regardless of whether this is safe or not. It is a very low trust and superstitious society with a germanic work ethic, so the most sensible strategy would have been to just let it ravage the population. The strong would survive. The USA is more akin to a crucible than a fortress, and the political elite of the USA were fools to not recognize this and act accordingly. Why the hell do you think an abnormally high amount of the population in the USA are on psych drugs? Why do you think 14% of people have fled to the bottle during the "plandemic"? This society is so sick that it either breaks you or forges you into one of the strongest individualists in the world. When libertarian expats have said that many other places contain "great capitalist conditions but poor capitalists compared to the USA", this is what they mean.
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